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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Our guitarist has been saying recently that we should have another guitarist. He reckons there are some things he can't do on his own. I've got mixed feelings really. I think it could sound good, and because I'm not that confident a bass player I wouldn't mind being drowned out a bit, lol. It's just the logistics of it that concern me. It's hard enough getting 4 people together at the same time for rehearsals, never mind 5!
  2. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1377948418' post='2193940'] Think I'm just suffering from forum fatigue. I didn't really partake in an forums before this one and I'm realising its a pretty tedious business. (Not this thread specifically but forums in general) [/quote] Just take a bit of a break and have a cuppa, Jah. Don't leave us completely, we're mostly quite nice. I know what you mean though, sometimes you can feel like you're walking on eggshells in order to come across the way you want to. I'd say it's worth sticking around. Just ignore topics that give you grief.
  3. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1377941704' post='2193782'] Hmmm all my suggestions have been removed. [size=4] [/size] Colin Molding [size=4]Jah Wobble[/size] [size=4]Sparko[/size] Oh and Entwistle is on there twice! [size=4] [/size] [size=4]A[/size] [/quote] And sadly, Entwistle is not in a position to participate in the Bass Relay. Which is what this thread is about.
  4. Good post, timmo. Glad you had a good experience.
  5. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1377924248' post='2193640'] Lets get Paul simonon spelt right! Jah Wobble [/quote] I'm sure Jah Wobble was on the list but he seems to have disapeared again. I have heard that he is quite an approachable guy so maybe worth contacting about the bass relay?
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1377893677' post='2193433'] No idea if he was a good bassist, but I would imagine Peter Hook from Joy Division and later New Order must have inspired somebody. [/quote] My bass teacher told me that Peter Hook was one of his main inspirations.
  7. Yes, I found he can be a bit scathing if you ask the 'wrong' question. Or use the wrong terminology for anything. It wouldn't put me off going back. But now I'd go in a bit more prepared, and not expect him to be all touchy feely. I think I had probably had my expectations raised by reading testimonials such as those in this thread.
  8. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1377819351' post='2192470'] Whereabouts are they Michelle? Actually in Stirchley or on the Pershore Road? Was rehearsing at Rich Bitch tonight so should have had a look around the area. Regularly gig at the Roadhouse so know that part of the world reasonably well. T [/quote] Actually in Stirchley on the 'high street' (which I think is still the Pershore Road in fact). About half way down the 'high street' area, on a corner on the left hand side (on your left if coming away from B'ham). Worth dropping in if you're passing as you never know when they'll have in a little gem. On the other hand, I've been in sometimes and they've had a rack full of Arias and nothing else. Edit: BTW, I'm Shelley, not Michelle
  9. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1377791764' post='2191927'] I shake my head in disbelief. Some blokes have some fun together with the instrument that we all love, and that gives reason for a thread with this content? [/quote] + 1
  10. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1377790594' post='2191898'] Blimey, in all these years of being erm, a Brummie, I never knew there was a music shop in Stirchley. Completely missed that, despite living here for most of my life (in Solihull nowadays). T [/quote] They've been there a while I think. At least 10 years I'd say. They started off in a smaller shop that is now the drum shop. A couple of years ago they moved a few doors down to a shop that is only slightly bigger!
  11. [quote name='JwK94' timestamp='1377732799' post='2191261'] Don't see the problem here? Bass players aren't allowed to jam together? If you don't like jazz bass guitarists then fair enough, but I quite enjoyed most of this (apart from billy Sheehan if course, who keeps inviting him to jazz gigs?!) [/quote] +1 to this. I think you have to remember the context. It's not like they were forming a band and were going to make records and go on tour with this stuff. They were at a bass day and they were having a jam. Heaven forfend that any videos should exist of any bass day I attended and attempted to play at. That really would make you want to tear your eyes out. Seriously though, I fairly often attend comedy and drama workshops ( I like to think I [b]am[/b] fairly good at that) and have increasingly found people more and more reluctant to allow themselves to be videod. It's fun to share the vids afterwards and learn from them, but if they end up on You Tube you never know who will find it and take the piss.
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1377767223' post='2191438'] Surely this has turned into just a list of British bassists. If this is a list of 'Inspirational British Bassists' then why is everyone listed well known? Surely someone must have been inspired by a teachers or by some bloke down the youth club or someone in a local band. [/quote] Oh absolutely! I would add: Colin D'Silva (Bhuddasbelli/The Frenzies) but most of all my awesome teacher: Mark Shilvock (haven't put them on the 'official' list though, as that's for James's bass relay purposes.)
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1377760240' post='2191333'] Damn this is like a memory game.. [/quote] Ha ha, I was thinking that Edit: Glad to see Jah Wobble up there at last. He definitely inspired me at LGBS last year.
  14. Welcome to the wonderful world of bass playing I'm an inexperienced player myself (just over 2 years), so cannot add more to the good advice you've received above. But just to encourage you...if you follow the on line advice above (or better still find a good tutor), I promise you'll improve really quickly. I was hopeless when I started, but was using all four fingers within a couple of weeks. I did go to a good tutor and practice every day though! But you'd be surprised how quickly you can improve. I'm still not perfect (is anyone?) and my fingers do tend to flap about a bit more than is recommended for speed and accuracy! But I couldn't imagine only playing with 2 fingers now. Once you get the hang of it, playing with four fingers does make it a lot easier.
