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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1422454417' post='2672862'] Well done 'Shell long may your career continue.....oh and if you can persuade any of your admirers to bring along a sister or two to The White Horse next time I'd appreciate it [/quote] Lol I may have exaggerated a bit for dramatic effect.
  2. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1422450822' post='2672791'] Lovely post, well done Shell. It's been a pleasure meeting you on here and out in the real world. [/quote] Aw thanks Gary, you too. x
  3. It was four years ago this Saturday that I went for my first bass lesson. I was a nervous middle aged lady with a Marlin Sidewinder, left behind in my flat by an Ex, (The Marlin I mean, though it applied to me too! ) Since then I have:[list] [*]been in a dreadful band [*]formed a better band [*]made loads of new friends on Basschat and beyond [*]met loads of inspiring people including John Paul Jones and Peter Hook [*]started to play at jam sessions with whoever will put up with me [*]been beating men back with sticks [/list] It is such a brilliant feeling to get up and play in front of an audience. Sometimes I feel as though I have been plucked out of my old life and dropped into someone else's. To any beginners out there I would say, go for it, bloody well grab it by the neck and go for it. Play it every night till your fingers bleed (well, maybe not quite ). Summon up all your courage and get out there and inflict it on an audience. Just do it! It may not bring you fame, it may not bring you fortune, but it will bring you joy. love seashell xx
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1422300337' post='2670930'] Believe me, it would sound even wronger if I used a plectrum. I've played in a couple of situations where a guitarist has given me a plectrum and told me I'd have to use it because <insert your plectrum wielding bass playing hero here> uses one. Get the nails and attack right, and it'll sound great. [/quote] Interesting. Our guitarist is always on at me to use a pick for (amongst other things) Rebel Yell. But it's just beyond me. I've started to use my nails a bit now. Makes it easier to play at speed. But just a tad too long and they can break easily I remember at one studio rehearsal I had to run out to reception and ask the guy if I could borrow some scissors as I had broken a finger nail. Felt such a girlie, lol
  5. You may never sound exactly like him. But in aiming for it, you will probably develop your own sound, influenced by a musician you admire. That's got to be a good thing Go for it :-)
  6. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1422107238' post='2668755'] Erm, yeah, I was outside too. Couldn't get in and me ticket cost me £20. And I was beaten up by the bouncers. And mugged So, I'll take £25 for the ticket and £8k for the facial injuries and inconvenience. [/quote] I was believing this till I read the bit about being beaten up by bouncers. I'd like to see a soft southern bouncer try to take you on, lol :-)
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422034406' post='2668074'] Massive bonce too, eh? Oo-er! Phwooar! Let's get together and produce a sweet baby Mekon. [/quote] You're not riding over my range, pardner!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421974497' post='2667433'] Thanks, Shell! I'd ask to borrow it, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit my massive pumpkin-like bonce. [/quote] I too have a massive bonce, so I very rarely find a hat that fits. I got my hat from a stall in Birmingham rag market where they do hats in sizes from small to Mekon
  9. Many congrats! :-) I'm so jealous. I would love to be in a band that plays that sort of music. And I even have a cowboy hat in readiness
  10. After much juggling of my diary I have decided I can definitely make it this year. I'm hoping to attend both days, but it might just have to be the Saturday. Will have to leave till last minute to get ticket(s). Life is just too busy ATM!
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]OK, it's in the diary as a definite now [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Si600 - GK MB500 Fusion, GK MB212 (house rig), Fender P V.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2: Roland Rock - Avalon U5, Crown power amp, BF STwin. W&T Ergon and 78P if I get the refin done in time. Some pedals.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]tauzero - perm a few from Sei Original, Status Series 1, Antoniotsai, Dean 10-string, Warwick Thumb, Mrs Zero.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Dread Bass - Lefties - ACG 6 and 7 string Recurve S Types, ACG Krell Fretless If Ready, Alembic Epic, Warwick Fortress, Letts 6. Aguilar rig if needed. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. seashell - MIM Fender P[/font][/color]
  12. I expect I'll be there. Just need to check the diary.
  13. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1421340338' post='2660142'] To the OP, do yourself a favor and get an experienced hand do a good set-up on the bass. Your hands will thank you for it. It is so much easier to learn on a well set-up instrument. <><Peace [/quote] Agree with this! Got my Fender P set up by the guitar tech at PMT in Brum. Normally he charges £40, but he only charged me £25 cos he said there wasn't much wrong with it. I thought this was extremely fair! He could have claimed to have done all sorts to it and I would have been none the wiser :-0
  14. This old fart started learning 4 years ago on a Marlin Sidewinder. It was free, having been left behind by an Ex. I didn't realise at the time that it was the most despised bass in the world! It seemed fine to me :-) Six months later (having joined Basschat) I traded it in for a second hand Mexican Fender P costing £320. Haven't looked back since But the old Marlin was fine for learning on really. Main drawback was that it was a bit heavy, but that's not a problem when you're learning as you're mostly sitting down! Welcome to the world of bass - it will bring you joy, whatever bass you settle on eventually! :-)
  15. Aw, shame. I saw them in the 80's when they were doing the cabaret circuit. Smashing band. Legend of Xanado is still one of my fave songs. Great to sing along to in the car. When I first saw them do it on TOTP I was totally thrilled. It seemed so dramatic! :-)
  16. KevB will be along in a minute...
  17. I went to an Open Mic last night, and a few people did Peter Gunn. Great tune, and it went down really well.
  18. I discovered only yesterday that you can't use a touch screen when wearing woolly gloves. (Just had a little chuckle when the only word my predictive text suggested after 'woolly' was 'mammoth')
  19. Status Hotwire Halfwound strings. Smooooth under your fingers :-) Having said that, I still get the odd blister and I have developed calluses. But round wound strings feel all rough and harsh to me now. Of course this wouldn't suit you if you prefer the twangier sound of the roundwounds. The half wounds have a thumpier sort of sound.
  20. I bet you all look better than you think you do. Most people are very self-critical when it comes to looks.
  21. It's all in the posture, darlings. Stomachs in, shoulders back and down, luvs. :-)
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1420303304' post='2647829'] Do it. Although there are a lot of 'passable' musicians at these things, there are also a smattering of good ones as well. Use them as a networking resource and you might strike lucky. [/quote] Definitely this. Not that I'd presume to advise the OP as I haven't even been playing 6 years, never mind being in a band that long. But I've only recently discovered the joys of regular jams, and have noticed how good they can be for networking. Or simply just keeping your hand in when between bands.
  23. Went to a jam. Played a few songs. Flirted inappropriately with gentlemen. Came home and managed to cook an omelette without setting myself on fire. Now in bed, probably still pissed. Hurrah for 2015! :-)
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