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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1428696695' post='2743954'] Well, you are a girly..... [/quote] (Pokes tongue)
  2. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1428257577' post='2739685'] Or at least get rid of that poxy, tacky looking butterfly on the headstock.... [/quote] That was the bit I liked best!
  3. + 1, Spiny. Mother's Little Helper is genius. I always wanted to cover that with my old band (female singer), but it was not to be. Still would like to one day.
  4. If we're discussing music, pretty much everything we sayis going to be an opinion. I think Blue is respecting everyone's opinion here. Good on yer, Blue.
  5. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1428068521' post='2737712'] When I play I look like a scarecrow getting electrocuted. [/quote] I wanna come to one of you gigs!!
  6. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1427986527' post='2736723'] Oh let me be the first!!!! I always thought there were quite a few tossers on here!!! [/quote] I thank you!
  7. BTW, I love the title of this thread. I like to think of them as 'Our' Stones.
  8. I think I do. Only it's more of a heel tapping really. I also do a lot of hair tossing (didn't realise that until I saw a recent vid of me playing live!) Stand by for some 'tossing' jokes from discreet......
  9. I saw them at Earls Court (London) in 1975 or 6 (so long ago I forget which!). :-) We were sitting right at the back and they just looked like little ants on stage. This was in the days before they had big screens up. Sounded great though, and at least I can say I've seen them. With Bill n all. :-) Have a great time, Blue. :-)
  10. Seems like a good idea to me. Well done Sylvia. Feel free to quote any of my posts, especially knob jokes, cat pictures and references to my enormous bloomers.
  11. Just been to a jam and my fingers are throbbing right now. :-) It's a good feeling though - like when you feel stiff after a good workout. :-)
  12. I can't remember how long it took to build them up. But a few weeks ago my washing machine broke down and I had to do loads of hand washing before I could get a replacement. My callouses started softening up! Oh no! Got a new washing machine before my hands totally reverted to total princess mode. Phew! :-)
  13. I do miss Inti though..... (runs and hides) ...
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1427139802' post='2726369'] I remember bassfart. Outstanding forum member brought low by a tendency for posting 'Google it, ffs, you f***ing f***!' if ever a newb asked about string gauges. Now over on Finnbass where he heads up a cadre of BC émigrés currently plotting a 'Bay Of Pigs' style counter-revolution. Apparently fanatical hordes of disaffected bassists will swarm into navy-surplus landing craft and putter their way ashore, only to be mown down in a hail of sarcasm. They don't know about the last bit, of course. That's not in the plan. [/quote] PMSL :-)
  15. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1427137168' post='2726310'] It's a bit annoying when seasoned members criticise someone for posting about something that may have been talked about many times in the past. Short of trawling through every thread to check, how are newer members to know, it's been talked about? Forums need new blood and if someone wants to ask which strings you prefer, I will partake in that discussion because they are looking for feedback. I'm not going to tell them to go and look at such and such a thread because it's all been done before. Let's have more understanding that not everyone knows what's been posted before [/quote] I quite agree! No need for anyone to wade in and point out that a thread on a particular subject was started by Bassfart in 2009.
  16. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1427016974' post='2724627'] and also " [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ad hominem" every now and then - whatever that means [/font][/color] [/quote] Well at least no-one has called anyone else a pole dancing clown. Yet.
  17. Brilliant blog, Sylvia! Very readable, and the pictures are ace! :-)
  18. Absolutely loved him. Probably my all time favourite bass player, from way back before I ever dreamt of playing bass myself. Even then I could probably hum every bass line he played. Free were a big part of my youth, and my older life too. So many of their songs evoke very emotional memories for me. Tons of Sobs
  19. Really hope this isn't true.
  20. Aw, missed the Danny Baker thing. Saw JW at LBGS this year and in 2013. Brilliant. Poet, wit, raconteur, bloody amazing bass player. Love 'im.
  21. Many thanks for coming Ray, and for the lovely review. Just so everyone knows I don't usually 'play and run' but I got the call on the way to the gig that my Dad had been taken to hospital But the show must go on as thy say, so I'm really glad I did the gig. I'll update about Dad in OT when I get the chance.
  22. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1426182904' post='2715404'] I can't get it locally, so rely on subscribing. It's not arrived for a couple of months so must have run out again. No reminder again! That's my only gripe! [/quote] Strange about the lack of reminder. I get bombarded with reminders from about 2 months before my subscription runs out!
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