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Everything posted by seashell

  1. My Mum used to love his show back in the sixties. His laid back wit was such a refreshing change from all the zany radio 1 DJ's, or the stuffy old fogies on R 2. I first heard Fleet Foxes on his show in the noughties. What a career!
  2. Suzi Quatro! Wow! Better wear my leather trousers :-) :-)
  3. 1. Si600, GK MB212 (house rig), Fender P V. 2. The_Ox (exams permitting) 3. tauzero, Sei Original fretless 5, Sei Flamboyant 6, Antoniotsai 5, maybe something else interesting, and possibly Mrs Zero. 4. Harryburke14 5. Len_derby 6. Andyjr1515 7. Bottle. Ibanez bass, Line 6 Lowdown 110, amp rack and effects boards. 8. Annoying Twit. Who knows what I will bring. 9. GrammeFriday - Sandberg VM5, TC RH750, TC RS212, maybe also pedalboard 10. Jabba_the_Gut - A couple of homemade basses (if I finish them in time...again), Markbass head and TC RS112 cabs 11. Kev - Alpher Mako, ACG Finn, couple of pedals. 12. Norris - Aria SB-1000, Squier P-bass Special, Fender Rumble v3 500 combo 13. Bassbiscuits - Fender 1970 P bass, Sandberg TT4, Markbass head and Schroeder 1210 cab 14. Chris Sharman - Westone Thunder 3 Fretless, Harley Benton 5 string Deko, (another bass to be confirmed), Mrs Sharman, Cake. Unfortunately I have had to remove myself from the list. I have a 40th birthday party to go to that night. Birthday boy is a drummer, so there may be a bit of a jam going on! I'll need a bit of time to get my act together. Maybe see some of you at LGBS in March?
  4. I don't expect I'll ever see the need to leave. I don't post as much as I used to, but I lurk about most days. I don't usually join in with arguments, but sometimes I find them fascinating to read! I've learned loads from this forum. And I've made some friends IRL as well, which is a bonus.
  5. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1453209424' post='2957388'] It's not an 'either or' scenario though, you can enjoy both if you like. I've seen some dire tributes/covers and equally dire originals ad vice versa. Nowt wrong with enjoying live music in all forms - nostalgic or otherwise. [/quote] How true! And if you are lucky enough to enjoy both, that doubles your chances of an enjoyable day/night out. Hurrah! :-)
  6. Although not a huge Foo Fighters fan I absolutely love The Pretender. We tried it with my old band, but never got past the rehearsal stage. I used to love playing the bass line or singing BVs on it, but doing both together was a bit beyond me. Plus the rest of the band found it a bit challenging too, so we never got it out of the rehearsal room Shame, I would have loved to have done it.
  7. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1452635147' post='2951974'] This is turning into[i] My Basschat FEAR[/i] Mk2 (last post by Jazzneck 8th Feb 2015 on page 30 BTW!) but has a long way to go to reach that. [/quote] Haha, I was just thinking that! :-)
  8. I was the same age as you when I first started learning, exactly five years ago. I hope you get us much joy from it as I did I went for lessons with a wonderful teacher, and practiced religiously an hour a day for about the first two years. I must admit I slipped a bit after that, but I'll do at least an hour 4 or 5 times a week now I've been in two bands, and although I'm not in one now, I do a lot of jamming, open mics, depping and guest spots. All strictly amateur. I urge you to stick with it. It's amazing fun. And fantastic to be able to prove to yourself that you can learn something new at our age.
  9. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1452535283' post='2950931'] You only have to start the process of identifying s favourite to realise just what an extraordinary talent he was. I agree with nearly all the selections so far! [/quote] Yes!
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452516802' post='2950653'] Suffragette City Blue [/quote] Oh this as well! Reminds me of dancing to this at the Burway Rowing Club disco. One to really rock out to. :-)
  11. So many to choose from, so I'm going to go with one that brings back some great personal memories for me. 'Warsawa' from the Low album. A lovely atmospheric track. Also reminds me of a play I was in when I was at Uni, and it was used as background music. We were so arty farty and we thought we were so cool. Happy days.
  12. I like Hotel California. Other than that, I am in total agreement with this list. Some of them I 've never heard, and the rest do indeed suck. Especially Sweet Caroline.
  13. [quote name='such' timestamp='1452439032' post='2949924'] Robert Trujillo! [/quote] Yaaaaaay!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452288772' post='2948651'] Glurk! So do I. *Cough* Please post pics of gurning for reference... [/quote] I haven't perfected my gurning technique yet. But when I do, you will be the first to know
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452284756' post='2948597'] I know who I'd rather share a nude herring with. You wouldn't want to do all that weird gurning, would you..? In public, I mean? [/quote] I bloody would! I love a really engaging performance.
  16. Este Haim. I'm about 30 years older than her, but I'd love to perform like that!
  17. Here's an attendance list for you to add to : 1. Si600, GK MB212 (house rig), Fender P V. 2. The_Ox (exams permitting) 3. tauzero, Sei Original fretless 5, Sei Flamboyant 6, Antoniotsai 5, maybe something else interesting, and possibly Mrs Zero. 4. Harryburke14 5. Len_derby 6. Andyjr1515 7. seashell, Fender P
  18. There are some corkers here, but the frogs in the rehearsal room is my favourite.
  19. Possibly. Alas, since, Father shuffled off this mortal coil I don't get down to Surrey so much these days. Though I still have friends in Lightwater and Wokingham, so may combine it with a little visit.
  20. 9. A lot of them were guesses.
  21. Ah no, the news we were all dreading. RIP, legend. :-(
  22. I feel your pain, having suffered a similar situation a couple of Xmas's ago. Host of the party had asked me to bring my bass as he'd also invited a singer and guitai and he thought it would be nice if we could all have a little sing song. Frankly, I might as well not have been there. Singer and guitarist just wanted to do their own mournful songs all night. You could probably go to bed right now and your speccy friend wouldn't even notice.
  23. As long as it's 'eavy, it's just bloody metal AFAIC. All the sub genres are confuse me.
  24. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1450908741' post='2937019'] I believe the original term was "fishing with an angle" a book by someone I have just forgotten. [/quote] JR Hartley, obviously. :-)
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