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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1402409868' post='2473158'] I remember the ones where the ringpull came off instead of staying attached like those modern newfangled posh ones... [/quote] You could link them together and make a fab and groovy chain belt.
  2. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1402245368' post='2471294'] Well by the miracle of modern technology..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b045y0yn can't recall just where it was played, second hour I hink but if you hunt round there's probably a playlist knocking about on BBC site. [/quote] Thanks, I always forget about modern technology! Hurrah, now I can listen to that wireless programme again ! And I won't even have to wait for the valves to warm up! :-D
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1402244823' post='2471285'] Anyone hear Brian Matthew play that really early version of Fountain of Love (apparently predating the one on Ruben & the Jets) yesterday on Sounds of the 60's? [/quote] Bugger, missed that. I usually listen to 'your old mate Brian Matthew' but yesterday I had a mega long sleep in. Would have loved to have heard old Brian spinning that disc! :-D
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1401989388' post='2469010'] ... and that's why I play drums..! Never could figure this 'ere string changing..! [/quote] And I could never figure out how to assemble a hi-hat!
  5. OK, here's what I know about mine: Name/Brand of bass =[b]Fender[/b] Country of origin [b]Mexico[/b] Estimated original cost [b]£500 maybe? It was £320 used.[/b] Fretboard - RW/M/other [b]RW [/b] Strings - flats-v-rounds-v-other and steel-v-nickel (should we also consider brand?) [b]Status hotwire half wounds (ground wound)[/b] Type of p/ups [b]- Dunno. Original p/ups probably. Single coil or summat?[/b] A modest instrument, but I love it
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1401981295' post='2468881'] It doesn't matter what they are, as in that case they need changing, as everyone seems to swap out original stuff, whatever it is. Put a set of [[i]insert here whatever's fashionable at the time of reading[/i]...] on it and improve your bass no end. [/quote] I'm not messing with it! It's as much as I can do to change the strings
  7. OK, stupid question but how can I tell what sort of p/ups my bass has? They are just the ones that were on there when I got it.
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401607471' post='2465094'] Mine was a black dress with big white bursts of like a star light on them, it did look fairly rock and roll (even though OH hated it!), I have now renamed it "my gigging dress". It was actually quite loose and relaxing! Our guitarist, bless him, said I looked really hot.... Seeing a woman in a dress holding and playing a great big bass [/quote] Pics please! Mines purple with a sort of lace up bodice. Works well with black leggings and ankle boots. Also destined to be my 'gigging dress', lol
  9. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401579973' post='2465041'] Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!! [/quote] Glad the gig went well Debs. Funnily enough I wore a dress for the first time at our last Open Mic. I felt really good, so am going to repeat the exercise. Gotta be the right sort of dress though, or I'll end up looking like Mrs Merton on Bass.!
  10. I'll post the details of my Mexican Fender P in a day or two. Will have to do a bit of research first. Not sure of what the original price would have been. Also don't know what kind of p/ups it has. D'you mean there's more than one sort?!
  11. [quote name='kristinaelias' timestamp='1401221145' post='2461467'] Oooh! Err, if it's not a silly question, what happens at a bass bash?? Sounds interesting. Perhaps more importantly does it matter if I'm a crap player? I wouldn't have to play in front of people would I? [/quote] There are usually a lot of people looking at and trying out each other's gear. Depending on size of venue, facilitators etc there may also be a jam room where you could have a little play(entirely optional) and or a few talks laid on about various subjects of interest (pedals, effects etc spring to mind). I'd deflinitely encourage anyone to go, even if they think they are crap (whicch you're probably not anyway). When I went to my first bash I had only been learning for about 9 months, I didn't know one end of the bass from the other and I was sh*t scared. SO glad I forced myself to go. Met loads of hugely encouraging people and learned loads.
  12. I'll get it in the diary. I'll be down there for my Dad's birthday. He'll be 94 on 4th Nov!!
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1401127931' post='2460380'] When you write it in an attic? [/quote] Lol!
  14. How about The Roadhouse, Birmingham or The River Rooms Stourbridge? I can't post links as am on my mobile atm, but you could google them.
  15. Phoned you to apologise? That's gotta be a first, surely! :-)
  16. Actually, I think it's quite funny. And I think Guy should go back to running his antique shop. Mrs Berryman Kirkaldy, Scotland.
  17. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1400538183' post='2454866'] Much as I would like to add something to the debate........ all I can say in my present inebriated state is....... I saw em at Knebworth...'kin great I say...LOVE perfect strangers!!!! *falls down drunk* [/quote] And on a Monday night, too! lol
  18. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1400534885' post='2454826'] Quite recently a fellow musician asked me what bass players influenced me and I was making that exact point. I was influenced by great songs performed by great bands, not by individual musicians. Back in the day the likes of Purple and Zep were turning out an album every year or less and there are so many great moments in there. FFS, Led Zeppelin 1 was recorded and mixed in 36 hours! 'Made in Japan' was recorded at a cost of $3000 with no overdubs. It is a great live recording of one of rocks great bands, performing fabulous songs IMO. Interestingly those old vinyl recordings sound so much better sonically IMO, than the some of the more recent stuff out there which is mastered in such a way that dynamics are lost. [/quote] Call me an old fart (which many people have!), but I totally agree. :-)
  19. Hope I'll be able to attend since I missed last year. Later in the year might be good, since September seems to be a very busy month.
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1400228319' post='2451961'] It's not me, it's the rig honest I looked at my diary and I've booked the week off the day after this bash as I'm going up to the lakes for part of it. And I own 2 P basses. Must...resist...must...resist... [/quote] Go on Kev, you know you want a nice day out in Hertfordshire. And there's bound to be cake as well!
  21. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1400447816' post='2454005'] Oh go on then. Still remain in my top ten fave bands of all time. What more can I say to those unfamiliar but get out there and hear 'em for yourselves. Their history is one of the best soap operas in rock n roll. [/quote] I knew you wouldn't be able to resist, tee hee And I agree, BTW :-)
  22. Did someone mention Deep Purple? I expect KevB will be along soon ...
  23. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1400374103' post='2453347'] I love Radio 4 and I love bass, so this sounds promising! [/quote] Ooh yes me too! Keep us posted, panamonte. I wouldn't want to miss this! :-)
  24. Great thread. So many memories it's difficult to choose just one. But if I had to choose I think I'd say That's the Way I Like It bt KC and the Sunshine Band. It's not the kind of music I normally like, and I don't posses it in any format. Hence it hasn't become overlaid with different memories. So whenever I hear it I'm right back to the year I left school, long hot summer nights and a certain boy... Magic memories :-)
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