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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372888806' post='2131364'] Well, Lemmy used to spend quite a bit of time in Cardiff before he moved to the US as he had friends here. One of them was a guy who owned a motorbike repair & customising place close to a little shop where my mum used to work. This guy always used to buy his cigarettes & stuff at the shop & Lemmy always went in there when he was in Cardiff. They had a bit of a joke thing going as my mum hates snakes & Lemmy used to say he'd bring one of his snakes in to the shop for her to see. By coincidence his friends wife & my mum were both in hospital at the same time and when when he found out my mum was there he actually took the time to go in & see her on the ward, even going so far as to take a bag with him that he pretended had a snake in it. How brilliant is that? My mum absolutely adored him, she thought he was a really lovely bloke. [/quote] What a brilliant story, Rhys! :-)
  2. And another good thing about Status hotwire half wounds - very reasonable price and they arrive within 24-48 hrs if ordered online. You can tell I like them, can't you? :-)
  3. +1 for the Status half wounds. Got em on both my basses now.
  4. I'm not that bothered unless there is a mistake in an official publication (as in BGM a couple of months ago). But I hate it when people leave the second E out of my own name. It's Shelley after the poet, FFS! My parents were dead sophistercated.
  5. True enough. But what prompted you to start this thread? Seen any howlers recently?
  6. I like solos! :-) But apart from that I agree with everything on the list. Especially about medleys. They are hugely annoying.
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372877139' post='2131108'] Same here - a huge influence & a great bloke. He visited my mum in hospital once, which was a bit of a headf***. [/quote] Tell us more!
  8. The great thing about your posts, Nigel is that they are full of passion and love of music. That's not bollocks. But I'm so glad you're getting inspiration from a great teacher. Guitarist in one of my bands recently expressed surprise that I was 'still having lessons' and thought I should have 'moved on' from that by now. This is a guy who has no clue what key he is playing in. I love my lessons, even tho I only go every 2-3 weeks now. But I would never give them up!
  9. Ah Redditch, home of the anglepoise lamp. I lived there when I first moved up to the Midlands in the early 90s. Anyway back on topic..can't make your link work from my phone but I'll check it out when I get near a proper PC. Maybe catch you if you have any local gigs coming up.
  10. Great stuff. Put a smile on my face. :-)
  11. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1372437673' post='2125805'] Still have that on one side of an LP somewhere - the other side is Sparky and the Talking Train. [/quote] Sparky and the Talking Train??? I didn't know that existed! I feel I've had a deprived childhood! :-0
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1372374121' post='2125152'] Did you know that if you type [i]'Knob jokes'[/i] into the search engine it takes you straight to Shell's profile page? [/quote] Mea culpa
  13. Hey, I've just had an idea for making a bit of money for the BC coffers. We could do a nudie BC calender! What d'you reckon girls (and guys?).
  14. Hi Yolanda. It's great to see you here! I recently saw you play at the Tower of Song in Birmingham. What a lovely evening that was! :-) Steve (Lawson) mentioned he might be organising another bass night there before too long, and I do hope you'll be playing. Enjoy the forum, and like Spacechick says, just ignore the small minority of jealous trolls. Most people on here are sound. :-)
  15. Welcome. :-) Have you ever played at the Barge and Barrel in Tipton? Great pub with a friendly atmosphere. They do a jam night every second Tues of the month. I'm usually there with one or both of my dubious bands :-) It's a fun night, though standards do vary
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371053940' post='2109227'] Jesus! What happened to your ear!? [/quote] More to the point, what happened to your HAIR? Have you got it tied back, or did you go for the chop?
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372271831' post='2123731'] Poor deluded fools. My wicked plan seems to be working..! ([i]Sparky's Magic Piano voice:[/i] "...For now..!") [/quote] 'What's the matter with him, why doesn't he play? Play Sparky, Play!!!' 'My time is up I will no longer play. For. You' Oh the drama of it! How I loved it and how I regret giving away that little 8inch record. You had to turn it over in the middle just as it was getting exciting. Kids today don't know they're born etc etc , mumble mumble.
  18. I have to take my bass to work every Monday, as I always go to rehearsal straight from work. I'd never leave it in the car, but then again I can't fit it in my boot so it has to go on the floor in the back. And I work near a city centre and have to park about 5 mins walk from the building where I work, so all much more insecure than the OP. But it does give me peace of mind knowing it's in the office with me. I do sometimes feel like a pretentious twat though, wandering through the building with the bass on my back. Especially if I get into the lift with someone else and I have to explain why I've got it.
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1371908907' post='2119443'] Honky Tonk Woman; Rolling Stones [/quote] That's the one. Most definitely.
  20. Well I for one opened this thread in the hopes I could go into some sort of feminist frenzy. Ah well, I'd better get over there and vote then. Thanks for the reminder
  21. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1371623139' post='2116191'] I recently got married, and the wife chose the song "nothing else matters" to walk down the ailse to. I think she just earned herself a couple of extra "cool points". In my eyes at least. What about everyone else? [/quote] Brilliant choice! That's what I 'd have as a first dance at my fantasy wedding! But for walking down the aisle I'd have something a bit more upbeat, like I'm Glad by Cream.
  22. At last I feel I've got my mojo back! After three weeks of struggling along not being able to get anything right, we had a pretty good rehearsal tonight. I felt a bit more like a bass player and a bit less like a gormless chump. We had a go at She Sells Sanctuary and it sounded pretty good. Looking forward to the next rehearsal now!
  23. Funnily enough I have just got back from a bass lesson where I have been learning to play Planet Earth. Not usually my scene at all, which is one of the reasons teacher threw it at me. He likes to get me out of my comfort zone.:-) I was surprised how much I enjoyed it! Being a Brummie, teacher also had a few JT anecdotes to give a bit of added interest. :-)
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