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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1404739013' post='2495220'] There is a proper emoticon for poking tongue y'know maybe I'm not senile enough yet to miss it [/quote] Yeh, but I can't access it when posting from my phone. Which I'm not now....
  2. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1404739880' post='2495231'] Interesting to note that the majority couldn't tell maple from rosewood boards - I'd also be interested to know, did anyone/everyone spot their own bass? [/quote] I'd narrowed it down to two. So I was quite pleased with myself when it turned out that mine was actually one of the two I thought it might be. The other one was Happy Jack's 1957 USA Fender. Sorry, Jack Edit to add: - mine was the 2006 MIM with groundwound ('half wound') strings. Jacks had flats.
  3. Hey, Edward how you doin? Nice to see you back.... love the shirt
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1404683563' post='2494761'] Yup, I'm planning on going just as long as I get the gardening jobs out of the way during the day. [/quote] Sod the gardening jobs, Kev. Anyone would think you had just turned 50! (pokes tongue)
  5. What a lovely day. Great to meet some new faces and catch up with some old friends. Many thanks to Mick, Lozz and all the above mentioned peeps for making it happen. I'm SO gonna get an electric URB some day.....
  6. Not rock, but in the spirit of randomly shouting the names of Canadian musicians... Oscar Peterson! Nice.
  7. I never really liked it, but I found myself having to learn it at Christmas. Long story, but I was going to a small house party where a guitarist and (female) vocalist I didn't know had also been invited. The host wanted us to get together and provide some informal after lunch entertainment. The others wanted to do this bloody song, so I learned it. Found that I quite liked the bass line, but the rest of the song doesn't do much for me. Practised it loads on my own, but in the end we didn't do it at the party. The other two were brilliant musicians (WAY better than me), but they did have a penchant for mournful songs that the female singer could do whilst looking wistful. The rest of the guests only really livened up when we did Merry Christmas by Slade and I'm a Believer. I think Black Velvet would just have added to the misery, so I'm glad we didn't do it.
  8. Love Jethro Tull, but there have been so many line ups I can never remember who plays on each album. Aqualung still my fave JT album and Locomotive Breath fave track :-)
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1403898053' post='2487591'] Yup. Este from Haim is pretty much the undisputed queen of the bass face! She's mesmerizing to watch. I like that she knows she does it, but doesn't give a damn. Atta girl!! [/quote] +1. I love her :-)
  10. I love a bit of bass face. Or guitar face. Or any sort of musician face really. As long as it's done with style and passion. The thing I don't like is when singers do air guitar. I think that looks a bit naff.
  11. [quote name='Stingray5' timestamp='1403533114' post='2483616'] What, no donuts?! Ah, never mind - bassnuts are better! I reckon I can make this now so have added my details below. I've not made it to a bash for a while so It'll be nice to catch up with folks. I'll bring my beloved MM Stingray5 plus 2 or 3 others, e.g., Tune TWB-6, MM Stingray fretless, Fender USA Jazz. Either a Trace Elliot GP12SMX 1x15 combo or Trace Elliot BLX-80 1x10 combo. Boss GT-6B fx unit. [/quote] Yay! It will be so great to see you. Can't wait to show you - I can play at least 6 notes now! I sometimes even use the G string!
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1403345519' post='2481972'] Wander on to the stage, stand around awkwardly, peer out into the audience trying to figure out if the singer has even arrived at the venue yet. Begin first tune as they come in the door, so they can clamber on stage just in time for the chorus. Possibly not our finest moment! An old band of mine used to do some quite silly things. I recall a halloween gig where we were dressed as gnomes, witches etc, and we started with our ridiculous chromatic prog intro while our singer/guitarist ran around the hall in a fur coat and a huge home-made badger head before pulling off the head to come and join us. [/quote] Home-made badger head!!! You win the thread
  13. I usually try a bit of jazz. That way no-one can tell if I've gone wrong.
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1403129276' post='2480168'] Looks like I'm still here, and I haven't even had a message from the mods. *mops brow* [/quote] So glad you're back, but you've gone a bit boring with all this PC stuff (in both senses! ) I want more stories about when you were chased across America by the Dukes of Hazzard to the sound of duelling banjoes.
  15. Me and singer elbow our way through the punters to the miniscule corner where we're playing. Me carrying fully tuned up instrument. Drummer ambles up next and fiddles with his hi-hat for an eternity. Meanwhile guitarist is outside having a fag. Eventually he shows up, tunes up and starts fiddling with his pedals. Bends over and inadvertantly displays his (substantial) arse to the whole pub. Singer makes a few jokes at his expense. Eventually we get going after me and singer have been stood there like chumps for ages. (BTW, we are both girlies but neither of us wear high heels!)
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402951030' post='2478297'] There are NO French smilies, only Gallic shruggies. Hohn-he-hohn, etc. [/quote] I've always wondered how you spell hohn -he-hohn. This place is an education!
  17. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1402867976' post='2477479'] I need to source a waistcoat and practice my lunging, but yeah, I'm up for it [/quote] Your lunging is fine, as the pics from the Midlands Bass Bash will testify! :-) (I would add the link but I'm on my phone)
  18. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1402933166' post='2478037'] That was a piss poor guide, not a single mention of waistcoats and lunging poses [/quote] Lol
  19. I tried a bit of leaning back once. Unfortunately it was captured on camera and it made me look as though I had a double chin (perish the thought!). So I won't be doing that again. I'm practising hunching over now instead.
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1402921672' post='2477869'] ...might have been the fleetingest of unexpected note choice in the last song but I barely noticed. The songs didn't sound rushed so wouldn't give singist a hard time. It took me a couple of songs just to get over what the two lads before had done to Gordon Lightfoot's 'If You Could Read My Mind'.... [/quote] Ah, my unexpected jazz improvisation in the middle of Rebel Yell ! Those two lads were 'different' weren't they? Bongos, beards and avant-garde backing track. Brummies will know what I mean if I say 'typical Moseley'. Lovely lads though, bless 'em.
  21. Did our second acoustic gig at Chaos Acoustic night in Brum last night. They have four bands/artists on each time. Last time we were second on, but this time we were on third - so we are working our way up the bill Mostly, it was a happy experience. Lots of friendly faces in there. I think I played reasonably OK although did make a couple of howlers. Just ploughed on regardless though. Was a bit happier with my singing this time. As it was acoustic, we were playing as a threesome (just vocals, guitar and bass) I don't really like playing without a drummer though, it's so stressful trying to keep time. Last night I felt the singer was racing ahead in a couple of songs and I was trying to catch up with her. Glanced at guitarist - he was thinking the same, but it's so tricky to get back on track when you start to lose the rhythm. So much easier with a drummer taking on the responsibilty of keeping us all together. Drummers, we love you! Great to see [b]KevB [/b]in the audience - so good of him to come all that way to support us He's becoming my unofficial Basschat mentor! Also, the band onafter us were [b]really[/b] good. I'm so enjoying getting out there playing and meeting other bands. We've been so lucky so far - made a lot of friends and good contacts and haven't (yet) encountered any pretentious tossers who sneer at you. Next stop is an actual proper actual gig with full band and an hour long set on 12 July. I shall share more about that later..
  22. I've been a one woman audience. Went to a friend's comedy gig, and I was the only person there who wasn't another comedian waiting to go on. Compere had to do all her gags at me, and kept referring to me as The Audience. It was December, no heating in the venue and I went down with a rotten cold shortly afterwards. :-(
  23. Whippersnapper! :-) Have a great gig! :-)
  24. Whatever happened to Topics anyway? A hazelnut in every bite..yum :-)
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