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Everything posted by bassintheface

  1. Make sure your gear works!! Lead, amp, guitar input isn't dodgy etc
  2. You know Weds is date night for me and the wife.........
  3. "Sh1t in, sh1t out" Usually heard from sound engineers when a band is using a 'full pa' with fully mic'd drums for the first time......."my toms don't normally sound this bad"
  4. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1357855143' post='1929709'] I'm going to stop adding to this thread now as the more I've read on his site I'm starting to find it all a little mad and sad. [/quote] good idea for everyone I guess.
  5. Jay, have an 'I almost bought these' bump....... I had my pair delivered today...... All the best with the sale......
  6. welcome!
  7. pics would be good - although I do know what a 57 looks like.just the condition.......
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357583204' post='1924880'] I certainly don't agree with [i]all [/i]he's saying by any means, but the police [i]do[/i] kill without fear of prosecution (Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan and many others) and we [i]have [/i]invoked a 'super heavy control society' (DNA database, Draft Communications Data Bill and many other anti-privacy policies). So it's not [i]all [/i]drug-induced paranoia. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Fair comment.......... still a bit 'odd' though........I mean, isn't 'it' meant to be about 'the music'?!.......or is that too simple.........
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1356091073' post='1906650'] And contains a ludicrous political rant on, of all pages, his list of gear. Running down the side of his guitar pictures is a long rant about the EU, immigration in general, immigrants taking jobs and houses from UK citizens, how being part of of EU has emptied churches (!) and crippled the NHS, how the police are facist bully boys who kill without fear of prosecution, voting conservative, labour or lib/dem means we have all invoked a 'super heavy control society', some anti-communist rubbish, conspiracy theory stuff, the ruin of our children by teaching them about sex and homosexuality, racist comments about Poles, Nigerians and Filipinos, how Britain is being 'abolished' and on and on and on. These sound like the ramblings of a seriously deranged mind to me. . . [/quote] Acid was really flowing back in the good old days......clearly.
  10. Steve is a gent - no worries about dealing with him!!
  11. Bonham and JPJ Kirke and Fraser Levon Helm and Rick Danko
  12. will a fender jazz fit in it?
  13. right............will ask him if I can have it for a couple of days and take some snaps. Cheers.
  14. ok, and Happy New Year all btw......... a friend of mine has a mid 70's Fender Jazz Bass for sale - he's not a player but more a 'Del Boy' type - he saw it in an auction, bid for it and got it. It was auctioned as prev owned by the guitarist of a well known 70's band. I know what he paid for it, I've seen it, played it and checked it over etc. It is missing the ashtray covers (if these came with them?) and the orig hard case. Its a sunburst model, RW board, block pearl markers. In great condition. Elecs were crackly and ancient strings - with a clean up and set up etc it'd sound great and I'd love to have it. I want to buy it from him but would really like to 'prove' it is what we think it is before committing a large amount of cash to it! I checked the serial Nr off the headstock online and it worked out to be a 74/75. How else can I prove its age and that it is ALL a genuine 74 /75 Jazz Bass as far as is reasonably practicable? He wants top £ for it - he's seen what Andy Baxter advertises his for (obviously you know what you're getting from him). He knows I want it and has said I could pay him in installments etc so I'd just like to be sure before I go for it..... Don't want to fall out with him as he's a friend, but by the same token, he wouldn't refund me if I later found out it was a 'bitsa'! If it's genuine then I'm happy to make him an offer close to what he wants.
  15. Have the cabs gone?
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1355881321' post='1904070'] I hope you feel vindicated by this five page rant-a-thon you have went on. As has been pointed out - I haven't made it a 5 page rant - others contributing to the thread have - not exactly anything I have had too much control over. Meanwhile, I suspect the truth of the matter is rather somewhere in the middle, as it often tends to be. This 'idiot guitarist' is probably off somewhere, having a good time whilst you're concerning yourself with slagging him off to what you probably anticipated would be a wholly appreciative and agreeable audience. Lets face it, we've all met 'him'. The 'A-Hole' is probably still in the same pub as he was last night doing a very similar thing to another guitarist friend - I had a txt last night off a mate telling me that he'd just been 'blagged' by the same guy on the same subject concerning his band. It seems he's currently doing all he can to bore people and alienate himself from other local musicians by telling them that their guitarists are sh*t and he could do a better job. Good luck with that. It's probably worth remembering the old advanced driver adage: 'you're never as good as you think you are'. I'm sure there are plenty of professional musicians out there who have seen your band and think you're total hacks, that you were sh*t, that your sound sucks, that your two guitarists (who you spent so much time giving the metaphorical fellatio on page one) were dire and couldn't keep up in a Sex Pistols tribute band, that the singer was off key and the bassist was self indulgent, ugly, talentless and was repelling women away from the stage. But then I'm sure anyone who has spent some time at corporate functions has seen a wealth of useless 'corporate' bands who absolutely reek but think they are awesome. [/quote] Yeah, spot on. Do you write for the NME? Like I said earlier, I've no 'axes' to grind - I'm a decent guy who enjoys what he does and rather than giving metaphorical blow jobs, I'm just appreciative of who I play with. I was just 'setting the scene' regarding the sort of stuff the band has done. Yes, there are loads of sh*tty bands. Function or not. I couldn't give two fcks whether you like it or not. I was providing some background. As I said earlier. I've had my rant and it's all good and the more I think about it, the more I laugh about the sad man.
