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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Alas, Nige I can't remember the name of the sitarist I saw. I did speak to him afterwards but I'm afraid I'd had a few ales by then (blushes). Unfortunately for the Brum music scene he is now off to China to teach English for a year! He may come back with some interersting influences though.
  2. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1409134984' post='2536611'] I've read some inspiring stuff on this site but this takes the biscuit - what a great, happy, positive post. [/quote] Aw, it's very nice of you to say so. :-)
  3. This is lovely, Nigel. And available on vinyl too!! I'm gonna order a copy. Funnilly enough I saw a sitar player at a local gig this weekend. He was accompanied by a guy on 6 string bass. It was magical! I was thinking of starting a thread to see if anyone had any recommendations for sitar/Indian/fusion type music. But spookily enough, here was your thread just when I needed it, lol
  4. Only just tuned in. They are playing Apache now. Which reminds me...in an interview Hank Marvin said his fave guitar riff is Black Dog. Which only increased my admiration of him! :-)
  5. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1408953166' post='2534761'] Excellent Shell, sounds like you had a great time. I bet you were really buzzing. We played at a multi-band all-dayer on Saturday in a pub a few miles north. This was a fundraiser for the 2015 Ripley Music Festival. We only got 35 minutes, but all went well and we made some new friends and useful contacts. The pub had a full PA and back line that we used. However I did take my 'combi' wth me as back-up insurance. [/quote] Yes Neil, totally buzzing. I'm still in a state of disbelief that I'm doing this at all, when just over 3 yrs ago I couldn't play a note! Sometimes it feels as though I'm living someone else's life. Rather surreal but quite marvelous. :-)
  6. We played at a pub yesterday where they do a sort of local talent showcase once a month. It'ts a mixture of open mic and invited bands, of which we were one. It was a bit shambolic to begin with. Kicked off very late and there was a bit of a misunderstanding with how much of a drum kit they were providing. The stage was a bit small, so to create more space they had set up the mic stands on beer crates in front of the stage. We start off with Bohemian Like You, on which I do BVs. As soon as I stepped up to the mic to sing, the stand fell through a hole in the beer crate and the whole thing toppled over. I just stepoed back znd carried on playing, while sound guy ran up and reassambled it in a rather 'School of Rock' moment. Audience loved it. After that it all went very well. No bum notes (well not so's you'd notice!). Great reception from the marvelous assortment of Brummie characters who made up the audience . I had a friend in - a rampant old thespian who can be very critical and waspish. He said we were really tight! The last band on were an all female band who do some quirky original stuff. They were great and also really friendly. Mutual admiration all round. And two firsts. First time I have used my own combo (I keep calling it a 'combi' , but that's a boiler isn't it? ). And first time a punter has bought me a drink cos he liked my playing! Rock n roll!
  7. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1408804947' post='2533672'] Showing your bear legs and wearing shorts, Douglas. [/quote] I know he's big and hairy, but I wouldn't say he has bear legs! lol
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408820990' post='2533856'] You're not softening us up for some cradle-snatching revelations, are you?? *Jealous* [/quote] Yeh, I'm trying to get myself a young toyboy of about 45
  9. Like most of the other posts in this thread, this is a huge generalisation, but.... In the 2 years that I have been going to open mics and jams, I have really enjoyed meeting some of the younger musicians. They seem so full of enthusiasm and energy. They get up there and bound about like Tigger, even if they are playing to one man and his dog. And it seems the cynicism hasn't set in with a lot of them. I've met some really charming young people. And some of them are so bloody good it puts me to shame. Some of them are useless, but it doesn't seem to dampen their enthusiasm. Also (another generalisation but..) I've noticed some of the useless youngsters gradually improving. Whereas the useless oldsters tend to stay useless. :-)
  10. Ha ha, a bit like me and the EUB experience at recent bass bashes. Never thought I could possibly play such an instrument, but now I'd really like one. Maybe next year...
