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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1426178466' post='2715331'] But it's equally possible to look [i]at[/i] the audience, but angle your gaze just slightly over their heads. That way you don't have to make eye contact but [i]they[/i] still think you're looking at them. [/quote] Yep, this is an old thespian trick And the good thing is that ALL the audience will think you are looking at them, but none of them will feel they are being fixed with an embarassing stare. However, if you are anything like me at my first gig, your eyes will be glued to the fretboard most of the time anyway. This is OK. The audience eye contact thing can wait till your next gig.
  2. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1425817633' post='2710960'] Psychedelic rock can only ever benefit from the addition of Turkish trousers and a Fez..... [/quote] That's the spirit!
  3. Baggy OR skinny jeans? That gives you a lot of scope. And hair shouldn't be required in a Psychedelic band, as long as you wear a hat.
  4. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1425760708' post='2710535'] Sorry I wasn't being shy, I was just being sh*t and plain forgot to take my lanyard or look out for anyone [/quote] Ah well, maybe next year?
  5. Sometimes I feel like a wigwam and sometimes I feel like a teepee. The psychiatrist told me I was too tense.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1425756394' post='2710469'] You were both guilty of loitering within tent. [/quote] Bloody brilliant!
  7. I managed to see Stu Hamm, Billy Sheehan, Jah Wobble, Divinity Roxx. An hour from each of them works out at about £6 each. Gotta be worth it! Some very interesting and inspirational players. :-)
  8. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1425756264' post='2710466'] Had a great time but totally failed to say hello to any BCers except Eude, ead, MoJoKe and Skelf, sorry everyone! [/quote] What is it with bass players being so shy? I only spoke to people I already knew. Despite wandering about flaunting me lanyard (oo er) no one came up and said hi. :-(
  9. Having breakfast at Walton on Thames Station right now! I'll be on the 9.40 train :-)
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1425689918' post='2709885'] Whats with all the lanyard excitement? It seems like theres a party that I wasn't invited to...? [/quote] Some of us have BC lanyards that we picked up at various Bass Bashes. It's a good way of identifying a fellow BCer in a crowd. If you don't have one, you'll just have to accost those of us that do if you want a chat. Everyone's invited to the party! :-) I don't know if bluejay might be bringing any spares this time? Might be a bit much with the cameras and tablet as well.
  11. Not a gig, but an Open Mic. No other bass players in, so I played all night. Bloody marvelous, if slightly scary. I am the Queen of the Root Note. :-)
  12. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1425208619' post='2704986'] Just noticed that Jah Wobble isn't on till 4.00 - his last appearance suggests that it'll be worth hanging around for.. [/quote] OK, I'm definitely coming on the Sat and will stay around specifically for this! Couldn't commit before as my life is a bit of a whirl ATM (in a good way!). So hope to see some of you there. I'll be wearing the lanyard for those who don't know me. I'll be the woman who isn't bluejay
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1425149804' post='2704559'] [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/RhysP/media/rhys1.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] OK admit it, you've just nicked an old photo of Greg Lake!
  14. OK, it's not. :-( I gave up and googled it.
  15. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1424711726' post='2699469'] I hope that's not just because Tina Weymouth was the only female bass player he could think of! [/quote] No, if he only knew one female bass player it would have been Suzi Quatro. I get that ALL the time. So the Tina Weymouth comparison made a nice change.
  16. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1424730012' post='2699884'] But are you any good? [/quote] I've had the pleasure of watching Kev play, and yes he is.
  17. Very nice man tonight said he thought I sounded like Tina Weymouth. Result.
  18. Déjà Vu by Crosby Stills Nash and Young. Every track a winner.
  19. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1423645581' post='2687295'] Granny arrives in the middle of the stage, sort of queuing up to talk to us. Tries to attract my attention in the middle of a song, by shouting in my ear while I'm still playing. I thought she must have been from the pub and was telling us to stop as there was a fire or something. We finish the song, I say "wot is it?" and she says: "Can you play Sweet Home Alabama?" "We are a punk originals band" "But it's my favourite song" "Who's it by anyway?" [size=3][i]** I thought it might be a Rihanna song or something by Beck - but it turns out it's something by some old age pensioners.[/i][/size] "I don't know, but it's my husband's favourite too" "No sorry, can you get off the stage" "Well you don't have to be so rude!" This type of thing has happened at half of our 7 or 8 gigs so far. Everything from Sex on Fire to One Direction requests. Is it me? [/quote] Lol, made me smile. Even though Sweet Home is still one of my favourite songs.
  20. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1423649669' post='2687356'] I bet "granny" was in her thirties... #kidstoday :-) [/quote] Anyone using a hash tag can't be that old (pokes tongue)
  21. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423639569' post='2687226'] Cool story [/quote] +1
  22. Not a proper gig, but our regular open mic spot at Barge and Barrel, Tipton. A lot of fun as usual, and during our cover of Sheela na Gig by PJ Harvey, a young man threw some underpants at us! :-D To be fair, we do know him. He is lead singer/guitarist of another band that we are friendly with. It amused me to think he had gone along specially armed with underpants to chuck. Or maybe he always has spare pants on him. Who knows...
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