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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I quite liked Alice Cooper back in the day, but was never a huge fan. So I didn't know anything about his band. Driving along recently some Alice track came on the radio and I was struck by how great the bass playing was! So, Dennis Dunnaway, eh? One lives and learns! :-) I admire Alice for his showmanship, style and staying power. But I don't rate him much as a DJ. He has a show on Planet Rock. I find his presenting style annoying and choice of music predictable (if it is indeed he who chooses it)/ Compare to Iggy Pop on Radio 6, who is great!! (all opinions are the author's own and not intended to be presented as facts etc etc etc)
  2. I bet he didn't actually have a band, Tim. :-)
  3. Yes, but probably without the ants.
  4. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1431708659' post='2774225'] Half of my entire family tree hails from Essex. I have a silver sleeper in one ear. I swear an awful f***ing lot and drop many, many Ts and Hs. I have a P bass. Am I in? [/quote] No, you have tipped right over the edge of Chav and back into Cool. It's a sort of continuum.
  5. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1431693583' post='2774037'] Does Mrs Savage know you're stalking him? [/quote] I like to think of myself as a fangirl rather than a stalker, lol!
  6. Open Mic blues night last night. Not many bass players in so I got a fair old crack at the whip. Did The Hunter, Shake Rattle n Roll, and a couple of things I didn't know but which were a slow blues in Gminor and a fast blues in A. I'm getting so good at winging it now! :-) Then the main band on were Big Wolf Band, featuring occasional BCer Ian Savage. Another one of BC's good guys. He was really encouraging to me when I first started out. He's a bloody excellent bass player and looks amazing. Anyone who doesn't think appearance is important should take a leaf out of his book!
  7. Have rehearsed there a couple of times and quite liked it. The only trouble was the lack of parking. Which is one of the reasons we switched to Madhouse, where you can usually find on street parking close by. Neverthess I'm sad to see it go.
  8. It's scarier if you can see the whites of their eyes!
  9. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1431368749' post='2770612'] I'm very tempted to make the 2 hour 10 minute trip down so that I can,[list=1] [*]Say hello to Seashell [*]Meet the legend that is Lozz [*]Be in with a chance of winning a bass [/list] [/quote] It should be fun! worth the trip I'd say, but only if you say hello to a few people this time, lol. I attend some far flung bass bashes if I have friends/relatives in the area so I can combine it with a visit.
  10. I wonder if this saying started out as 'Cuts through like a knife through butter' and then gradually got shortened. Just a thought.
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1431378793' post='2770779'] Me too..."Do as you like Gang" means that I put my gear where I want... [/quote] Yep me too. I think my (two) basses enhance the look of my living room and blend in quite nicely with the colour scheme. The combo in the hall is bit of an obstruction though.
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1431203976' post='2768833'] My memory is so poor, I've already managed to forget the exact brand of strings recommended by Seashell. Were they Status Half-Rounds? [/quote] Yes, that's right. Status Hotwire Halfwounds. :-)
  13. Probably the only time it's been played outside his bedroom.
  14. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1431128016' post='2768166'] I play a Warwick in a Funk-Rock band...does this make me hipster or chav? This system isn't the clearest [/quote] Hipster. Deffo.
  15. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1431105321' post='2767892'] It was on Sheer Heart Attack. [/quote] Ah, thanks. :-) As you can tell, I'm not a huge Queen fan. But I love that single (both sides!) :-)
  16. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1431196056' post='2768757'] I have been speaking to a drummer friend who's agreed to come along with his new kit.. [/quote] Yay! Looking forward to a bit of a jam. :-)
  17. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1431197002' post='2768767'] Recognise this person? http://i1332.photobucket.com/albums/w614/markmojo1962/2015-05-09%2019.39.57_zps33kd5lud.png [/quote] Ah yes, it's Marty Hopkirk, lol Hope to say Hi! next year.
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1431193396' post='2768718'] Seashell and Len Derby admire Andyjr1515's exotic Squier Jag [Img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg580/christopher_brown14/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-05/20150509_143215_zpsp4t1nepy.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> [/quote] My hairdresser would love this pic! Never mind the bass gear, thanks for those highlights, Jeanette. : D
  19. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1431186550' post='2768605'] If anyone saw a figure wandering around, peering over shoulders like Marty Hopkins ghost, that was me. I'm quite shy and rarely speak unless spoken to. I did pluck up the courage to ask about the capos on 'Bradwell's' Jazz. Dread Basses ACG's were very impressive but, of particular interest to me was 'Norris's' thunderous Gibson Thunderbird. What a glorious noise . I was also impressed by the Fender Rumble 500. Loads of punch with oodles of clear, low end. Apologies for not introducing myself to anyone and for having to leave early. MoJo [/quote] AW , MoJo I wish we'd said hello. Or maybe we did? A lovely afternoon. Great to meet up with some bass brothers and a new bass sister! :-)
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1431159953' post='2768305'] I don't see why not - in the absence of raffle tickets, we can just pick a name from a hat [/quote] Well I'll bring them along then and you can decide if they'd be useful.
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1431157089' post='2768262'] Toying with the idea of a meat raffle, just so that we can call it "Show us your Chops" 😂 [/quote] Lol! Will there be a 'normal' raffle? I have some strings and a John Entwistle book I could chuck in as prizes.
  22. I always loved Lilly of the Valley, which was the B side of Now I'm Here by Queen. I haven't googled it, bit I don't think it was an album track.
  23. Discussions/talks about different aspects of music and performing not just gear. For eg, Nick Smith's talk last year was great. Also, could there be the possibility of a bit of a jam with more than one bass player at once? It would be great if we could have sufficient amps etc so a few of us could have a go together. If there's a drummer around. Edit: Just had to edit this to change to 'more than one bass player' from 'more than one bad player' Freudian slip? Lol
  24. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1431021169' post='2767035'] ...ridiculously angst ridden 'fake folk' stuff about unrequited love. [/quote] O god there is too much of this happening at the music venues I tend to frequent. A succession of solo musicians, mainly mournful blokes or warbly women with guitars. If only they would allow a bass player in on the act to beef it up a bit. And/or a drummer. Or someone playing a harmonica. Or the spoons. In fact anything to detract from the tedium.
  25. If you like dancing with a difference, may I recommend Rhythmic Circus? (Google them). Tap dancing for the 21st Century. And the musicians are all part of the show. Stunning.
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