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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1392978478' post='2374797'] Awesome gig Nige! [/quote] +1 It must have been a joyous experience! :-)
  2. Yay, lets all meet up at The Adam and Eve on 15th! As long as they'll let an ageing old rock chick in. :-)
  3. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1392914268' post='2374135'] These are very true words. If only it was easy to convince the rest of the band that this info is true!!! [/quote] +1
  4. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1392748540' post='2372322'] Quote of the day [/quote] +1
  5. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1392732028' post='2372066'] I keep a small number, never seen need for dozens of them as I'm not a 'collector' by nature but can respect those who are. Wouldn't feel comfortable if gigging regularly with absolutely no backup in case of accidents or failures. Also means I have the ability to loan out a bass to others in need without it being too detrimental. [/quote] I can vouch for Kev's generous attitude here. I'll have to stop borrowing his basses or I'll end up with more of them than he has.
  6. Lol, thanks for your comments everyone I think I'll put the wine in the cellar and keep it until we get our first paid gig. By which time it will be a priceless antique!
  7. Sunday night was our first ever gig that wasn't just an open night or jam night We did an acoustic set at a local pub that has a regular acoustic 'club'. Drummer decided it wasn't for him as (his words) ' I only have 2 settings, loud and off'. So the three of us went ahead without him - but he did come along to watch. I was dead nervous about playing without drummer - felt really exposed. We did some different arrangements of our usual covers set, mostly invloving Guitar and me doing more BVs than usual, which was a bit scary. But it went down really well!! We had a few friends in, but there were also some regular punters who seemed to enjoy it. I even heard someone murmuring 'Nice!' in true jazz club style during our version of 'Royals' There were supposed to be 4 bands/artists on, but one of them didn't show up. So the rest of us were asked to do a bit extra to pad it out. Last on was a singer/sognwriter - great guy. At the end of his set, someone shouted out 'I'm A Believer'! He said 'I'll do it if someone comes up here and plays it with me'. As it happens I do know (a simplified version of) the bassline to this, so I got up and played and our singer sang. The audience loved it cos it was a bit of fun. So we were all flushed with success. Felt like we'd just played Wembley And what's more.. - the guy who runs it said he definitely wants us back again - he also asked us if we'd like to do a support slot with his band in the summer!! - I won a bottle of wine in the raffle
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1392375985' post='2367870'] No 2's going to get fed up with travelling that far. [/quote] Yep, almost inevitable. If you hire him I bet he won't stay with you for long.
  9. Great news! I think you should re-name the band The Chuffs of Scotland.
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1392233972' post='2366338'] Glad to hear it went well and even more glad you didn't go all Pete Townsend at the end. [/quote] Tee hee, I couldn't afford it!
  11. I know I've been told this before . But could someone remind me again, please? How do you edit the title of a thread? (One of your own, obviously). many thanks shell
  12. We had a terrific time at our regular Jam night last night! We got to play 7 songs, we managed them all without any major howlers from anyone and they all got a really good reception from the punters! I was actually conscious at the time of enjoying myself whilst playing. That's a first for me! People we didn't even know came up to us afterwards and said they enjoyed it. Again, a first for us! I was lucky enough to be playing a rather tasty USA Fender Jazz, lent to me by [b]KevB [/b]in an exceptional example of BC camerarderie! So I think that probably helped to inspire me. Some pictures were taken, so if I can get hold of any I will post them here so you can all see me weilding this wonderous instrument.
  13. Not wishing to put a dampener on things, but past experience of Midlands events shows that we might expect a lot of people to drop out at the last minute. I think you're right to put a limit on gear, but I'm sure the space will be fine. :-)
  14. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1391976076' post='2363219'] At a band-mates recent 50th birthday gig,I looked like a chicken doing a Bez from the Happy Mondays impersonation. I feel no shame about it either. [/quote] I bet it looked foul! (Someone stop me now, please!)
