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Everything posted by bassintheface

  1. We have done this in the past and its a great tune..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tICM5jgHec&sns=em
  2. Another shout out for steve amadeo. Based in Wallasey. Great guy.
  3. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1364334894' post='2025148'] I have some brand new wizard 84s (never got around to installing them) for sale if you're interested? [/quote] piss! I've bought them online direct!! If they're 'that' good though, I might be interested in them as a set for my 75 RI.......... Will pm you if I am. Cheers.
  4. frustrated that I currently don't have the time to practise as much as I'd like, let alone as much as I should.
  5. indeed! Talking to myself!
  6. just bought a pair of Wizard 84's.
  7. I'm looking for some replacement higher output Jazz bass pickups. Any recommendations?? - I've looked at Wizsrd, Bareknuckle and Aguilar. Any others I should consider - for my 74 Jazz?? Cheers,
  8. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1363989035' post='2020750'] How do you get a gig in those places? I've emailed Telfords a few times and never had a reply. [/quote] Just ring and ask to speak to the promoter or get his email addy.... Send in a demo and promo stuff etc, if he likes it (or thinks you'll pull in punters) then you'll be fine.....
  9. Is the Rescue Rooms (???) still going in Notts? Played there a couple of times. I played a number of gigs at The Victoria Inn in Derby opposite the train station (think there was / is some sort of 'Gentleman's spa' type establishment around the corner)........ There's a great venue in Chester, being Telford's Warehouse - I've played there regularly since the late 90's. The owner, Jez is a great guy and his brother Damon has a couple of venues in Winsford - about 30 mins away - De Bees and a pub (can't recall the name).
  10. Cheers!! Hopefully it'll be ready by next Thurs for it's 1st outing - Headingly Stadium for a Leeds Rhinos game! If it rains I'm using my Squier Silver Series!!
  11. by the way - I know own this beauty!
  12. It's going in to get a service, set up and general clean etc on monday so it'll all get properly checked out before I take any action! I've decided that if they are buggered, then I'll remove the pickups and controls and store them safely. I'll then buy a set of decent higher output Jazz pickups (Wizards or Bareknucles or Aguilar etc) and new CTS pots & controls for use, then if I ever decide to sell, I can pop the originals back in and no harm done. Thoughts? The bass is mint - not a scratch on it whatsoever!
  13. Removed from sale. I've decided to hang onto it for now as it's a great spare.
  14. Just noticed my spelling of 'fictitious' was to sh*t - iPad autocorrect!!
  15. In this entirely fictiscious scenario you're selling say, a nice bass. Say you've got it advertised for £2k - so a proper nice bass. Someone offers you £1800 but with the catch of £1000 down payment, then the balance by the end of June - yes, June. 3 months away. A quarter of a year. A second person offers say £1650 and will do the deal in full, cash by this time next week. Which do you go for? I'm ignoring all the present value of a pound stuff - you know, £1 today is worth something like £0.96p in 6 months or similar.
  16. I bought one of these for my 75 RI and its great. http://www.axesrus.co.uk/TOP-SPEC-Jazz-Bass-Control-Assembly-p/topspecjazz.htm
  17. I'm trying to think if anyone I know is coming to Scotland soon..... I'm playing in Leeds next thursday......don't think I'll be getting any closer soon........
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363793440' post='2017752'] No worries, but it's also coming across to me that you have a bit of a problem with originals bands, in that you seem to agree that we're mostly posturing arrogant tools who can't write or perform. Anyway, there we are. [/quote] Not at all, nothing could be further from it and I haven't seen or heard your band so couldn't comment. Like I said - it's probably the old typed forum communication which is just 'black and white' and can be read either way. I just agree that I've experienced many who think they're "insert great band / singer / songwriter / performer etc here......" and they're not! I certainly don't have a problem with them, neither with covers bands in general. Naturally there's good and bad in all. I've done hundreds of gigs with some terrible originals bands, weirdly, usually in London and only a few great ones. I can can count on one hand how many of them have moved me to go and spend my money on a cd or itunes purchase. I'd jump at joining a decent originals band if it were the right style and thought it had potential. I regularly dep for some originals bands and will continue to do so. Where would we be without new music after all? In the past, and that's no good to anyone!
