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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Brilliant :-) Soon you will be playing something and you'll suddenly think 'I can't believe this is me actually doing this' It's a fantastic feeling to realise you can do something you couldn't do before. One of the many joys of bass playing. Keep it up and keep us posted. :-)
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1415274205' post='2598593'] Transfers. [/quote] Best idea yet! I shall probably be able to get through the rest of my life without having to say 'Decals' out loud
  3. I have actually gone from light blonde to dark blonde/brown since playing bass. I somehow didn't feel rock n roll enough with the light blonde hair. I looked like Gloria Hunniford on bass, lol! I know it's shallow, but I think if I look right I play better. Like a kid with new ballet shoes really. I've never grown out of that need to 'dress up'.
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1415227306' post='2598283'] Dee Cales [/quote] Ah! Thank you :-)
  5. While we're on the subject - how do you actually pronounce 'decals'?
  6. Welcome to the wonderful world of bass playing Gomez. It will bring you joy! IMHO you'll find that your tutor will be worth their weight in gold. I don't think I would ever have kept up with the practice if it hadn't been for my tutor. I didn't want to turn up for a lesson and not be any better than I was the week before. Sounds like you're off to a great start. Keep us posted. :-)
  7. [quote name='aud' timestamp='1415225639' post='2598246'] My first visit to a Bass Bash, I was nervous of coming along but enjoyed the afternoon Thanks, Audrey [/quote] Glad you enjoyed it. I noticed you admiring the double basses. I was going to introduce myself but didn't manage to before you left. Hope to see you again next year, and have a chat. Us girls should stick together! :-) Shelley
  8. Don't forget I've seen your singer. He's not that alluring!
  9. BTW, I think I ended up with a cable that isn't mine. But it is exactly the same as mine (except mine has a bit of gaffa tape wound round it) so I suppose fair exchange is no robbery! :-)
  10. A great day. So lovely to catch up with some folks I haven't seen in a while and to meet some new faces. Bass players are such cool people. And Paul the Drums is awesome. :-)
  11. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1414775209' post='2593213'] Bugger, car problems so may not make it! Being looked at by a mate in morning so might make it later on :-( [/quote] Use one of the coaches, lol! :-) Or get a taxi! No need to bring your rig, just your awesome self and mighty bass! :-)
  12. Well I had another fine night at the Tower of Song last night, jamming with the old rock n rollers. But also a few youngsters, including a 17 yr old guitarist. He's really good and more than holds his own with the older guys. He travels from Northampton to Brum to attend these jams. Apparently there's nothing like it in his area. I'm so lucky it's right on my doorstep.
  13. I have to say that most (though by no means all) of the punters and musos at Tower of Song are middle aged. I think that's fine. There are plenty of other places around for younger people to go to. It's great to have somewhere to go where you know you'll fit right in. I'm not a total old git, and some of my best friends are much younger than me. But sometimes it's just a relief to hang out with people whose terms of reference are the same For instance, last week there was a toast to the memory of Alvin Stardust. I would imagine most younger people wouldn't have heard of him. I think venues shouldn't ignore the older punters. There are a lot of us about, and most of us can afford to spend money on a pint or two.
  14. There is a great little venue only a couple of miles from me in the Birmingham suburbs. It's called The Tower of Song. It's just an old industrial office building converted into a little room with a bar. You could probably get 80 people in there max. It smells a bit damp and it can get quite chilly in winter as they don't put the heating on much. I've been going to a blues jam there lately. They have some great 'pub bands' on, but the evening always starts off with a bit of a jam that anyone can join in. Happily it is on a small industrial estate between a petrol station and a pub, so with luck there won't be a load of gentrified flats going up in the vicinity, attracting residents who eventually conspire to get the venue closed down (as has happened all too often in Birmingham) I've had great fun there, both joining in and watching other bands. I've seen some great local talent and also top notch artists such as the estimable Steve Lawson. I don't suppose anyone makes much money out of it. Sometimes there is a modest entrance fee, other times they just pass round a hat. People seem to play mostly for the love of it. Also the punters are usually very appreciative as they are proper music lovers too. It's a great place and long may it continue :-)
  15. I had the pleasure of a day trip over the Green Line back in 2002. Really enjoyed it - what a lovely place. I would love to go back some day and see a bit more. Welcome to the joys of learning bass in later life. I hope it brings you as much joy as it has me.
  16. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1414413160' post='2588991'] Mike and stand fell directly onto the strings/pickup of my bass, so making a horrible noise from my amp, aswell as a nasty noise from the MIC/PA. Very loud. Very embarrassing. [/quote] Ha ha. Similar thing happened to me in rehearsal last week. I didn't realise I was nudging the mic stand with my bass, and I kept hearing all these random out of tune notes that I wasn't playing!! Rest of the band started laughing cos apparently I was looking very perplexed like 'where did that come from?' and they all thought it highly amusing. Luckily nothing similar has happened on stage yet. My mic stand did fall over completely once, but that is tame compare to some of the brilliant stories in this thread
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414412204' post='2588980'] Showing your age there, Shell. Mind you, so does tie-dying. Ho-hum. [/quote] Unashamed Prisoner fan! Also partial to a bit of tie dye. Not that I actually boil up tee shirts on the cooker any more. Can you even still buy clothes dye?
  18. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1414370027' post='2588753'] A couple of pics of me from recent gigs.....i'm quite partial to tie dye [/quote] Nice pics. But I'm surprised by the tie dye. I would have thought you'd be wearing a black blazer with white piping, lol
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1414407019' post='2588905'] I helped put together a startup band in 1996. At our first gig the singer got us all (9 of us) in a huddle, and gave us all a pep talk. It was really good and we played out of our skins from the first note. I've always thought that any band should do this prior to going on. Even if it's outside in the car park. It does being everyone together and make it feel like you're in a team. Rather than just each person ambling onto the stage. Probably helps to break down any unfriendliness. It's a bit American though... [/quote] This sounds good to me, and just the kind of thing that would happen with 'luvvies' prior to going on stage for a play. What I'm finding with the band though, is that we don't have a leader as such so there is no-one to 'call' this (in the way a theatre director would). I would feel a bit of a berk suggesting it myself, and they probably wouldn't listen to me anyway. I feel like the Band Fuss-Pot at times
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1414272643' post='2587860'] Do you rehearse at The BBC in Milwaukee. Blue [/quote] Lol, we couldn't afford the air fare :-) No we use Madhouse Rehearsals in Birmingham UK. I'd recommend them to anyone in the area. Not too expensive, clean, friendly and easy to park outside. And a bar too! Which we rarely use :-(
  21. I'm slightly disappointed that I don't hang out withy band mates more. When I joined the band I think I assumed it would improve my social life a bit. I have done a lot of amateur theatre and always made friends with and socialised with fellow actors. So I was a bit disappointed things didn't work out that way with the band. I can never persuade them to go for a drink after rehearsals even though there is actually a bar at the studio where we rehearse. I don't think its an age thing, even though I am about 20 yes older than the rest of them! Just personalities I guess. They are all nice people, just not that into socialising.
  22. Legend, total legend. I have admired him for at over 40 years (god, I feel old). 72 seems way too young somehow. RIP Jack
  23. Yep, me too Ray really enjoyed it. Glad the bikers did too and that it's led on to other bookings :-)
  24. [quote name='stuckinthepod' timestamp='1413295623' post='2576814'] I have backups for everything including an exact clone of myself in a backup pod. Only problem, he's sh*t on bass. [/quote] Lol!
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