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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Oh dear, another diary clash has arisen. I've got the opportunity to go on a girlie holiday to Tenerife, 1-8 March. Well I'm not going to turn that down, even though it does clash with LBGS. So I shall have to bow out of this I'm afraid. Seems ages since I saw you London guys. May have to wait until the SE Bash 2014 now!
  2. Welcome from another female :-)
  3. [quote name='witterth' timestamp='1376741406' post='2178549'] I've met Hucknall (to quote Mog of simply red Mk1) "the singing Pig" and trust me that's not irrational. a bit self important. just like Aziz oIbrahim (another one) didn't like him either. ( yes I know, but I do mean it) [/quote] My mate tried to sell a toaster to Hucknall in the Manchester branch of Comet. But Hucknall was apparantly unimpressed with their range of small appliances and left without buying anything.
  4. Glad it turned out OK. What is it with people not wanting to cough up the fees?
  5. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1376653588' post='2177374'] Raw cake mixture [/quote] Ooh yes, delicious! But I don't indulge in this any more due to the salmonella risk from the raw eggs. Not that I do much baking anyway.
  6. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1376602610' post='2176839'] I haven't been here for a while but as I'm likely to be playing bass the next time one of the outfits I'm with appears in public I though t I'd look in. Here's 2 from recently: http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/musophilr/media/PR4_zps3e056aff.jpg.html?filters[user]=120582047&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/musophilr/media/PR5_zps4891c024.jpg.html?filters[user]=120582047&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 [/quote] Hey Phil, nice to see you. How's the puss-cat? :-)
  7. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1376572656' post='2176243'] Green You say? [/quote] Everything looks cool on you, Dave!
  8. I don't go in for coloured basses really, but I wouldn't mind a green one. It would go with my Black Watch tartan mini kilt that I am threatening to wear next time we do anything punky.
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1376566821' post='2176081'] No-one will be able to stop the SE BC Girls team putting up a BC-something-or-other at the show, that's for sure [/quote] Right on, sister!
  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1376512495' post='2175383'] Ooooo I hope this means Ped's organising our presence there for next year too! I'd love to help out with the PR/rep stuff again [/quote] And I'd like to help out on the BC corner again as well.
  11. If you're really, really bored you could set up a poll to see who owns basses of various different colours! And if we're really, really bored, we'll vote in it! (Just joking on that last point - I'd vote in such a poll! )
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1376521628' post='2175595'] You lot [/quote] Completely irrational!
  13. Yeh, shame we didn't get to hear you play, Kev. It was great to see you there though. I'll have to reciprocate by heading over to one of your Greyhound sessions.
  14. Another fun Black Country jam night. And in a fantastic example of Basschat community support we had a visit from our very own KevB! :-) I did have to cope with a drunken bum capering about under my nose during our set No, not Kev, lol! But singer's mad uncle who had been 'celebrating' since before he arrived :-) I played several bum notes and went a bit arhythmical at times, but Kev very kindly pretended not to notice. :-)
  15. [quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1376320404' post='2172084'] It's very much down to practice. It might be worth starting with a simpler song in your set and getting comfortable with that before moving on to something that's more frenetic. If you do any Green Day songs for example I'd start there. [/quote] Wise words and thanks UB. But I literally think it would take years to get profficient with it. We do do some Green Day. I'm tempted to add 'unfortunately'. Guitarist wants to take us in a direction that doesn't really suit me, I think. We'll just have to see how it all pans out.
  16. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1376313943' post='2171972'] [url="http://s30.photobucket.com/user/KevB64/media/untitled_zpsc078c231.png.html"][/url] [/quote]
  17. I admire people who can play with a pick- I wish I could. Our guitarist reckons I should use a pick because I'm a bit slow with the fingers in some of our more frenetic numbers. Unfortunately however I'm even slower with a pick. I feel completely clumsy with it. It clangs against all the other strings and I feel like a chimp trying to play with a surf board. Guitarist says I should just practice more. Which is no doubt true. If I was 20 years younger and more ambitious I might persevere with it. But I just don't think I have enough years left in life to get profficient with a pick. I think I'd be better off devoting practice time to trying to get quicker with my fingers. That or join a band that doesn't attempt so many grungey and punky type things. But that is for another thread...
  18. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1376255249' post='2171471'] However seeing Men Imitating Machines in a clinic style setting was mind expanding and well worth the day. [/quote] Definitely this. It was good to see you all. Many thanks to Tom for providing the venue.
  19. Not long to go now. Any more takers? Or any 'possibles' turned into 'definites'? I'll probably just be bringing my Ibanez now as the Fender is in for a set up.
  20. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1375694220' post='2164261'] This is no help but i find the floating thumb more natural than resting on a pick up. Maybe cos i started off playing with a pick. [/quote] Also probably not much help, but re; floating thumb. I 'converted' to floating thumb after a couple of hours practice when I was just starting out. It now comes naturally to me and definitely helps with muting and string noise. However, I do have have a tendancy to bend my right wrist - and that can happen even with floating thumb. I start off all nice and straight, but then it starts to bend without me realising it. Haven't had any hand or wrist problems yet though, touch wood. I do warm up my hands before practising though. Just a few fingers and wrist stretching exercises and then rubbing hands together and lastly relaxing and shaking them about.
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1375476133' post='2162122'] I would,but I never get past the two buttons [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Ha ha, that's why I prefer my Fender P to my Ibanez. Two knobs are quite sufficient.
  22. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1375474234' post='2162076'] Planet Rock is on Button 1 on my radio. And Radio 4 is on number 2! I ROCK! [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Classic combination. And you should have 4 Extra as button number 3 . And then 6 Music. And then Radio 2 but only for Brian Mathew's Sounds of the Sixties and Claire Teale's Big Band programne. :-)
  23. I am an air multi instrumentalist. I can play all sorts of instruments, and conduct an orchestra! :-D But I try not to do it in public.
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