  11. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1408437942' post='2530039'] We have an understanding that "three is enough" as she has to dust them and as long as they are visibly different and do different things. I have a 12 string acoustic, a vintage stingray copy and a precision - I do buy things to try them but the rule is that something goes if I want to keep the new thing. We have a small house and I have limited free time and this seems reasonable to me [/quote] She has to dust them? !! Surely you jest
  12. I'll be there this year. Combining it with a visit to Father as usual, so won't be bringing a lot of gear. Just me trusty Fender P so that I can have a bit of a jam. Looking forward to catching up with you guys, and maybe meeting some new faces 1. Hamster - 2. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Schecter Diamond P5, Levinson Blade B15, amp & cab tbc 3. Bluejay - with no fewer than two cameras, and possibly her so far pretty successful - despite being lefty - Warwick Corvette 5 Pro 4. Happy Jack - who knows what I will bring this year? 5.Chris B 6.TheGreek 7. iD Entity - Zon 5, Wal 4, Amp of some kind, a couple fun pedals 8. Bassace: Double Bass and a small amp 9. Walman - some bits to be decided 10. Kiwi 11. Sibob - Whatever I'm using for my gig that night 12. obbm - Sadowskys, Mesa Prodigy, Berg CN212, Mesa Bottle Rocket and some cables 13. StephenY - Alpher Bass #004 and EBS TD650 14.seashell - MIM Fender Precision 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  13. OK, I know it's a Drum Fair! But I also know some of us BC'ers are fascinated by the weird world of bashing things with sticks. And some of you are actual real drummers So I thought I would give a heads up for this: [url="http://ukdrumfair.com/next-show/"]http://ukdrumfair.com/next-show/[/url] I intend to go along as it's just a sweaty towel's throw away from where I live. If anyone else is going, post in this thread and perhaps we can meet up?
  14. Wibble. This whole thread is in a foreign language. I don't even know why I'm here. Luckily for you I don't tend to post pics. Although I do use BC from my phone and I don't have any probs.
  15. [quote name='happynoj' timestamp='1406795640' post='2514716'] Anthony Head plays guitar and sings. [/quote] I didn't know that. I love Anthony Head. My admiration grows! :-)
  16. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1408199392' post='2528028'] I'm not sure one is allowed to state a preferred age range under current employment law. [/quote] You can if you want to employ an actor for a particular role. Maybe it applies to all performers? (Just speculating)
  17. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1408190365' post='2527963'] Single?....and a cat lover???...Stay right there my dear I'm on my way....*waggles eyebrows* Oh..wait....The wife says I have to mow the carpet.....again... so sorry. [/quote] Aw, and I was just about to put the kettle on!
  18. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1408139372' post='2527629'] Put your lippie on shell and you'll be fine :-) [/quote]
  19. Yay! I live in the right area! But ...oh and....ah....oh bugger :-(
  20. So glad I'm single. The cat doesn't care what I buy as long as I have enough spare cash for her Felix Ocean Feasts.
  21. [quote name='Pixiechick23' timestamp='1407494915' post='2521081'] Another reason I don't play with a pick. I'm actually left handed but I can't play a left handed bass for the life of me, unfortunately that means my weakest hand is the one holding the pick & I spend more time dropping it than I do using it lol [/quote] I can really relate to this. I think this is the reason I can't play with a pick.
  22. I've mentioned these awesome guys before, but so far I have seen: gjones - great bluesman, very professional barneyg - 'giant of the bass', can play bass and work a room at the same time Steve Lawson...bit of a legend, and now a local hero to me KevB - human jukebox, can play anything you throw at him, all round good guy and my unofficial basschat mentor All inspirational. I don't focus on their gear too much tbh, I just like their individual playing styles. What they all have in common is they make it look effortless. By comparison, I'm just a baby bird learning how to fly! :-)
  23. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1408041680' post='2526598'] Thanks, now my coffee is on the floor! [/quote] +1
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