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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Bloody 'ell, not you lot!! We're doomed!! Congratulations from me, you'll do a great job. S xxxxxxx
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1380024281' post='2219631'] unlike 'callmedave' camoron he is 'dontcallmedave' gilmour sorry to hear the news - do you have any facebook page status to share around? thanks [/quote] I've already seen this on FB. It's getting out there. Not good news. :-(
  3. Have a great day everyone. Wish I could be there. See you all next year...? :-)
  4. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1379483532' post='2213112'] Times like these - Foo Fighters. If I don't count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2..... I'm lost [/quote] Oh God yes, definitely this.
  5. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1378971987' post='2207091'] I use certain phrases as cues and that seems more intuitive to me than counting verses. A singer mixing up the words would probably throw me. [/quote] Yep, me too.
  6. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1378931251' post='2206771'] maybe wipe the blood and semen off once a year. [/quote] I've just got cat hairs on mine. I think I'm missing out!
  7. Another thing I do is have little phrases going on in my head to help me remember the rhythm. For eg, with 'Gigantic' the helpful phrase is 'and one motorboat, and one motorboat'. For Ace of Spades it's 'I'm an elephant and I'm a tiger' * No idea why those particular phrases popped into my head - they just did. (* I should point out I have never played Ace of Spades in public and am never likely to TBH. It's just too fast for me )
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1378812921' post='2204864'] There is a very fine line between putting on a show and looking like an arrogant tosser.... Rob [/quote] This is very true. How do you know though whether or not you are looking like a tosser? (By which I mean how does 'one' know, not you personally Rob ) It's funny how you can see one person on stage doing a load of moves and looking cool. Another person doing similar stuff looks completely naff. Why is this? I think it is something to do with whether you are a 'taking' or a 'giving' performer. The 'taking' perfomer is saying 'look at what I'm doing. Isn't it clever? Doesn't this make me look cool?' S/he is the one that inevitably ends up looking naff. The 'giving' performer is saying 'Look at what I am doing to give you a good time and make you happy/excited/thrilled/scared. Hope you are enjoying it as much as me'. S/he is the one that gets the crowd on his/her side. That's my theory anway. Based on what I learned at my mother's knee (she was a raging luvvie of course).
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378808441' post='2204789'] This 'ball-chang' - is it a piece of equipment or a service, or what..? How much do you charge for it? [/quote] Lol, that's supposed to be ball -change. Your query could still apply though of course!
  10. At the moment I have to confine myself to looking at the audience occasiinally and smiling. Or sometimes tossing my hair about if I'm feeling extra confident Anything more than that and I would definitely start playing loads of bum notes But one day I hope to be able to throw a few shapes Takes practice I think..:-)
  11. My pre-loved Fender P came with a little dink - on the side (difficult to explain where without a diagram!) No idea how it got there, but definitely in the wrong place for buckle rash. I never wear tucked in tops so am unlikey to add buckle rash to it in future.
  12. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1378763857' post='2204541'] [/quote] Lookin good, Kol! :-)
  13. Yes often, especially when learning something. Comes of being an ex-dancer I think. All together now luvs: 'And a ONE two three four, kick two three four, ball-chang two three four' etc
  14. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1378497826' post='2201276'] When the guitarist starts playing "All day and all the night" by the Kinks, don`t start playing "You really got me" also by the Kinks. Not that I have ever done this you understand..... [/quote] Lol, excellent tip
  15. Look and act as if you're the dog's bollox even if deep within your heart you know you're sh*te.
  16. I can't offer any advice. But I do know that I was surprised at how difficult it was to rehearse without a drummer when ours was off sick one time. I thought I'd be able to hold the beat together by playing loudly and solidly as CamdenRob suggests above. But in reality in all went horribly wrong and I came away from that rehearsal feeling utterly useless. Our drummer does have a tendancy to speed up when over excited, but I will not complain about that ever again. At least we all speed up with him, so are still all together!
  17. seashell

    Meow etc.

    Cat loving female bass player? Welcome - there are a few of us around !
  18. Well one thing I know is that I seem to have morphed into the person that always books the rehearsal studio for both bands I'm in, and does all the e-mailing and texting round to see who's available. Which includes phoning one of the guitarists in person as he doesn't have a mobile (yes those people do still exist!). Since I am the newest member in one band I don't know how they managed without me, lol Also, at an open mic night we went to recently, drummer had been told by the venue he didn't need to bring cymabls. We turned up - drum kit on stage but no sign of cymbals. Drummer actually said to me 'Could you ask that bloke if he's going to get out some cymbals?' To which I replied , 'no - you ask him, you're the drummer!'. Drummer is a good bloke actually and had organised our appearance at this open mic. I think he'd just got used to me being the one who does the 'face to face' stuff. Not so much cos I'm a bass player, probably cos I'm a bossy cow.
  19. The first thing I learned properly all the way through was 'Nothing Else Matters' by Metallica. The first thing I learned to actually inflict on an audience was 'Twentieth Century Boy' (although I still don't think I'm playing exactly as per the recording!)
  20. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1378302358' post='2198358'] In case anyone cares I got this gig [/quote] Nice one!
  21. Hiya ML94 I go for my private lessons here: [url="http://academyofmusic.ac.uk/birmingham/tag/birmingham-music-academy/"]http://academyofmusic.ac.uk/birmingham/tag/birmingham-music-academy/[/url] If you contact them, they will put you in touch with Mark the bass teacher. He is awesome and taught me from scratch. He can teach any style and I believe he also does audition coaching. You just need to tell him your needs. Hope that helps.
  22. I have to say I've always found the guys in PMT Birmingham very friendly. But I've never bought anything big in there - just odds n sods like strap locks and music books. Seem like a nice bunch though. Also, I had my Fender P set up there. The guy gave me a reduced rate cos he said it didn't need that much doing to it. I thought that was very fair. He could have convinced me it needed all sorts doing to it!
  23. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1377980372' post='2194418'] Oi, leave my backside outa this. [/quote] Sorry, we didn't mean you to be the butt of the joke! :-)
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377973019' post='2194305'] What is the nature of these 'backside experiments'..? [/quote] I hope it doesn't involve rubber tubing
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