  19. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1363793240' post='2017745'] These days that is all it is to me. It's all it needs to be. I have a good day job that pays well so the music is just a hobby. If I didn't have the band I am in I suppose I would seek out a covers band or the like but I like what I have and intend to keep doing it for as long as promoters allow us to..... [/quote] I too have a good day job - being a Quantity Surveyor, but am used to both wages now!! ........maybe therein lies the answer - "I PLAY IN A COVERS BAND BECAUSE IT SUITS ME AND BECAUSE I WANT TO" Ditto for originals!!
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363792814' post='2017729'] Oh ok, maybe you're a bit sensitive or something [/quote] No, that's just what came across as I was getting up to speed with the thread ........
  21. THIS: [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1363792633' post='2017724'] On the down side, my personal experience is that although many a cover band member can be guilty of posturing and preening in front of an audience, bands and artists playing original material are too often far worse offenders in this respect. the general standard of songwriting and performance tends to be inversely proportional to the smugness of too many of the individuals involved. [/quote]
  22. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1363791961' post='2017706'] I'm not. Never have been. Never will be. I am happy playing half a dozen gigs a year, almost all on the continent to fans that know and love our tunes, staying in comfortable, if modest, hotels and having expenses paid weekends away with my mates. I can't imagine what playing in a covers band down the pub might be like. [/quote] I couldn't handle only playing 6 gigs a year, however good they may be. That is a hobby to me - lads weekend away playing songs. Great if that's what you want. I need it for work so would be broke if I only did 6 gigs! I don't play pubs, but used to and always had a laugh. Don't knock it as I'd rather see any live band in a pub than some tool with an x factor compilation backing track cd and a Nathan Barley haircut thinking he's Michael Jackson and a credible artist, or a pain in the a**e girl singer thinking she's Beyonce.or even worse, the pub closing and being turned into flats!
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363791886' post='2017704'] Orchestras keep great classical music alive, not much new orchestral music though. Who's turning their nose up? [/quote] There just seemed to me to be more than a hint of an undertone from some posters that 'playing in an originals band only' and people saying they couldn't 'do' a covers band is giving them some sort of 'moral' musical superiority than those that do. Maybe, (as with many threads on here and forums in general) that it's the typing thing and that if we were to be sat chatting in a pub about the same subject, then I wouldn't have felt the same.
  24. Work. Fun. Smart venues. Travel. Getting looked after by clients. Getting paid a fair wage for a fair amount of work. I did the originals band thing for years - releasing albums, singles, videos on TV, BBC sessions, soundtracks on TV programmes, tours with 'big' bands, decent festivals - you name it. As much as I loved writing and performing 'our' stuff and playing to appreciative crowds, to do it 'properly' and make a reasonable living out of it is nigh on impossible - especially with mortgages, wives, kids etc. The time it demanded to ensure it got 100% just killed it for me in the end after a solid 6 years. 3 - 4 gigs a week sometimes, home from London at 5am after a gig in The Dublin Castle or somewhere. Not even £50 towards fuel on some gigs. Then being back in work at 8am. Not healthy! Now we get a a decent rate per gig, a hotel room, a proper meal (not just a crap plate of chips to share), no idiot promoters to deal with, no support / headline (London) bands saying "alright maaate, our bassist has left his amp at home, we ok to use yours....we're on at 11.30pm" - erm, no mate, we're leaving after our set at 10pm..... I get to play smart venues, to appreciative crowds. I love playing music and that's what I'm still doing...... I have band mates still in really good originals bands (and I dep for them sometimes), but the whole 'scene' has changed - maybe not in London, but the rest of the country certainly. It's interesting that when I play Tuba in Orchestras & brass bands, I'm essentially playing 'covers' - other people's music. The LSO do the same -do the 'originals' guys turn their noses up at that too?
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