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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1430996788' post='2766652'] As a side question -- a corollary to the original, if you will -- is there a genre of music that you used to hate, but have gradually grown to admire/like/love? Vice versa, do you now loathe something you used to adore? For myself: back in my late teens, I could not [i]stand[/i] classical music. Or opera for that matter. Or anything even remotely C&W-ish. But nowadays, people like Shostakovich and Puccini and Brad Paisley are among the staples of my musical diet. [/quote] Happy, I have never gone off anything I used to like in the past. And that includes Freddie and the Dreamers, the Monkees and Status Quo. But there is loads of stuff I like now that I wouldn't have I listened to in the past including Soul, Funk and C&W. The more you listen to, the more there is to love! :-) (Still not a fan of Disco or Opera though)
  2. Interesting post. As someone who came to music through dancing, I totally get it. I'm sure my dancing experience helped with my learning bass, especially the rhythm side of it. Somehow, I wasn't aware of this latest Lord of the Dance show. I'll definitely look out for it now! :-)
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430587780' post='2762934'] Right, are we all done with this? Because I'm going to use 'approaching the chicken' as a euphemism. [/quote] I can't believe you have managed to restrain yourself since 22 April!!!
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430496140' post='2762086'] I was going to make a joke about changing my pants but I think I've gone quite far enough today already... [/quote] Yes. Yes you have. :-)
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430495622' post='2762079'] Shell, if we didn't live in different cities I'd be happy to hump your combo up and down the stairs all day long. [/quote] Tee hee, you don't change do you?
  6. If only I had a husband, so he could have the pleasure of wearing a similar T-shirt while humping my combo up and down stairs. Not a euphemism! Not a euphemism! :-0.
  7. Sorry we're going way off topic here, but I just wanted to mention a couple of examples of singers whose voices really changed with age, but then sounded amazing in a different way. Johnny Cash and Levon Helm. Levon Helm especially. His singing on Dirt Farmer was incredible.
  8. That's a fascinating read, Jazzneck. I never knew any of that.
  9. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1430312895' post='2760138'] Really like Plant's current band/set. In an era where, for many, money seems to the primary motivation for making music I admire Plant's stance on not opting to do the Zeppelin gig. I'd say his legacy is such that he's more than earned the right to please himself a bit. [/quote] +1 I liked his new interpretations of the Zep songs he did in his set I saw last year in Wolverhampton. He's not trying to be a young rock god any more. He's doing those songs in a way that suits his current age and style. And I thought the band were great. Mark you, I did wish once or twice during the gig that he would cut loose and rock out a bit more.
  10. One Step Beyond. Not that difficult, but I don't know if I'll be able to manage the jumping up and down as well! :-)
  11. Overhead at a venue where I was playing tonight: 'Who's on tonight?' 'Kevin McEwan and he's got that young girl with him on bass' Young girl!!! Whoop whoop, made my night :-)
  12. [quote name='ordep' timestamp='1430168029' post='2758652'] I'm in. Might be able to pull 2 non BC member bass friends along too if it is allowed. Aside from the bass rig, I can bring my portable e drums and jamhub if people are up to some silent jamming. Just let me know if you guys are interested. :-) [/quote] I'd be up for a little silent jam, if it's OK with the organisers.
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1430136323' post='2758232'] I died a bit inside when I saw Dakota on the set list of the band I've recently joined, this must be the 3rd or 4th act in a row I've had to do it with. I'll be voting for it to get quietly dropped once we've done a few gigs and can start expanding the set list. [/quote] That's another one! Not entirely the reason I left my last band, but I was bloody glad I didn't have to learn it.
  14. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1430058575' post='2757539'] I've learnt the best way ever to deal with compliments, because as was said above, people in the black country are stupidly friendly and you have to get used to it fast! I just offer a grin, a handshake, and say "Thanks, really glad you enjoyed it!" [/quote] That's the spirit! Look forward to shaking your hand one day.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1429967090' post='2756778'] The notes are unimportant. You're focus should be to make that song sit on a groove for 6-7 mins without wandering, flagging or sagging [/quote] Which was exactly why my bass teacher thought it would be a good exercise for me to learn it! But I failed. :-(
  16. Oh God, Billie Jean, yes. I've never had to play it in earnest, but my bass teacher once gave it to me as an exercise and I grew to hate it with a passion. It's the only thing he's ever asked me to do that I didn't like.
  17. I used to hate Rebel Yell by Billy Idol. I never really liked the tune and found the bass line boring in one way and difficult in another (too fast!) By actually it grew on me the more we played it. It always went down well, and once I'd got the speed up I could actually look round and enjoy it. I almost miss it now I'm not with the band any more!
  18. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1429950032' post='2756537'] I tend to just steal the lines/riffs/showmanship that impress me !! I suppose that's a compliment in itself. [/quote] Good point. I try to look, listen and learn as well! :-)
  19. I'd say this was worth pinning. What d'you think , mods?
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429910073' post='2756380'] You're more than welcome. Of course, to me you're just a young strip of a lass. So it's all relative. [/quote]
  21. Bruce Dickinson, David Coverdale, Phil Mogg. I'm not saying they are bad singers, far from it. I just don't like the sound of their voices and it puts me off listening to some otherwise excellent bands.
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1429889789' post='2756078'] You're just easily pleased 'shell Long may it continue! [/quote] Lol, Kev but that's not entirely true. I recently saw a band with a bass player who was so bad he really made me wince. The whole experience was utterly painful and I would have gone home but unfortunately I knew some of the othe band members so I just had to grin and bear it. Gave them a nice round of applause (everyone deserves that!) but didn't single out Mr 'I neither know nor care what key this is in' for the gushing seashell fangirl treatment! :-)
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