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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1371237276' post='2111696'] Not really. It's an elf and safety issue. [size=1]Yes, I'm going to keep making that joke until somebody stops me.[/size] [/quote] Someone should make you go gnome!
  2. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1371226593' post='2111466'] At least it stops them touring the same songs for the next 10 years....or maybe not! Must admit, I've never really 'got' The Pixies.....highly influential, but the record themselves always leave me a bit cold....sorry fans! [size=4] [/size] [/quote] Have to say I feel a bit the same. Although I've doing 'Gigantic' with one of my bands and quite enjoying it. It's gone down well with the punters at jam nights too. I've just been doing the bass part and female vox does the singing. I do admire KD for doing both at the same time!
  3. I had just started learning bass and was all keen and eager. So I thought I would try to find a forum to lurk around in, and just soak up as much useful info as I could. So that's exactly what I did to begin with. But before long I started making knob jokes with discreet, and then it all went downhill ... Edited to say: I can remember the exact thread that started my downward spiral. It was discreet's 'chalfonts' thread. I am so susceptible to a bad influence!
  4. I always say Misty Mountain Hop by Led Zep. Even when it isn't.
  5. Way to go ,ped! Spread the lurve :-)
  6. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1370705081' post='2104675'] Drummer on board... this train is on time :-) [/quote] Yay, that's the spirit! Rock n roll !
  7. Guy Pratt sat down for most of his masterclass at LBGS. I was sat at the back and did not catch one glimpse of him. I much prefer to see performers standing up, unless in very small intimate surroundings. (Steve Lawson at Tower of Song springs to mind). And I much prefer playing standing up. I'll learn things sitting down, then stand up to practice them. I like to move around a little bit and I'm trying to improve on that.
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370613580' post='2103479'] PMSL [/quote] +1
  9. There is a certain lady on BC who has rather a liking for a certain brand. She might be along to bit you in a minute, lol! (It's not me by the way. The reason I prefer my Fender P to my Ibanez is simply because it's got fewer knobs on. I'm a bit low tech)
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370524691' post='2102182'] She's probably with Dave right now , behind your back . You know what women are like . What do you think that recent trip to the States was all about ? A bit too much for coincidence , in my book . " I don't care if you've got a comb -over , Dave , I love you and your flawless pick playing unconditionally " . Don't get too upset , though - I 've seen the way that Peter Hook is looking at you in those pictures . Don't try and tell me he didn't try and give you his phone number so he could give you some in - depth one to one "tuition " . Well , now is the time to lower your standards and give him a call . Face up to it , this whole Dave thing is going nowhere fast . A lot like Dave's hairline . [/quote] Ha ha, this really made me ROFL I'd settle for Peter Hook any day. A girl at my age can't be too fussy.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370474113' post='2101697'] What's left of it ... [/quote] I can't believe bluejay hasn't turned up yet! Sylvia, have you seen what they are saying about our mate Dave?
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370434454' post='2100721'] Dave Ellefson seems to be very popular with the ladies on Basschat . Much more popular than me , in fact . I'm sure they will be along soon to fawn over him and his admittedly very impressive pick playing . [/quote] Here I am, a bit late to the party. Is lovely Dave still here?
  13. NIce story Al, thanks for sharing. Meanwhile, my week as a bassist hasn't been that great. Drummer (for both bands) is ill and we had to rehearse without him. This could have been my opportunity to shine as both time keeper and melodic player. However I failed to rise to the occasion and played like a chump. Or indeed a chimp. (Select the most incompetent creature of your choice). Just need to work through this bad patch and keep on goin'.
  14. Nice one. If I was 20 years younger, or could play 20 times faster, I'd be in there!
  15. That's such good news, Mick! So glad we contributed to this worthy cause. :-)
  16. Another lovely day. Many thanks to Mick and the gang for all their hard work. Lovely pics, Sylvia. :-)
  17. Opened car bonnett to check oil this morning. Couldn't close it again! Now in local Ford garage waiting for someone to have a look at it. Am in a queue behind loads of other people. This could take some time. :-(
  18. A bass just looks sexier and more elegant because of the long neck. Guitars are all stumpy.
  19. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1370026907' post='2095805'] Bigger - longer - harder - & go down deeper, no contest [/quote] This.
  20. I don't look at the plucking hand . And have been known to pluck the wrong string on ocasions! :-0 Often look at fretting hand though.
  21. I used to live with a drummer. Now I live with 2 basses and a cat. I love my life.
  22. I try to practice every day, but not nearly as much as the OP. An hour a day tops, maybe 2 hours a day at weekends if I'm at home. Nevertheless I do find I don't feel like it sometimes. Especially over the last few montbs tbh. For the first year it was such a novelty and a joy that I couldn't stop myself. And I was on such a steep learning curve I felt I progressed in leaps and bounds. Now I feel I've plateaued out a bit and sometimes it's a bit of a chore. Nevertheless, what I do when I don't feel like practicing is pick up the bass and play something I know and love. At the moment it's Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana. Can't get enough of it. Then after I've done that a couple of times I'm more in the mood to go over some theory and practice some stuff I can't do. Which reminds me..I should be practicing right now! Where's that Nirvana CD?
  23. All great stuff as usual. But one stood out for me as totally captivating. So tbh it was an easier choice for me this time.
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