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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1429890290' post='2756086'] Is it my imagination, or does really depend on where you are as well ? Black Country seem far friendlier than in Birmingham, And way way friendlier than say Coventry or Nuneaton. Leic's is good as well, especially Hinkley for some reason. [/quote] Birmingham and the Black Country both equally friendly in my experience. But there's definitely a different vibe in the Black Country. Difficult to express in words.. you just have to be there really (I speak as an immigrant from Surrey)
  2. I'm always complimenting other bass players and I never talk about gear. Haven't had a knock back yet, but maybe they all secretly wish I would go away. Hey ho, I'm just trying to spread a little happiness.
  3. At the moment it's Gimme Shelter. I just seem to be drawn to it every time I pick up the bass to practice Another one I play just for fun is the Pretender by the Foo Fighters It was one that we considered doing with my old band, so I went ahead and learned it. But we could never really make it work :-( But I still love playing it, and belting out backing vocals in the privacy of my own home! :-)
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1429860236' post='2755553'] I'm the same, it just doesn't feel right. However it turns out I can play with an ovenglove on (drunken bet) [/quote] Having said that... I've just had a look at my own Facebook profile pic, and you can see a bit of thumb rising over the fretboard! Oops!
  5. Very good point, discreet (not aimed at Blue in particular, just in general). I admit I am guilty of this myself. I was 20 years older than everyone in my last band. It was never an issue for them, but I probably went on about it too much ('I'm too old to learn this, it's all right for you youngsters etc). And when chatting with people at gigs always felt I'd have to make some sort of self deprecating joke about my age. Just in case people thought I hadn't noticed I was in my 50's and shouldn't be up there with youngsters of 35! So thanks for the lightbulb moment, discreet. I'm going to try not to mention it again.
  6. Scott's video is really good. My bass teacher taught me to position my hands like that right from lesson 1, so luckily I've never got into any 'bad habits' in that way. I don't think I could actually play with my thumb over the fretboard even if I tried to.
  7. Another one for scales here. And also a little exercise using 3rds, 4ths and 5ths that my bass teacher showed me. Not that I've tried out a bass in a shop recently. But I tend to do the scales thing when other bass players are kind enough to offer me a go on theirs (at bass bashes and events, for example).
  8. Working out the notes just from listening to them is not that easy. Although I have discovered the more you do it the easier it gets (like everything really!). I think your approach may depend on why you are learning it and how long you have got. If you need to do it quickly, you may need all the help you can get, so toneknob's link will be really useful. If you've got plenty of time to sit down and work it all out for yourself, that might be a learning exercise in itself.
  9. Nice to see you again, Doc. I do hope your wife gets better soon.
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1429618845' post='2753244'] Were your facilities in an appalling state this morning? [/quote] No, because I wouldn't let anyone use my toilet!
  11. Strange. Last night I had this dream that there were all these bass players in my cellar.....
  12. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1429290650' post='2750154'] In fairness, Lizzy is so done to death by lazy pub bands it's a shame when you get sick of cracking songs. [/quote] Ah yes, but that is a slightly different dilemma. I'm a bit sick of Alright Now due to over exposure. But I never liked Lizzy in the first place. If I had to pick one brain bursting song it would be The Boys are Back. All on one note and truly banal lyrics.
  13. I find myself agreeing with most of these. Glad I'm not the only one with an aversion to the sainted Whitney and Aimy. Now, dare I say...Elvis Costello. And while I'm feeling really brave.....Thin Lizzy??!
  14. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1429184951' post='2748857'] Nooooooo!! Love that song in both hit versions BECAUSE it is so overblown As for your criticism, "I don't think that I could take it....." there, given you a thoroughly deserved earworm for the rest of the day [/quote] You b..bounder!
  15. [quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1429184371' post='2748841'] Anything AT ALL by Bon Jovi, Simply Red or UB40. I've lost a DAB Radio to B*n J*vi - it went down the bog as I was trying to turn it off! [/quote] Haha! At least you didn't deliberately throw it down the bog. Or shoot it.
  16. Oh, and pretty much anything by The Beautiful South. Especially that Jennifer thing.
  17. Much as I love Jimmy Webb, 'MacArthur Park' has the full brain burst effect on me. It is just so ghastly and overblown. If I ever get as far as hearing the 'someone left the cake out in the rain' bit, I really want to throw things.
  18. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1428962040' post='2746551'] How about a none bass bash then. This would involve taking along things that have nothing to do with basses. This instantly resolves a lot of the transport issues connected with hefty bass gear, as lots of things that have nothing to do with bass can be quite small. [/quote] I bet they don't have this trouble on harmonicachat
  19. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1428953087' post='2746405'] Can I be a little bit of a party pooper and ask that as there seem to be 7 rigs on the list no one else brings any amps unless one of the seven drop out or it's incredibly exotic please? The room isn't huge and I'd like to be able to hear afterwards and be allowed back next year I'm bringing my GK kit as a house rig for everyone to play through should you want to. [/quote] Seems sensible to me.
  20. Let us know when you get to Birmingham
  21. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1428951200' post='2746371'] Taken to its logical conclusion, this could cause some minor problems. [/quote] Yes, it could just end up as a cake fest. Oh well.
  22. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1428911567' post='2745742'] I usually say something "Thanks, very kind of you to say, thanks for coming" as others have suggested - acknowledging that it takes a bit of pluck on their part to make the effort to come and make the compliment. [/quote] Exactly. As a punter, I often go up to various band members (esp. Bass players) and tell them how much I enjoyed it, in the misguided belief they might actually be pleased to hear this. In the light of this thread, I might have to re-think :-(
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1428936521' post='2746105'] Have you ever walked half a mile carrying a 5-string Jazz, a Mesa Boogie head, and an SVT 810? [/quote] Be like me, don't take any gear, just abuse everyone else's
  24. I bloody love it, I do. That's probably because I'm a flouncing luvvie first and a bass player second!
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