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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1413127736' post='2575115'] Always thought about coming but as everyone seems to know what they are doing basswise and I have difficulty playing root notes I've always bottled it [/quote] Really don't worry about that my friend When I first went to the SE bash I had only been learning bass for about 9 months and I didn't know one end of the bass from the other. I really was quite terrified TBH, as I didn't really know what to expect and was afraid the place would be full of prancing rock gods who would sneer at me and jostle me in the corridors (well maybe not quite) Anyway, I plucked up courage and was really glad I went. I learned a lot and made some friends. I'm still a novice compared to the rest of them, so if you come along you won't be the only root note specialist in the room! Hope to see you there!
  2. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1412516331' post='2569494'] We've had a request, but we can't do it as the guitars are too wide. [/quote] Tee hee, love that one
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1412587253' post='2570081'] I'm sure on the mamas and papas 'I saw her again' where one of them comes in early, stops and then comes back in again on time toward the end of the song can't have been intentional but they left it in. Wouldn't seem the same without it now. [/quote] Ah yes, I've noticed that. A similar one is on 'Four and Twenty' on CSNY's Deja Vu album. Steven Stills sort of gulps in the middle of singing at one point. I've wondered whether that was actually unintended, but they left it in because it added to the emotional effect.
  4. Well done mate. Hope you get to play next time. . I' ve done a couple of open mics recently, on my own without the rest of my band. I wanted to have a go at jamming with some other musicians, and doing more old fashioned rock and blues. So I've pitched up at a local blues club and had a go. The first time, I just went along and watched, just to get a feel of the place really. Next time I pitched up with me bass. Didn't get called up till really late by which time I was really nervous. Made a terrible hash of it tbh, but they were very forgiving and encouraged me to go back again. So I went back this week and was slightly better. Kept it very simple - pretty much stuck to root notes. But, similar to what happened to you, I got talking to a guy who suggested something I could do with him next time. (Sunshine of Your Love, which at least I do know). It's a whole new experience just playing off the cuff with guys you've only just met. Quite scary, but it can only improve you as a player, I think.
  5. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1412081846' post='2565415'] Saturday night was fabulous! a good responsive crowd at The White Lion in Harborne. Nick ( GrammeFriday on here!) came along with his lovely lady Carole to hand over the Bass relay baton...pics available on the bass relay thread....... So the bass now lives with me in Nottingham if anybody wants to carry on the relay? I am happy to drive anywhere in the country,given enough notice, to hand it over if needed. I was surprised how well we played to say it had been two years since we last gigged and had only had two rehearsals! Nick was kind enough to say that my bass sounded good so I am a happy bunny! Edited to get Nicks name right! [/quote] Aaw, really sorry I missed this, sounds like it was a great night. Unfortunately a good mate of mine was playing at the Lamp Tavern, Digbeth on the same night so I had to go to that. Which was also a good night. But why do things always clash? Let us know if you play in Brum again.
  6. Yes, I've recently heard about The Spotted Dog too. I've never been, but I believe it is still a going concern. Quite a high standard I think. Unfortunately, I have also heard that The Yardbird jams will be finishing soon. I don't know if it is ceasing to be a music venue completely, or if it's just the jam nights that are stopping. There's a blues jam night at the Tower of Song, Kings Norton, last Thurs of the month. With it being Blues you do get a bit of cross-over into rock so don't know if it's quite what the OP would be after. I went last Thursday. It is very friendly - the standard is quite variable. When I got up and played I made a bit of a hash of it, tbh. But they were very forgiving, so I think I will be back again next month to try to redeem myself.
  7. Last attempt to drum up some support for this (pardon the pun). Come along and mingle with some Brummie Drummers
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1410785188' post='2553049'] Don't encourage them. The lack of bass players means that an old fart with minimal technical ability like myself can still find places in exciting bands! [/quote] My thoughts entirely, (Although my band isn't that exciting!)
  9. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1410563238' post='2550956'] Everyone used to say that I never smiled on stage. I thought I did. [/quote] Whereas I'm trying to look all mean and moody, but people keep telling me I smile all the time. I am the rock n roll Julie Andrews.
