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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1433160368' post='2788347'] @Seashell: I think the email sender saw an ad for the OP online. [/quote] Oh OK, that explains that part then.
  2. How wonderful! It's great that she enjoyed it. I remember seeing a very good show about songwriter Harold Arlen at the Mill many years ago (late 80's). It was a great venue - glad to hear it's still going.
  3. The only thing I don't understand is how did they know the OP actually was a bassist? The one Happy Jack received is so much more general (anyone is likely to have friends/relatives abroad on impromptu holidays) If the OP's one was sent on the off chance that one of the many recipients might be a musician, you think they'd say the were looking for a guitarist or singer, as there are more of them out there. Not wishing to worry the OP still further, but it seems they do know at least one fact about him. Could they have got his e-mail off here (perish the thought!), or from some customer database of bass related items?
  4. 2 basses, 2 straps. Can't be doing with fiddling about changing straps.
  5. Really enjoyed this month's issue. I read it over coffee and cake in a garden centre tea room, thus making me eligible for the Basschat Old Bats club. Bluejay's article was great, and I also enjoyed the Divinity Roxx inteinterview. Plus the description of Steve Lawson as 'FX Warlock' made me smile.
  6. And a really cool woman on the cover as well!! Looking forward to getting my copy :-)
  7. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1432809530' post='2785139'] The first song I learned all the way through was Metallica's "Enter Sandman". Here's some tab which looks ok, but has been annotated by someone with limited spelling skills: [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/m/metallica/enter_sandman_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate...andman_btab.htm[/url] [/quote] Good call. But even simpler IMHO is Nothing Else Matters. That was the first song I learned all the way through. I felt so proud! Another simple one I've just learned is Rock,n Me by the Steve Miller Band. I recently played it at a jam, just winging it on root notes. Then found out I had it in a music book, and learned the rest of it. Very easy but really effective!
  8. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1432748211' post='2784601'] Can we not arrange a bass relay and deliver it? Helps out the OP and the owner.....and is just a nice thing to do [/quote] Yes perhaps we could. Do we know where both parties are located?
  9. I think Elton John has been known to use a rug on tour. ...or was it a weave?
  10. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1432657999' post='2783680'] I actually spent a lot of the gig with my foot wedged against the bass drum so he had summat to push against..did I get thanks? Nah all I got was 'if you stand here all night my fans can't see me! Bless 'im [/quote] I've had to do this too on occasions. Drummer asked me to do it because his bass drum was sliding forward. Or so he claimed. I'm sure it wasn't because he wanted a close up view of my bum all night!
  11. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1432580151' post='2782988'] I suppose there's always this for battling bears ... [/quote] That is the bizzo for battling bears!
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432563230' post='2782675'] Well naturally I assumed you were one of the very rare animals who don't do all that stuff... [/quote] Anyway he's in France so he doesn't count.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432578560' post='2782949'] Ahhhhh...! Time for my meds... [/quote] No meds on this island. You'll have to nibble some tree bark or something.
  14. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1432565746' post='2782715'] [attachment=192808:Banboo hut.jpg] My Euro LX, Gail Ann Dorsey for ahem lessons! and an air-conditioned bamboo hut for us all to be very happy in [/quote] This is more like it ( the tree hut that is)! There are no polar bears on this island, OK? It's a proper desert island with sand and palm trees and stuff. If you don't all understand that I shall thcream till I'm thick.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432546364' post='2782422'] I'm assuming there wouldn't be. This is basically a 'what's your favourite bass' thread, isn't it? If you were really stranded on a desert island with a bass (how?) [/quote] OK, what's happened is I'm playing in a band on a cruise ship, using my favourite bass (natch). The ship starts to sink and it's every man for himself. So I cling to the bass and paddle it to shore like a surf board. Obvious really, isn't it?
  16. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1432545081' post='2782389'] Ooh! tough this one, probably my Jazz, although my still to be mastered Stingray V HH would perhaps pip it at the arrival at the island. Assuming of course, I would have an amp, electricity and an endless supply of 9v batteries! [/quote] I'm assuming there would be solar powered amp already on the island. Left over from a lost civilisation who used to worship it as a god.
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1432541651' post='2782349'] I'd take a fretless nine string. Stuck on the desert island, I'd have sufficient time to learn how to play it properly. And if I got bored of life on the island, I could use the strings to tie together bamboo poles to make a raft. (Yes, I know that this is actually a ten string). [/quote] You don't need the bamboo poles, you could use that bass as a raft!
  18. Well since I only have 2 basses, this is easy. The trusty Fender P! But could I have a mirror scratch plate on it so I could signal at passing ships?
  19. Pauline Moran (Miss Lemon in Poirot).
  20. I would prefer photos of Wonderful Me with bass, not just the bass on its own. Because I am a massive show off.
  21. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1432292177' post='2780058'] My local music shop (Express Music in Solihull) is fairly small, but I think has a reasonable stock of basses for it's size. It has about 8 in total being a mix of Ibanez and Squier. None are high end (£500 tops) but I think there is a good enough mix of styles to suit most players (there's a couple of 5 strings in there too). Bass amps are a different matter though, a Fender Rumble combo is it. I am spoilt with a few good shops in Birmingham though, I have PMT and GuitarGuitar of which both have something for pretty much every player. PMT is only a 10 min drive from my work, so some lunchtimes I pop in for a browse (GAS). [/quote] Yes I think we are lucky in Brum. I got my TC Electronics combo in PMT. The bass guy , Matt, was really helpful. But I got my Fender P in Stirchley Music Exchange. It's a very small shop, and I've never seen a Fender bass in there before or since. It was there among the Squiers and Arias whispering 'I'm yours, I'm yours'.... :-)
  22. Playing with a pick. Slapping. Popping. Harmonics. Anything involving a crazy mixture of open and fretted notes. Anything beyond the 9th fret. Er..not doing too well here am I?
  23. Great to hear that you've been getting such a lot out of your lessons . I find a similar thing with practising..if you are working on a particular thing you get to a point where you find yourself actually getting worse instead of better. That's the time to stop and try practising something else. If you go back to it the next day, you can start moving forward from where you left off. That's been my experience anyway.
  24. I don't think you're a pompous twat. You just know what you like and what you don't. I've seen far better examples of pompous twattery happening on BC! You often share examples of music that you really love, which is great as it can turn other people on to something new.
  25. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1431784414' post='2774965'] student accommodation! .. if youve ever wondered just how much profit there is in these ventures just look up the annual returns for a company like liberty living [/quote] Bubble's gonna burst in Birmingham sooner or later. I know we're got 3 Unis (at least, depending on how you define them!) but there is a finite number of students. Student residences are springing up all over the place.
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