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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1408033854' post='2526487'] It is disgraceful that the power of music to change society and address the profoundest of issues can be diluted by cheap hawkers of 'fun' and 'entertainment'. For a truly searing social indictment we must turn to Mr Bob Blackman's performance of Mule Train with tin-tray percussion. The whole vid only lasts 88 secs but those pressed for time can bathe in his unbending indignation at about 0:33 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8IbvVTXOIo[/media] [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Aah, I see you are a connossuer (sp?) of the true classics. They don't make 'em like that any more!
  2. I am definitely my teacher's eagerest beaver I've been going to him for three years now. I think most of his younger students either give up, join a band and give up lessons, or go off to Uni. Most of his middle aged fantasists give up as well when they discover that buying a £4k bass does not suddenly turn them into JPJ. I intend to keep go ing for ever and ever. There's always something new to learn. He's never gonna shake me off...mwaaa haaa haa
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1408010766' post='2526186'] I was briefly in PLJ in mid 1969. I joined just in time to record the "proper" version for Dandilion Records. [/quote] Wow, massive respect to you!! (goes into fangirl mode ) Shame about the other record though.
  4. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407970562' post='2525996'] Not PLJ, but I hope this version doesn't hurt too much [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5hCsodlGjE[/media] [/quote] Very tasty, thanks for posting. Some of my major idols on this recording. And yet.....it doesn't quite slash your heart like the original. A bit too polished I think. I guess it's all to do with the time, place and age I was when I first heard it.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1407972023' post='2526010'] I'm glad you like it, but it was only intended as a demo to get the band a record deal. Which it did. Rod Stewarts huge success with Maggie May caused it to be dusted off and released. After it became a hit there was no chance the actual recording would be released. It had been consigned to the vaults after PLJ split up for the final time, several years before. [/quote] Yeh I thought there was some sort of history like that behind it. Another story I heard was that RS was in the studios where it was being recorded and heard them playing it in another studio. Apparently walked in and said '[b]This [/b]is how the vocals should be done' That was the story that was going round Ashford County School in the 70's, but I'm sure it must be apocryphal (sp?)! Anyway, sh*t hot record however it came to be.
  6. I'd just like to mention 'In a Broken Dream' by Python Lee Jackson. So good it hurts.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1407661244' post='2522615'] That was probably me. She's brilliant. [/quote] Yes! You were that masked man!
  8. [quote name='paulears' timestamp='1407658035' post='2522577'] I was scratching my head on this one. I remembered the girl I saw with Jeff Beck but had to google it to find her name and then somebody mentioned Suzy Quatro. Sadly, I can't name any others without more Googling. That's not right really, is it? [/quote] That's exactly why I like threads like these! If you ignore all the bickerings you can find some good recommendations of people you hadn't heard of That's how I got turned on to Constance Redgrave. Someone mentioned her on BC some time ago and I looked her up.
  9. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1407616700' post='2522413'] I was on the BIMM Summer School in Bristol this week as the only bass player and I was lucky enough to have a two hour one to one with Yolanda who helped me learn a song for the afternoon, suggested some learning techniques for 16ths and dead notes and writing out song structures , got her Dimension out to demonstrate, watched me play in 3 Bands in the afternoon , jumped on stage to play with the others and said she liked my attitude to Bass and learning. She even bit off some of her nails so she could demonstrate on her bass. A lovely gracious lady with awesome chops. [/quote] I'm so jealous What a brilliant experience! :-)
  10. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1407573168' post='2521846'] I didn't know Grumpy played bass??!!! [/quote] Yeh, he was better than Slappy and Poppy! :-D
  11. Me! Me! Bandstand is one of my favourite albums. :-)
  12. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1407528668' post='2521590'] I had my first gig today at BIMM Bristol. Had to learn a song every morning Monday- Thursday between 10-1pm and play with a band in the afternoon, then today perform all 4 songs to an audience. Thing was I was the only bass player so I ended up in 3 bands and played 12 :-D [/quote] Brill!! Will there be more after this?
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1407525458' post='2521542'] and me... [/quote] and me. !
  14. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407508214' post='2521331'] I'd only watch it for the Faces. Fantastic band . . . Always seemed on the verge of losing it yet somehow always held things together. Wonderfully 'loose' but tight at the same time. [/quote] Yeh me too. I'm a massive Faces fan and IMHO Rod was at his peak when he was with them. Unfeasibly cool.
  15. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1407441175' post='2520648'] I am not qualified enough to determin who is technically great, and that goes for male and female, but i know who i like. [/quote] Yep, pretty much this.
  16. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1407431053' post='2520520'] Yes we could seriously do without that. Unless I'm a contender of course. [/quote] You were top of my list! But alas, the thread is not to be..
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407413308' post='2520227'] Wow, really..? Then YOU are now my favourite female bassist, Shell! *Gets red carpet out and paints everything white* [/quote] I shall in fact be playing Her Maj in an Alan Bennett play next year. But details of that are for another thread nearer the time....
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1407422795' post='2520365'] To be fair though, there are male bass players who garner the same kind of overtly sexual hysteria from female Basschatters. The unbelievably hunky Dave Ellefson of Megadeath immediately springs to mind. Despite his advancing years and poorly-disguised hair loss, Dave's formidable picking technique has won him legions of devoted female followers. [/quote] Again with David Ellefson and his hair (or lack thereof) ! Perhaps we should start a thread on 'hottest bass players of any and all genders'. But I think the moderators would probably implode.
  19. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1407426177' post='2520443'] Yes there should have been a smiley in there but the editor's gone squiffy and won't let me put them in for some reason. [/quote] Yeh, yeh, we believe you See, my smilies are working just fine
  20. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1407363345' post='2519908'] Must admit my knowledge of women bass players has widened by about 500% reading this thread so will be checking out some of the names mentioned. [/quote] Yes, me too. It's nice to be made aware of players that are interesting for one reason or another. Obviously one then makes up ones own mind about whether or not one thinks they are inept. (Crikey, I've just turned into the Queen!) Although as a relative beginner, pretty well everyone sounds 'ept' to me.
  21. Yes absolutely, happens to me all the time. If I'm terrified of going wrong and concentrating like mad, that's when I inevitably go wrong. I noticed this in particular at our last gig (which was in effect our first proper all electric gig other than open mics). I was standing on the edge of the 'stage' near the area where people had to squeeze past to get to the exits (as you do). Whenever anyone walked past and I had to lift the neck right up to avoid whacking them with the headstock, I realised I was actually playing more fluently. Cos I was concentrating more on avoiding people and letting the music (which I actually know backwards) flow by itself. I will also admit to a bit of showboating. I was sort of exaggerating it a bit so as to demonstrate what a cool customer I am, and that I'm not phased by anything while performing (if only that were true!). So what with doing all that, it actually helped the performance I feel.
  22. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1407268285' post='2519064'] A Welsh Floyd band? Shouldn't you be called "One Of These Dai's"..? [/quote] Oi, this isn't the Bad Jokes thread you know
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407186130' post='2518237'] Ah Petty Bickering, she wrote some great funky disco lines in the early 80s [/quote] Lol I'm tempted to adopt this as a stage name!
  24. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1406580183' post='2512769'] 20th Century boy. [/quote] Me too! A mere 2 years ago. :-)
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