  15. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1391957507' post='2362955'] Rule 14. You shall gurn,bob at the knees,nod the head or make other facial contortions and/or bodily movements that give even the most casual of viewer the impression that you are enjoying what you are doing. And if you're not enjoying it,f**k off and find something better to do. This rule replaces the OP's rule 10. [/quote] Knee bobbing. I rather like that. I once saw a guitarist do this combined with a sort of chicken pecking head nod. And on the last beat of the bar he sort of kicked his leg out at the back. It was wonderful to behold. If I can ever perfect that move I shall be very happy
  16. Moose Antlers and Cake. I think we're in for a good time.
  17. [quote name='Chris Sharman' timestamp='1391937831' post='2362699'] I will endeavour to attend, although I have no really special gear to bring so I might see if I can talk Mrs S into baking a cake or two (Mrs S makes goooodd cake!) [/quote] Yay! Cake! :-)
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1391792103' post='2361393'] [i]Danish Pastry? Dainish [b]f***ing[/b] Pastry? [/i]This isn't the soft shandy drinking south east you know... [/quote] But I was going to bring some petit fours! :-0
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1391800931' post='2361545'] I went to a gig like that. I had to leave in the break, the band sounded awful [/quote] We can clear a bar in 2 minutes. And that's without taking our tops off.
  20. Well I thought it was funny. Totally agree with number 9. And I would never take my top off at a gig. No matter how many blokes in the audience called for it
  21. Good idea, but I'd rather have separate threads about different programmes. If the name of a band you like catches your eye you 're more likely too see it than if you're wading through a long thread about lots of different programmes. And if 2 things are on at the same time you can talk to other people about just the programme you're watching.
  22. Hi Indy I'm in Brum and I go for my private lessons here: [url="http://www.academyofmusic.ac.uk/locations/location.php?id=6"]http://www.academyofmusic.ac.uk/locations/location.php?id=6[/url] Don't be put off by the website - it's not just a college for young wannabees. They do private lessons at weekends (and evenings I think) which are very suitable for adult learners. The bass tutor is great. He taught me completely from scratch. He's really flexible so if you're dividing your time between Brum and Sheffield he'll try to fit round you. If you click the 'private lesssons' tab and contact the college, they'll put you in touch with the tutor. Hope that helps. seashell
  23. [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1391603668' post='2359016'] I'll try make it. But not definite. If ever I can, I won't be able to bring any gear as I don't drive and only probably going by train. Just me and my camera if ever. [/quote] A camera would be great. It would be lovely to have some pictures. I'm sure bluejay would blog them or tweet them or whatever if you were OK with that.
  24. I've added myself below and I've also added Norris as he couldn't cut and paste from his phone. I haven't got much to bring. I just looking forward to meeting a few new faces and having a chat. I'll bring the Fender P anyway. 1. Si600 - No gear, I expect to be too busy and I've nothing exotic or interesting! 2. Roland Rock - '78 P, W&T Ergon 5, Rocket Rig or GlockenRig 3. 4-string-thing - '78 (77?) P, Kala U Bass and either my Acoustic 220 or Minimark 4. Pantherairsoft - 5. KevB - Tea and biscuits 6. Doyle - V940, ME-20B, Random self build 7. intime-nick - maybe my Shuker, Sandberg, rack & pedalboard etc 8. andydye (if I can get agreement from swmbo) - ACG 5'er fretted and fretless, MarkBass LMIII, EAD Foundation 212, some pedals 9. DaytonaRik - Ashdown ABM III 1x15 combo and 2x10 extension cab, another Thunderbird IV, Schecter Omen Extreme IV, maybe a Cort (I think?) headless Flying V if I do something with it in time! 10. seashell - Fender P 11. Norris - Ric 4003, Gibosn T-bird, StaggEUB, Combo amp
  25. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1391247187' post='2354882'] Who? Who are these people? [/quote] Indeed! I am really not that into gear at all, but even so I like to have 2 basses. My Fender P suddenly started cutting out on me and I'm so glad I've got the Ibanez to fall back on while I get the (not so) trusty Fender fixed. Unless you're seriously strapped for cash or space, I'd hang on to both. ! :-)
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