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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Are we looking at 17 Aug now? That would be my preference although I could make 10th as well. Location not an issue - either way it will be a bit of an expedition from Brum, but hopefully some of us can share transport! BTW I'd love a bit of a jam, but fear that anything involving me might not be worth recording!
  2. 10 August is also fine with me!
  3. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1373909968' post='2143028'] Might be up for that Shell - guitarist myself too! Not sure if my amp's up to the job but we could find out... [/quote] And you're a drummer as well IIRC!
  4. [quote name='64k' timestamp='1373970341' post='2143633'] Ok guys, lets throw a date around, The Leopard is available for us on the 7th of August, is that good for everyone? [/quote] Do you mean 17 Aug? (7th is a Wednesday) 17 Aug is good for me.
  5. This is all sounding rather good! I'm free most Saturdays or Sundays over the coming weeks, so hopefully will be able to make it. Maybe some of us could look at sharing transport from Brum?
  6. Well done for strarting to get this off the ground. The trouble with weekdays is that a lot of us have day jobs. You're right that weekends can also be tricky as people have commiments and gigs etc. But all the bashes I have been to before have been on a Saturday afternoon. I'd struggle to get over to Staffs on a weekday.
  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1373718924' post='2140944'] I might be up for such a thing, depending on when and where. [/quote] Yes me too.
  8. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1373666702' post='2140511'] You don't get this sort of trouble with cat threads. [/quote] You'd be surprised! I used to belong to a Cat Forum, and I can tell you Bass Players are pussy cats in comparison!
  9. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1373697378' post='2140618'] I guess it wouldn't be an issue if they said it to me Don't know what our guitarist must have thought! LOL! Although in fairness, one solo stumble aside in Another Brick in the Wall, he played a blinder all night! [/quote] Your gig sounds [b]awesome! [/b] Great news, keep it up!
  10. Aren't people mostly agreeing with each other in this thread? So why is everyone arguing with people they seem to agree with.? It's all gone a bit weird. Maybe I need another glass of Pinot.
  11. Me too Rog. So glad your guy is still with us.
  12. Oh dear, I won't be able to make it this time. That weekend I have a reunion planned with my old Uni flatmates. One of them is coming over from Africa, so it's not possible to re-schedule. But I hope to see some of you at LGBS next year!
  13. Nice replies folks. Not just me then! BTW, I think it's a shame about the ban on Nige's trousers! I hope he's still allowed to wear the gloves!
  14. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1373466086' post='2137942'] Probably mentioned before 'shell, if your band wants a change of scenery you are all welcome to pitch up at the Greyhound in Beeston on a Sunday afternoon and do a slot. It gets pretty quiet over the summer months so would be no problem getting on stage. Can you remind me where your jam nights are? Dudley maybe? I keep meaning to drive down one month when work's not so frantic. [/quote] Many thanks Kev, I will mention the Greyhound afternoon to the gang tonight. Don't know if we'll be brave enough though! Our jam night is in Tipton. The next one will be Aug 13th. It would be great to see you there, but don't expect wonderousness! I'll send you a PM.
  15. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1373461028' post='2137820'] It's possibly depressing that, with all the fantastic female bass players out there, that's the only one people can think of! [/quote] I guess that's the reason really. And I really shouldn't expect yer general public to have heard of many bass players at all! Most of them aren't exactly household names, more's the pity.
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1373460713' post='2137812'] Have you tried not wearing tight leather jumpsuits? [/quote] No, that's more xilddx's territory, lol (He of the cool leather trousers! )
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373459351' post='2137787'] Ok, my little stab at light-hearted irony got all f***ed up. I'm sorry. I have obviously come across as a sexist prick, and that wasn't my intention. I detest prejudice and bullying of any sort, some of you already know this. What pisses me off somewhat is that because they are female, blokes on here start talking about how they are 'pure sex', how being a 'quim barber' is their ideal job, etc etc, and get away with that without nary a raised eyebrow. Virtually no-one has said they like Deap Vally's music, but that doesn't matter does it, because they are 'pure sex'. Are they feminists? Probably not, they are not The Slits. They are just another derivative band from LA being exploited by the sexist male-dominated music industry to make a few bob out of them (citation needed). You know, I started a thread asking if BC members felt that playing live was better than sex. I received the most arsey, pathetic prudish PM from a rookie mod (who I've got on with well in the past and even had a jam with) telling me the thread had been killed and NEVER EVER to dare start a thread like that again, Basschat will not tolerate such threads. I even apologised to him (for nothing AFAIC) and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply. And yet, we have massive cleavage avatars (with some BC members actually PMing the avatar's owners asking who it is! How f***ed up is that?!), sexist remarks, 'she's a right slapper' threads, and sh*t like that. So can someone tell me what the f*** is going on here? Thank you, rant over. [/quote] Good post Nigel. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with musicians of either gender trying to look sexy and play with a bit of balls. In fact it enhances the performance. And there's nothing wrong with observers of either gender fancying said musicians and stating the fact. It's when it spills over from admiration into a kind of uncomfortable semi-agressive territory and people start making assumtions about a players sexuality or sexual behaviour ('slappers' etc) that it starts going wrong. Or when you get the assumption that because someone is trying to look good they can't play. (Of course maybe they can't play, but it's not likely to be a causal relationship!) It's a difficult line to tread. I know I have made remarks about David Ellefson that I could probably be pulled up on. But on a positive note, I don't think we've got any 'John Inverdales' here on BC!!
