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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I know that feeling of the brain being full! I feel like mine is full and I only know a few songs. As soon as I learn a new one, an earlier one seems to drop out of my head Nevertheless, it has never occurred to me to use charts on stage. I think that's because in a previous incarnation I was a dancer, so am used to having to know all the moves before you go on. You can't exaclty have charts for dancing. Another difficulty is with encroaching age, I couldn't read a chart anyway if I have my 'distance' contact lenses in. I'm also finding this a problem with using other people's amps at open mics etc because as soon as I get close enough to it to plug in I can't see where to plug it. If you see what I mean. Matron.
  2. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1385035547' post='2283618'] If being prepared, organised and knowing the difference between learning songs and a band rehearsal on your part is 'taking it too seriously' then i suspect the band is going absolutely nowhere. You're better off out of it. [/quote] +1 The phrase that fills me with most dread at rehearals is 'It's just for a bit of a laugh though, isn't it?' (In my case this is usually at am dram rehearsals, but applies equally to music). Some people don't know the difference between having fun and buggering about getting nothing done.
  3. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1384952350' post='2282665'] What about a stylish waistcoat for jazzers and folks with a slight higher BMI than strictly necessary (ahem)? [/quote] You'll be asking for straw boaters next!
  4. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1384900861' post='2282216'] And mugs! Hats and mugs! [/quote] And jewelry! Bass clef pendants and bracelets!
  5. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1384898021' post='2282153'] me too. Ideally a peaked beanie, or at least something to actually cover my lugs (i've a massive head) [/quote] Yes, I hope they would come in sizes to accommodate people with..er...larger brains.
  6. Looks like a Health and Safety disaster waiting to happen. I can hear Nigel running to this thread, clipboard in hand.
  7. I like the way you can think on your feet though Kev, and just change things as you go along and still sound good. Oh, and I thought the way you all did Summertime was lovely as well.
  8. Went over to Nottingham for [b]KevB[/b]'s jam session again yesterday afternoon.This time took the rest of the band and we got up and did our 4 best numbers (sorry Kev, that's as good as it gets, lol ) Later drummer and I got up and did a couple of songs with another guitarist that was there. Drummer really enjoyed this - it's the first time he's ever done anything like it as he, like me, is relatively new to all this. So all in all it was a good fun afternoon. Kev was in fine form, of course. In particular, I really loved his version of Cheap Sunglasses
  9. Who's watching then? I'm lovin it :-)
  10. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1383764393' post='2268837'] You've clearly never heard me trying to play Rush's YYZ - I get so much personality in there there's no room for most of the notes... [/quote] Brilliant! I'll remember this whenever I'm struggling to play an extremely simplified version of some classic!
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1383760941' post='2268754'] Jazz *isn't* widely disliked. Honestly, it isn't. The definition of jazz (if there can even be one) is so wide-ranging that I'd wager nearly everyone likes at least [i]some[/i] "jazz"---whether that be dixieland big bands, 40s swing, Sinatra ballads, cool-era Miles, fusion-rock era miles, funk-fusion Weather Report, etc etc etc. Saying that jazz is unpopular because lots of people don't like the extended solo stuff is like saying that rock music is unpopular because lots of people don't like death metal. A better question to ask would be "why is jazz the butt of all the musical jokes?". [/quote] Excellent post! You often hear people say 'I don't like jazz but....' and then go on to list a whole load of stuff they do like, which could be cateorised as jazz in one of it's many forms.
  12. He says some iteresting things about writing vs performing in the interview. Give it a listen - it's only the last 10 mins or so of the programme.
  13. Reading this makes me really wish I could give Made in Japan a bit of a spin. Haven' t played it in too long. My hi-fi isn't set up at the moment though following redecorating my living room. Really need to get that sorted.
  14. As long as you don't start doing it when lowering yourself into a chair, you're fine
  15. Anyone else hear Jimmy Webb on 'Loose Ends' (Radio 4) tonight? I can't believe he's only 67! Seems like he's been around for ever. Wonderful songwriter, even though responsible for MacArthur Park !
  16. Brilliant what you' ve done to that Marlin Sidewinder! Shame about the sandals though
  17. Never mind, they didn't deserve you anyway. Onwards and upwards! :-)
  18. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1383172052' post='2261278'] Purple sound so much better on vinyl [/quote] YES!
  19. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1383075301' post='2259959'] A great idea, I'd rather pay someone I know or at least know via the site - it would be especially useful to me as I live in Lancaster and don't use a car! Daz on here helped me with transporting a double bass a year back and it was just a matter of swapping a few details and petrol/beer money. Certainly took the anxiety out of transporting a valued instrument. [/quote] I think Mr Foxen tried to get something like this going but it never really took off FWIW, I travel between Brum and Weybridge Surrey every 3 weeks or so and wouldn't mind taking a bass with me. Also do a run to Milton Keynes now and again.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1383079086' post='2260024'] Yes, you've been fleeced. [attachment=147224:Shee_Knit.jpg] [/quote] Tee hee
  21. Keep on knitting, Dad. It's the time of year when you really should be getting into a woolly jumper. (As long as she can't out run your sheep dog)
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1382962781' post='2258415'] I wanna join a Suzi Quattro tribute band! [/quote] Ha! I'm the only one qualified for that round here! And before you cite the other laydeez here on BC, let me point out they are all far too young.
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