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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386428631' post='2300010'] You are banned from Off Topic?!! That is f***ing sad. I don't always agree with your angle on things but you are one of BC's valuables in OT. [/quote] +1
  2. We're doing Santa Baby. We also have a girlie singist. :-)
  3. Tum te tum.. I'm just filing me nails while I wait for Dingus to get here..
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1386375240' post='2299584'] Please do so! I would LOVE to see the examples given. [/quote] They've got one going on 'Harpchat'
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1386363581' post='2299433'] Well I wouldn't go that far, though the dog should come with a lead, obviously. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1386355108' post='2299291'] Rod Stewart's vocal on the original Python Lee Jackson version of Ine a broken dream is great. [/quote] Indeed it is. It's fantistic and I'd love to play it one day. I didn't even realise there was a cover ...I'll have to Youtube it :-D
  7. Let me through, I'm a feminist!!! Well I can honestly say I've never experienced any comments like that. The worst that's ever happened is a few lame comparisons to Suzi Quatro. But she's the only bass player some people have ever head of, male or female! I don't feel patronised if anyone helps me with anything technical. That's cos I'm hopeless at anything technical. Which is not a quality exclusive to women - as can be seen from various threads on here about blokes who've blown up amps and other technical disasters. Also, perhaps because I'm of a certain age I don't get the creepy rubbish. Or not that much that it bothers me. If I get any compliments I just take it gracefully. However, there's a big difference between me as an amateur and relative novice and a women trying to make it as her career. It's a shame that gals have still have to put up with the crap occasionally Oh and finally...I did used to think that patronising and surly service in certain music shops was because I'm a woman. But Basschat has made me realise it happens to everyone!
  8. If I was buying a kettle I'd expect it to come with an actual kettle lead. Likewise I'd expect any electrical item to come with a suitable lead.
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1386264059' post='2297963'] I think that most of us here, who took up the bass at a late stage in life realise that the likelihood of being the next Wooten or Jaco, are slim. In my case it probably would still have been the same even if I'd started young. However, it is better late than never and if we are enjoying ourselves and seeing some progress in our playing, that... for me at least, helps to counter act the regret of not having started earlier. [/quote] +1 to all that
  10. Hi all. The one I regularly go to is at the Barge and Barrel, Tipton, second Tues of the month. However I don't think it is the kind of jam the OP is looking for. People usually turn up with their own bands and just do 3 or 4 of their usual songs. The other one I've been to recently is KevB's jam on a Sunday afteroon. That's much more along the lines of what Basschatfield wants. People can just turn up and have a jam with other musicians, but they usually pick exisiting songs to do. Doesn't mean you have to know them in advance though, if you can pick them up as you go along. But I haven't seen anyone just doing freeform kind of jams there. Only trouble with this one though, is it isn't exaclty in the West Midlands. It's at the Greyhound, Beeston near Nottingham so probably a bit far for the OP. If anyone knows of anything more W Mids based, I'd be interested in that as well!
  11. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1386231945' post='2297385'] mmmmm vinyl [/quote] +1
  12. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1386188017' post='2296994'] Made in japan . My fave purple album [/quote] Class. :-) And great album cover too.
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1386189577' post='2297043'] . . . and was itself subsequently ripped off by Paul Weller for Changing Man. [/quote] Yes, I'd forgotten that! :-) I rather liked that as well. :-)
  14. 10538 Overture was the first single I ever bought. I thought it was great (still do) even though somewhat of a rip off of I Am the Walrus. But nothing they did after that had the same effect on me. Can't explain why really. I suppose it didn't sound dramatic enough somehow. Fair play to the OP though for getting into some quality stuff. :-)
  15. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1386165940' post='2296621'] Gigwaise, I think my favourite is "She sells sanctuary". Certainly not a complex bassline but with lots of energy if played a little faster than the original. [/quote] Definitely agree (apart from the going faster than the original bit - couldn't manage that! ). I like it cos I can do a bit of headbanging during the long drum fill when I'm not actually playing. My other fave is Heart Shaped Box. I love all the string bending business. We don't do it that often though, due to the down tuning. Neither I nor guitarist are very good at down tuning quickly
  16. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1385977070' post='2294148'] Well done Shelly, sounds like a real evening. I know the pub and the village it's in very well, it's actually generally a fairly 'well to do' area but at weekends they get a few rough 'uns in from a neighbouring area which isn't far away but like the wild west in comparison. I'd laugh my socks off if our singer got 'zimmered'. [/quote] Thanks Kev. Sounds like your own gig that night went pretty well.
  17. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1385974743' post='2294127'] Sounds like an interesting night! What was the pub, and what was the name of the reggae band? Congratulations on completing your own metaphorical firewalk; you need to put on a band night to celebrate! [/quote] Thanks Roland It was the Jolly Farmers in Ruddington. Unfortunately, I was in such a daze I can't remember the names of any of the other bands now! I think the reggae band are quite newly formed though, which is why they haven't managed to find a proper reggae drummer yet. The rock guy is just helping them out ofr a bit.