  18. My fellow female bass players.. Do you get fed up with being likened to Suzi Quatro all the time? Or is it just me because I am blonde and of a certain age? I really should not complain because a couple of years ago no-one would have compared me to a bass player of any description, let alone the admirable Suze. But sometimes I wish people could come up with something more original. Especially after I have just been up playing a great Kim Deal bass line and I still get the Suzi Quatro comment
  19. THere's the latest report in my slow but sure progress into becoming a bass player of sorts! Last night was our regular jam night and drummer and I were up with the band of limited talent and with the somewhat better band. I was quite pleased with how I played.In fact I thought that for once I actually played to the best of my ability - ie as well as I do in rehearsals - and was not too put off by nerves. I didn't have any friends in last night which was maybe why I was a bit more relaxed. The flip side of this was that I didn't really rock out so much. We did She Sells Sanctuary for the first time. My bass teacher had taught me this largely as a right hand exercise, as I had been having difficulties keeping a constant speed at a fast-ish pace. I mentioned this in passing to the rest of the band, and they all thought it would be a good one to add to our repetoire. So another example of my lessons paying dividends! It went down really well, and we even had a couple of women dancing. They were the singer's mates, but they seemed to be genuinely enjoying it. So the time really has come now to branch out to some other things - even if only jam nights. Tomorrow we (that is the 'somewhat better' band) are all going over to watch another jam night in Brum. Not to play or anything, but just to get a feel for how the land lies and whether we might possibly be good/brave enough to put ourselves forward for a go next time.
  20. [quote name='haysy' timestamp='1373369141' post='2136687'] Played a late cancellation gig at a local pub. Had to do it with one less band member (keys/sax) as he had something pre-booked, but we pulled it off with bass, guitar drums and vocals. Went down well, the ladies dancing straight from the off, even a few blokes towards the end! Pub boss loved it and said we were first-call band if more cancellations happen and when he opens the diary in October, we'll get half dozen gigs in 2014. £55 each so can't be bad and I did the whole thing with a leg in plaster and on heavy duty painkillers (another story!) At least I didn't have to move any gear! [/quote] Blimey! Leg in plaster.. what a trouper!
  21. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1373261191' post='2135306'] Yes it was the gig in Sutton with a young lad called Tobi on guitar. I think with the right agent & publicity he could do quite well, very John Mayer like with some good original songs. Several Free numbers in the set as I don't think Andy would have been let off the stage without playing them. He'll obviously never be free from his condition but he's got a great attitude about it and about looking after himself. Still the showman on stage, but he struck me as very humble about his success when we chatted afterwards. I did invite him to the next South East Bass Bash - but he'll be in Japan [/quote] Japan? Bah! He doesn't know what he'll be missing!
  22. I am so impressed Hamster. Tell us more! AF is one of my all time heroes. Loved him long before I ever thought about playing bass myself, and love him even more now! :-)
  23. I play for Spectrum ('entry level') and Sun Puddle ('improvers level'). Both equally unlikely to be troubling any search engines or local venues any time soon!
  24. I'll have a P please, Bob.
  25. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1372839217' post='2130440'] Came across this thread while looking for something else. Lola by the Kinks - everyone in the band thinks they know it, but when it comes to doing it, no one can agree what bit comes where Days by the Kinks is also another favourite for that to happen [/quote] Ha ha, I had a very similar experience with Lola. Very tricky, and the band were all arguing about how it goes! :-)
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