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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I love crosswords, thanks for posting this :-) Gonna look at it properly tomoro morning. Don't post any spoilers in the meantime, peeps! :-)
  2. Thank you so much everyone. It's only just dawned on me I could have googled this. Doh! But then I wouldn't have had the interesting human answers and anecdotes. So many thanks guys :-)
  3. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1387040544' post='2307714'] not many singers can manage it in G like Noddy, we're doing it this Christmas in D and we're doing the intro F Em D C A, so in G it would be Bb Am G F D, think thats right, doesn't sound much like the record though, on that there's no guitar just bass and harmonium, according to wiki anyway [/quote] Thanks Paul. The singer is female, so maybe that's why they keep it in G. I didn't know there was a harmonium on it. Hopefully the guitarist will be able to recreate that somehow. He's a professional and apparently v good I'm supposed to be playing about 6 songs with them. They've sent me a list and the keys they do them in. Hopefully it will be fun. Only trouble is I shall have to stay sober at Xmas lunch if I'm going to play afterwards.
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1387039556' post='2307697'] It's in G, but starts off with a run down from Bb. [/quote] Oh brill, many thanks. So if I play it as per the original I should be OK then.
  5. Oh I do hope so, ambient, that would make things a lot easier. I was thinking it might have been D because the itro seems to be part of a descending D minor scale. But then does it change key when vocals come in?
  6. Can anyone help me out please? I've been asked to play Merry Xmas at a party with some other musicians I won't be meeting till the day (Xmas Day!). I'm told they do it in G. I'm listening to the original right now and trying to work out what key it's in to begin with. Could anyone point me in the right direction, please?
  7. Not happy in as much as I'm sh*t and I know I am. Still going for lessons and probably will do so until I drop. But delighted I've learned to play bass at all.
  8. [quote name='Prunesquallor' timestamp='1386959908' post='2306921'] One album? OK - Nevermind by Nirvana Don't tell me it's not HM. There's enough Sabbath influences in there. And how come no-one's mentioned The Color and the Shape by the Foos. Again, HM, 90s stylee. <sits back and waits for the flames > [/quote] Nowt wrong with Nevermind. It definitely has a heavy quality. You can nominate what you want. And you haven't broken Bilbo's 'one album only' rule. Fair play
  9. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1386935633' post='2306555'] Here here.. my mum plays this EVERY sunday morning, ( im not joking!) she is now 70 and has done since it came out ! i got her the CD years ago but No... it has the be the old LP scratches and all. for me tho its equal with back in black. [/quote] Your Mum sounds like a very cool lady :-)
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1386858797' post='2305472'] So you should be, that's a great pic! P.S. I'd be chuffed i could do that even without a bass guitar in my hands. [/quote] +1
  11. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1386887605' post='2306167'] Slightly surprised at some of the "hard rock" suggestions. Are we thinking hard rock = soft metal?? [/quote] Well it's difficult to define.... For me heavy rock is music that thumps through your chest without making your ears bleed.
  12. Deep Purple in Rock... Machine Head....Led Zep 2...... Led Zep 4 , does that count?....The Black Album.. too new?? Right finally, I've decided it's gotta be [b]PARANOID !!![/b] \m/ \m/ \m/
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1386862136' post='2305577'] Where do those lyrics come from? [/quote] Lol, now I'm going to work it up into a new song for the band Still in a quandry about best heavy rock LP of all time. Curse you, Bilbo!
  14. // Running round in circles banging into things and hyperventilating while I try to choose only one.....// I'll get back to you when I've calmed down......
  15. Ray Dorset's Mum was a dinner lady at our school. Sorry, I got lost on the way to the 'tenuous links to fame' thread.
  16. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1386765404' post='2304152'] Not forgetting Dolly Parton's B.O.U.R.S.I.N. [/quote] Cheese Release Me I talk to the Bries Philadelphia Freedom
  17. Last Jam before Xmas at the Barge n Barell last night. Pub was really busy. We'd learned some new covers for our little 'set', so I was concentrating quite hard on getting them right. I wasn't really sensing what the audience was feeling, so I actually felt a sense of surprise when we received enthusiastic applause and whoops! I hadn't realised people were enjoying it so much. I do think we are improving as a band now. We hardly made any mistakes last night Also our singer is blossoming into a really good front person. She was making witty quips in between songs and that helped to get the audience on our side. Added to which I was standing right up front next to her for BVs and we both were wearing red and black and covered in bling. So perhaps we looked rather fetching (ahem!) I think that helped to attract the punters attention a bit. We'll have to take a bit of a break now until after Xmas, as the rest of them have lives. But New Year's resolution is to actually get some gigs of our own in 2014. Bring it on!
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1386502300' post='2300707'] [url="http://s30.photobucket.com/user/KevB64/media/valexmas13_zps43c32631.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] 'Ho ho ho, have I got a surprise for you little girl'
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1386540051' post='2301321'] I was going to make a rock band joke about snow being slang for cocaine, but I can't think of anything. [/quote] That's not good enough. Go and sit in your shed until you come up with something.
  20. Wow, Raymondo what a fantastic experience :-)
  21. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1386449761' post='2300371'] Ah. Understood. Identities have been changed to protect the [s]guitarist[/s] innocent... [/quote] Yes him. And the other chump who's job description starts with S and ends with 'inger'.
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1386447525' post='2300329'] zBut they still sing songs about it... Shelley the red faced bassist Had some very dodgy notes And if you ever heard them You would even say 'oh no' [/quote] It wasn't me who mucked it up!!! I won't say which individual(s) were responsible for the train wreck, but it wasn't me. Or the drummer.
  23. It'll probably be much mor enjoyable than seeing them in some massive venue. I well remember the 'Who is better, Tony McPhee or Eric Clapton?' correspondance in Melody Maker back in the 70s. How times have changed. Hope you have a great time. :-)
  24. [quote name='hernandoitwt' timestamp='1386429521' post='2300023'] Run Run Rudolph https://soundcloud.com/beautyschooldropoutsband/run-run-rudolph-chuck-berry [/quote] I love this song. My 'entry level' band did it last Xmas, at my suggestion. I' ll draw a veil over how well we succeeded. Lets just say it was not a triumph :-(
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