  15. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1377443612' post='2187574'] Another wedding last night, seem to be spate of them recently went OK I guess, not as much fun as last weekend's but hey-ho. They had built a stage for us and everything. We had to spend ysome money on PLI or the gig would have been in jeopardy. Of course the wedding planner who kicked up the fuss about it wasn't there to check the paperwork on the night anyway! I was telling the thers about James Brown fining guys in his band for duff notes then promptly dropped a clanger during one of our routine numbers. Band leader turned round and told me I owed him $50 I told him in the interval I heard the lousy note he hit in the following song so we were even only a matter of time before I'm sacked probably...drummer took me to a BBQ after the gig. There is something a bit surreal about grilling steaks at 1am outdoors. Someone mentioned we were playing again tonight and I'd completely forgotten, it had been mentioned a while back but I didn't know it was a firm booking so looks like I need to reshuffle my Sunday evening. Last gig before I head to the sun for a week so the beer money will come in handy. If anyone wants a laugh we are on in Hucknall tonight at H2O bar, playing from around 9:30 [/quote] Have a great holiday, Kev. :-)
  16. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1376293344' post='2171676'] Some banging Latin jazz funk from me and my band (again) - hope you enjoy (let me know!) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGPk4jRTPs[/media] [/quote] Very nice! I'm on my own in the office this week, so am letting this ring out
  17. Great thread - lovely to read some happy stuff I'm not really there with my band(s) yet tbh. But I do find that rehearsals really cheer me up. If I turn up feeling a bit stressed and not looking forward to it at all I usually cheer up in no time. It's just so great to be able to hear my bass really loud. And also gives me the opportunity to dance about the studio a bit and try a few moves that I wouldn't dare try live (yet).
  18. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1377162900' post='2184053'] I reckon we could do that , are you going to wear the pink carnation or should I [/quote] I believe the usual form is to carry a rolled up copy of BGM, and do the 'special' hand signal.
  19. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1377104167' post='2183429'] This doesn't really fit but, it's a strange recognition in a way. At a recent pub gig, which was rather good, an enthusiastic punter, who'd been right next to the guitarist's side of stage , complimented him with .... " Great bass playing mate!!" Bet that hasn't happened a whole lot? [/quote] Ha ha, that's a good 'un. Slightly similar to something that happened to me with my acting 'career'. I have a 'rival' in our local drama circles - another woman of a similar age, build and colouring. So naturally we are often up for the same parts, and often she beats me to it She came to see me in my triumphant performance as Linda Loman in 'Death of a Salesman'. Whilst in the bar afterwards, an audience member went up to [b]her [/b]and congratulated her on her performance. She always gets the glory, even when I get the part! (We are good mates tho')
  20. Oh no Debs, perhaps the nurse had forgotten her glasses! And thanks for your words of encouragement, as always
  21. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1377095491' post='2183290'] Didn't see any family resemblences myself, maybe you could be the guitarist's younger sister? [/quote] Ooh, you silver-tongued flatterer! Seriously though, many thanks for the feedback esp. about the sound/monitor situ. You're definitely right the band with the girl singer is more viable. For practical reasons as well . The other lot don't have much time to rehearse or get out much, mainly due to guitarist being the pub landlord and somewhat tied to the job.
  22. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1377094687' post='2183276'] I love that video! [/quote] That is utterly brilliant! Edit - sorry should have quoted Skol303's post. But you get what I mean. The OK Go vid is wonderful.
  23. In a similar vein to the OP, I'm sure I remember a video to the Temptations 'Psychadelic Shack' in which all sorts of weird funky characters turn up to said shack and have a party. But I can't find it anywhere on Youtube now. Anyone else remember it, or am I just imagining it?
  24. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1377082613' post='2183050'] LOL I would still prefer Tenerife Go on the hol and have a great time, Shell - we'll organise a weekend London meetup at some point, for those who have to miss the "official" gatherings. [/quote] That would be cool
  25. We finally too the plunge and broke out of the comfort zone of jam nights at our local! We headed off to an open mic at the River Rooms in Stourbridge. A very nice venue - in fact the last time I was there was to see the Magic Band (as in Captain Beefheart without the Captain) so for me it was hallowed ground! To keep positive about it, I think we should regard it as a learning experienc. This is what we learned: 1. Have enough material to play and make sure you know it! We are used to being given a limit of 3 or 4 songs. Turned out there weren't many bands in that night so they asked us to do half an hour. OK no problem, as we theoretically know at least 10 songs. Only trouble was when discussing what to do it turned out that there weren't many on the list that every one of us felt confident with. So we ended up only doing 5. 2. Don't apologise! OK, we are all a bit new to it and were somewhat overawed by the size of the venue and having a proper stage. But singer kept apologising for us being new and inexperienced and I felt it was a bit squirmy. We should have just blasted on with confidence and pretended to be good even if we weren't. It would have fooled at least a few people I'm sure. 3. Bring some friends. We didn't tell anyone about it because we had a feeling we were going to be a bit rubbish. But there were hardly any punters there at all. We should have rustled up a few supporters. Singer also stopped half way through the set and asked for the sound to be adjusted as she couldn't hear herself. I'm not sure if this was a good idea or not. None of the other bands had complained and I wondered if it made us look a bit amateurish and as if we were blaming our dubious sound on the equipment. Personally I could hear everything well enough to keep together. But then again I'm not a singer and I'm sure it's more important for her to have decent feedback. What do you guys think? What's the usual form in this sort of situation? What was really excellent though was that there was another local band there who gave us a lot of moral support. They are called Led Zeppelin 3 because there are 3 of them and they do Led Zep covers. To a very high standard I might add. The bass player also does the vocals. He looks like a mild mannered accountant, but he sounds like John Paul Jones and Robert Plant all rolled into one!! We knew them vaguely from jam nights at our local. They stayed to watch us and gave us a lot of applause and encouragement, bless them. Bass player admired my bass and said he'd always wanted a white Fender P . Made me feel quite cool . What wasn't so cool was that he then went on to ask if our band were all related. I think he might have suspected that I was their mother Like we are Grunge's answer to the Partridge Family
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