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1410464715' post='2549802'] That'll be "There's the Rub" by Wishbone Ash. [/quote] There you go, Rhys got it fair and square :-) Over to you Rhys ...
  11. Lets give it till tomoro morning then if no one else gets it, it's yours Bilbo. :-)
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1410423346' post='2549215'] It's not much of a swop, is it? [/quote] 'I say, Mr Music Shopkeeper, could you give me a set of new strings for my Marlin Sidewinder?' 'Sorry love, we don't do swaps'
  13. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1410427394' post='2549262'] Seashell.....It would be lovely to see you ,any friend of Kevb is ok by me [/quote] It's good to know I am in with the In Crowd! Or should I say, the creaky old proggies crowd
  14. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1410413731' post='2549121'] Wrong of me to have put my oar into this thread, as I'm travelling and BC-less for the next 4 days Answer is "My life in the bush of ghosts" by Brian Eno and David Byrne, around 1979-ish Someone else take up the baton quick..... [/quote] OK, I will! How about Silver Shoes Don't Come Back Persephone Hometown Lady Jay FUBB
  15. Corny old rock covers? Sounds right up my street! I'll try to get along. :-)
  16. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1409833350' post='2543754'] It was transcribed in a seasonal edition of Bass Player magazine a couple of years ago. Let me know if you'd like a scan. It's a cool song to learn anyway! [/quote] Oh that's kind of you. I love learning from proper transcriptions. I'll send you a PM.
  17. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1409761956' post='2543064'] Tracy Wormworth, maybe best known for "Christmas Wrapping" by the Waitresses: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SzjDOk_u9I[/media] Also she cropped up in Sting's late 80s touring band - some rare and out-of-sync footage here: [url="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x38lb5_sting-the-lazarus-heart_music"]http://www.dailymoti...rus-heart_music[/url] - but now in the B52s... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mW5Vj4ngdw[/media] [/quote] Very nice, toneknob, thanks for posting. I was vaguely thinking of suggesting Christmas Wrapping for our band to cover at the Xmas jam at our local pub. Largley because we have a female vocalist. I hadn't really listened to it properly though. Now I've listened to that tasty bass line, I don't think it's something I could manage! We'll probably just have to do 'Santa Baby', like we did last year
  18. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1409735219' post='2542699'] If you're in Brum you can't go wrong with just popping into PMT or Guitar guitar and just having a quick play with several different basses. If you go to PMT ask for Matt, he sold me my Schecter and he's really knowledgeable in all aspects of bass (he might be able to point you in the direction of a good tutor as well) [/quote] +1 to the endorsement of the lovely Matt. He sold me my TC Electronics combo. He was very helpful and happy to answer 'stupid' questions in a non-patronising way.
  19. I [b]am[/b] a vinyl freak and I [b]am [/b]near Redditch! But alas can't make this Saturday as I am attending a clowning workshop all day (don't ask!). Although I expect there will be hoards of people turning up to scoop up loads of stuff they can sell on e-bay. Timid record lovers like me may just get elbowed aside!
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1409607177' post='2541563'] Paul the drummer confirmed so i will indeed be bringing Paul the drummer and his drum kit. [/quote] Great! Paul is Da Man :-)
  21. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1409590015' post='2541254'] Here's our Justgiving page should anyone feel inclined: [url="https://www.justgiving.com/SunPuddle/"]https://www.justgiving.com/SunPuddle/[/url] I don't usually pester people for charity donations/sponsorships, but since my Mum died of MND I am making an exception this time. [/quote] Thank you very much Anonymous Member who donated. :-) xx
  22. Here's our Justgiving page should anyone feel inclined: [url="https://www.justgiving.com/SunPuddle/"]https://www.justgiving.com/SunPuddle/[/url] I don't usually pester people for charity donations/sponsorships, but since my Mum died of MND I am making an exception this time.
  23. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeSkcSyti8w&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeSkcSyti8w&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/url] This is ours
  24. Hi Mr Ben. I'll PM you with details of a brilliant tutor in Brum. Not sure about the try before you buy option though. I'm sure you'll get some good advice from the other guys on here. :-)
  25. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1409397901' post='2539314'] my fave was.... "drummer wanted, must be able to drum, time wasters will be flogged with a wet fish" [/quote] Lol I wanna be in that band!
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