  18. Not last night, but Saturday (just got round to writing this up). Long story short - some of the regulars at KevB's jam at the Greyhound had persuaded into playing at a charity night in a pub just outside Notttingham. The details were somewhat sketchy, but I was led to believe this would also be some sort of jam, put on as a celebration for a chap who'd just done a firewalk. I asked if they wanted me to learn anything in particular, but they just told me to turn up and 'do what you usually do'. Got there to find it was quite an event. There were 3 'proper' bands playing, plus me and some randoms from the Greyhound jam who were expected to get up and do a little set. No other bass players for this, so I was going to have to do about half an hour with this 'scratch' band! The pub was a strange mixture of happy families there for the charity firewalk, and iffy looking characters with neck tattoos. First up were a band of young teenagers, who were pretty good. During their set an old lady on a zimmer frame hobbled right up to the lead singer/guitarist, and stood glaring at him with her hands on her hips. Then she performed a series of emphatic and somewhat menacing gestures. The band played on like troupers. Then a woman's voice rang out from the back 'When's the reggae band on?' The kids left the stage to the sound of one person clapping. Me. I was up next with the 'scratch' band. We quickly ran out of songs I knew, so then we had to play songs I didn't know, with guitarist shouting out the chords at me as we went along. I just played root notes. Mostly the right ones at that! We left the stage to the sound of tumbleweeds blowing through the bar. I tried to take that as a compliment - at least we didn't get the zimmer frame treatment or heckling. What was really nice though was that the bass player from the reggae band came up to me afterwards, shook me by the hand and said some very kind words about my playing. So that cheered me up no end. The reggae band were on next. Unfortunately the sound was a bit off and the drummer was more of a rock drummer who didn't really have the groove. They went down well though. They were 'zimmered', but she seemed to be enjoying it this time. Finally there was a goth band who were excellent indeed. They all played really well, the sound was spot on and they all looked exceptionally cool. The crowd really loved them. So what I have learned from this is - all you have to do to get the crowd on your side is play really well, sound really great and look fantastic. Simples
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1385486724' post='2288866'] I always like Meddle . Gets overshadowed by Dark Side Of The Moon , for obvious reasons, but it's the record where the Floyd first showed they had what it takes to be something special , in my opinion . [/quote] +1 to this. I really love Meddle.
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1385397175' post='2287730'] Next time she tries to take you to task about your bass tone , try and steer the conversation round to shoes. Compliment her on her choice of footwear, and then enquire politely in an interested manner about what she looks for when she is shopping for some stylish footwear. Then be prepared to withdraw into your own mind for the next two hours while she outlines in detail the complex criteria and aesthetic guidelines she has for choosing a new pair of high heels and describes in detail every single pair of shoes and boots currently on display at her local Kurt Geiger retail outlet. She will soon have forgotten all about your bass, and ,indeed, probably all about you. [/quote] Dingus, haven't you got some shelves to put up or something ? (pokes tongue out)
  21. Perhaps they're bringing their own gear but they don't want you to use it? Hence you've been asked to bring your own?
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1385339660' post='2287266'] Long long house band stint today at a jam session, wouldn't normally relate it but one particular set was bizarre. Asked to back a couple of guys playing guitars doing a few songs I don't usually do but happened to know them reasonably well. One of them sets off doing the songs fine, the other clearly didn't or had some kind of serious mental block. The bizarre thing was he evidently wasn't listening to either me or the other guitarist or even looking for guidance, seemed genuinely oblivious to the train wreck he was creating and ploughed along throwing in wrong chord after wrong chord. Utter shambles that seemed to just go on forever. Still, that's jam sessions for ya Felt like I earned my fee today... [/quote] Blimey Kev, that sounds excruciating! Almost wish I'd seen it though, out of morbid curiosity lol Well done you for ploughing through - that's why you're a pro :-)
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1385045504' post='2283798'] Not everyone wants to take it seriously from the off. Ive been in bands who had no intention of ever gigging, it was purely for fun a few times a month. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all knew the score and we had a lot of fun as there was no time pressure etc. [/quote] Oh yes agreed. I think it's a case of striking the right balance for everyone, which is not always easy to do. I'm not trying to imply that I'm a paragon of dedication, aiming for loads of gigs. I'm strictly an amatuer who doesn't practice nearly enough and turns up ill prepared on occasions!! It's just that the attitude of not wanting to improve at all, and just turn up to lark about has irritated me in the past. Mostly with acting though, I have to make clear. Not (usually!) with other band members.
  24. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1384989773' post='2283345'] I would get one if it was a loose sloppy beanie rather than just a booble hat sans bobble. [/quote] Yeah, bobbles are so old hat! (I'll get me coat. And hat)
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