  17. Michael Henderson's bassline to 'Signed Sealed Delivered' off Stevie Wonder's 'Live at the Talk of the Town' album. It's a great take on the classic Bob Babbitt line and a most excellent album.
  18. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1355836226' post='1903327'] +1 I'm afraid. Also, [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Is lifted from somewhere- possibly Spinal Tap so it suggest he may be having some fun with you[/font][/color] [/quote] he didn't say that to me!! That's me using a phrase to sum him up!! Each to their own - he's a tool. It's over now, I've had my moan.
  19. Well, some very valid points made all, and not so..... I've had a chance to get it off my chest as this guy was someone I went to school with and he's basically 'slagging off' my band mates which annoyed me. We rehearsed last night and were chatting about it as the other guys weren't aware what he was saying to me and at first were a bit like "oh, he just doesn't have many mates and clearly mustn't like his own band. He's harmless enough but an obvious tool" as he's spoken to them after gigs previously and has tried to be 'matey', but still with his 'edge'. Once I told them that he was basically saying that the guitarists weren't good enough we all just laughed about him and said that he clearly just 'doesn't know.then called him a massive tool. They reminded me of a conversation with him a few months ago where he asked one of our guitards who he liked - Ste replied "Paul Kossoff". Tool replied "who is that?".........and his band play Free songs apparently......oh dear. Just a shame he feels the need to try and be a bell end and be Mr Competitive. Music isn't a competition after all. There's usually something to appreciate in most forms of it. We then played 'Back in Black' and both guitarists did their best (worst) impressions of him and both spent the song tapping and playing bad solos. There's much worse stuff going on in the world - look at Newtown...........so we can draw a line under it, have a laugh about him and humour him and don't engage him in conversation again. Simples. It's almost a bit Spinal Tap - "My Solos are my trademark". I think this sums him up perfectly - "Jimmy Page was 21 when he wrote 'Stairway to Heaven', I could play it when I was 18 - I think that says a lot..." Cheers Gents!
  20. will do.........ha, anytime! Nothing 'public' for a while but will let you know.......
  21. .....and I'm certainly not deluded. I play music because I love it and am addicted to it. I play in this band now because it's great fun having a laugh and making music with friends. Yes it pays well, yes I've played in some awesome venues but it is what it is. Work in a covers band playing other people's songs. It's just that we're pretty good and professional. I'm never going to write songs like Paul McCartney, or sell records like Chris Martin - but I'm / we're not trying to. We're just trying to make a living playing music. Like I said. I'm privileged really. There's plenty of threads with unhappy bands on here and I'm glad I'm not in that situation.
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1355758643' post='1902269'] To be honest you come across in your post as just as deluded and arrogant as this other guy. You've played in the same one band for 12 years, with the same guys from school. You're playing big gigs for big money and that makes you bigger and better than him? Good luck, but there's more to music. TBH, with those big gigs on I'm surprised you have time for your kickboxing. I think you should probably chill out and have a good look at what's going on around you. [/quote] Tim - you're not correct - this band has been playing together as musicians for that long, but only doing these bigger gigs in a 'serious' format for 5 or so years.As I stated, before we just played together as a laugh as we were college mates and were all in different originals bands. I was in an 'originals' band between 2002 and 2007 that released albums, videos, did BBC Maida Vale sessions, recorded in Rockfield and all sorts of other studios, went on tours with well known bands and got to reasonable placings in charts. I haven't been limited to just this band and this type of music / market. I've depped for other bands and done all sorts of other stuff like orchestral and brass, but all of that wasn't really relevant to this topic and I don't need to 'justify' myself to you. What I do now, or have or haven't done doesn't make me bigger or better - I'm not deluded of arrogant at all and I'm sure if you and I met you would see that I'm a sound bloke - there's countless others on here who are better musicians than me, done bigger and better things and are no doubt really nice guys to boot. I certainly wouldn't come to one of your gigs and tell your band mates that the bassist wasn't good enough and that they'd be better off with me. I'd come to enjoy the music, the night out and appreciate some good music hopefully. Even if I thought it was rubbish, I wouldn't tell you how I could make it better! This guy has limited experience and wanted to force his views and opinions on me. I decided not to listen ultimately but I also wanted to get it off my chest. Regarding how or what I spend my time doing and how I manage to fit in bass, wife, child, kickboxing, stamp collecting or even knitting is no concern of yours.
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