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Everything posted by bassbloke

  1. So you reckon around $800 is a fair price? Weighing up if I can make back $699 on the signed 8x10 photo.
  2. Been hankering after a Peavey T40 bass for a few years. Found this one on the Bay. Not just any old Peavey T40 though. This one is owned by a bona-fide celebrity and even comes with an 8x10 photo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CELEBRITY-OWNED-PEAVEY-T-40-VINTAGE-BASS-GUITAR-BLACK-/124862910750?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  3. Petrol station toilet foto-finish
  4. If he thinks that's poop brown he should see a specialist. Either an optician or a proctologist.
  5. Bass > pedalboard > amp. Over the years I've settled on which elements of the signal chain from fingers > FOH have the biggest impact on my sound. 1. Relatively fresh Roundwound strings 2. Single coil jazz style pickups. 3. Compressor 4. EQ to remove 1kHz 5. Relatively high gain input or light overdrive. 90% of the sound processing is done before hitting my amp. The only thing amp wise that really impacts sound is having a cab with a tweeter.
  6. Begs the question of why you wouldn't just stick a 5 string bridge back on, pop in a new nut, shove an old 5 string set on and let buyer decide whether the B sounded muddy or not. Lazy
  7. Trade you one for a nice bass. Got to love tech. Try now 🤡
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1989-KOREAN-SAMICK-BUILT-FENDER-SQUIER-HM-V-BASS-GUITAR-GREAT-GIIGGED-CONDITION-/114249807711?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Is it a 4? is it a 5? I very nearly bought a white one of these 30 years ago. Even stuck a £20 deposit on it before finding a black Charvel Fusion V in a local music shop and begging my girlfriend to lend me difference. Before you judge me as a typical sponging muso, I should add we've now been married 23 years. Knew she was a keeper.
  9. PM sent with an offer. Drummer has put on some weight during lockdown and the extra momentum generated by his bingo wings has made him much louder.
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333749530501 Not sure what to make of this. Actually, I am, it's hideous and there's more dips and elevation in the neck than you'd find in Norfolk. Bridge saddles, pickup and tuners are decent. Buyer would be better off binning instrument and reusing parts
  11. Whatever next? Well, you asked for it.
  12. bassbloke


    Left to right 1. Relic'ed ESP jazz fretless. Lindy Fralin pickups. 2. 1996 MIJ 75 ressiue jazz. Natural Ash. KioG0n custom wiring loom with series switching on tone pot. 3. 2001 MIA Deluxe Jazz V. Alder body and maple neck. Custom purple refinish (Originally translucent red) . Stock preamp replaced with Audere preamp with vol, blend, bass, mid, treble and passive tone. 4. 1996 MIA Deluxe Jazz V (50th Anniversary). Alder body and pau ferro fingerboard. Custom blue finish (originally 3TSB). Stock tuners, pickups and preamp replaced with Hipshot Ultralites, Fender SCN pickups and Audere preamp with vol, vol, bass, treble and passive tone
  13. Stadium 5 string fretless. Super light body with thick wenge fingerboard. 35" scale, Bartolini pickups and 2 band EQ. For those wondering, Stadium was the brand used for a series of instruments licensed by The Bass Centre and manufactured in Europe by Michael Tobias Design in the late 90s/early 00s. Some of you may remember the highly regarded MTD Grendel series, which were much the same. ESP LTD Made in Vietnam reliced jazz fretless. I don't know whether the whole bass is an ESP or just an ESP neck on an alder body. The relic job is very good. The neck is lovely. Chunky '74 jazz profile with a thick rosewood board. I swapped pickups for some Lindy Fralins with bridge rewound to vintage spec by Bare Knuckle and it sounds lovely now.
  14. Could you post some more pictures and info of the Acoustic rig to the left?
  15. Tech21 Landmark 300 head into a GK Neo 212 cab. I have a second matching cab for large gigs/showing off. Channel A is the RPM preamp - I set with a higher gain sound with plenty of presence and roll off bass. Channel B is the RBI preamp - I scoop out 1kHz and back off treble for a smooth, thumpy tube sound I mostly run it with both channels mixed Pedal board covers all of the sounds I need TC Electronic polytune > MXR Bass enveope filter > MXR Bass octave Deluxe > MXR BAss Cmpressor > EHX Bass Clone > Earthquaker Device Cloven Hoof or MXR Deluxe Bass Fuzz If I can't take my amp, I bring my Sansamp Bass Fly rig instead and use that as my preamp stage.
  16. NG3 5 string in Mopar Purple. Sitting next to what has been my main bass for 18 years. Both variations on purple. 5 strings, maple necks, alder bodies and active, but the similarities very much end there. I've had the Dingwall since last Thursday and I'm gobsmacked by how good it sounds and feels.
  17. The bridge is no more incongruous than the four screws holding the neck in place. IMHO.
  18. Worst purchase. Obviously opinion rather than fact, but I bought a Bacchus 5 string from Ishibashi Music whilst on a business trip to Japan in Feb. It was a very well made bass, but I simply couldn't get on with it - string spacing, neck profile, sound and just stuck it back in the gig bag and forgot about it. I finally took the decision to sell it and luckily made a few quid on the deal. Best purchase A few weeks ago i bought a MIJ 90s reissue 75 jazz from the forum. I remarked tp a friend that I spent 25 years trying to get the sound I wanted in 5 string active basses and i found it in a 25 year old passive 4 string. Runner Up I bought Happy Jack's Dean 8 string back in the Summer. It's so much fun.
  19. Highly recommended bit of kit. Mine spends half its life as DI into my audio interface and the other half on my pedal board providing preamp/DI into PA. Very versatile
  20. A number of pro players will opt to use a cheaper East European or Far East version of their high end instruments for touring. Ian Hill from Judas Priest for example. His Signature Spector bass is a US through neck model but he apparently tours with the Czech bolt on models. On the guitar front I've seen a number of players use cheaper models for touring. Given the horror stories you read of instruments being damaged by airlines or equipment theft, taking a Mexican Fender, Indonesian Ibanez, LTD ESP on the road instead makes good sense.
  21. Definitely the jazz for me. Unsurprisingly. The Stingray has that unmistakable Musicman HiFi sound but lacks the natural growl of the Fender.
  22. Does this occur anywhere you use it or only at home? Do you have LED lights or lights on a dimmer switch in the house?
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