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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1369907672' post='2094197'] Sorry folks, having said that I'll bring a DB I've now got a wedding gig come up at the last minute. So while you're all having a good time I'll be gritting my teeth playing (well, I'm too embarrassed to tell you what the bride wants us to play). Have a great day; from past experience a Bass Bash never disappoints. [/quote] Go on tell, us .. give us all a laugh! Shame you can't come though. S
  2. Really looking forward to seeing you all very soon! Weather forecast is looking a bit better as well. I've got a great weekend coming up. Bass lesson tomorrow, then the awesome Bass Bash on Sat and then I'm travelling on to spend the rest of the weekend with my besie mate near Cambridge. And I will just happen to have my bass with me!! So I may have to [s]subject her[/s] treat her to a few tunes!
  3. And here's my best mate [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3oTFEBwYcI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3oTFEBwYcI[/url]
  4. Singer in number 2 band - yes definitely. We are girlies with quite a lot in common. Drummer - we get on very well musically and he is a really nice bloke. But probably wouldn't be huge friends outside the band. He's very quiet (yes contradiction in terms for a drummer I know!) and also a lot younger than me. Not that this would preclude a friendship, but it's just that we don't have that many common reference points. The rest of them are a bunch of chumps, so no not really. It's a shame though, because I was hoping to get a bit more socially out of it. I've always socialised with my drama and comedy buddies. But I guess with them there is a bigger pool to draw on.
  5. It's great. I love the music, and the vid looks very professional. I'd agree with Skol about the shirtless drummer though. Just a minor point.
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1369776093' post='2092712'] Sounds like a great story but did he tell you how Jerry Handley got that fuzz bass sound? [/quote] Ha ha, sadly not
  7. Is it time for me to trot out my 'I met Rockette Morton' story again? No, anyone who hasn't heard it before can do a search for it, lol
  8. I probably walked in just after Spoombung had pissed him off! Lol : D
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1369760774' post='2092455'] His attitude was deeply patronising, proprietorial and prescriptive. He talked to me as if he was talking to a child, lecturing me about the most basic aspects of equipment even though I am several years his senior. It was quite extraordinary behaviour totally inappropriate for anyone in his position. I sent him an email with concerns about his rude behaviour and all I got was a begrudging acknowledgement he 'must have been having a bad day' rather than an apology. [/quote] Sadly, I had a similar experience. Never had the nerve to post that on here though, as the general consensus seems to be that he is wonderful. Maybe he just has off days. As do we all, I suppose.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1369747873' post='2092242'] You will believe a man can fly!! [/quote]
  11. That's useful, many thanks Tauzero. When I look at an amp I tend to go into panic mode, and all the controls swim before my eyes! I'm frightened to touch anything in case it breaks. I've got a rehearsal tonight and I intend to calmly follow your instructions. :-)
  12. Perhaps it would help if you edited this thread title to add Steve Harris's name in it? Then it might be more likely to attract the attention of anyone with a SH connection. Good luck. S x
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369483362' post='2089673'] Dick Venom & The Terrortones played the opening night of the Midlands Goth Festival at the Hare And Hounds in Birmingham. A bit of a mixed gig... Absolute nightmare getting there. There was an accident on the M42 which closed the whole of the westbound carriageway and we got caught in the tail back. Spent 90 minutes virtually stationary and instead of arriving at the venue for 8.00 to play our set just after 9.00, we didn't arrive until just after 10.00. Luckily Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons who should have been playing second, very graciously took the opening slot so that it was still possible for us the play. By the time we'd got all our gear in and had grabbed a drink it was time for us to set up and play. I then discovered that due to a miscommunication between the organisers and the other bands there was only one speaker cab which we could use for either guitar or bass. Let our guitarist use the cab and DI'd the bass from my Pod into the PA. The bass sounded terrible on stage. By the time we'd actually got the bass to a level where I could hear, it the wedge monitors were producing a nasty low frequency rumble through the hollow stage. I spent too much of the gig looking at my hands because I couldn't actually hear any notes. Broke a string half way through the set (only the second time I've ever done this at a gig) and had to use the Rumblefish for the last 4 songs. Discovered two things: it feeds back like a bastard on the high-gain patches and I can't see the side dots on the neck wearing my mirror shades. Still despite all these problems we went down really well. Our stand-in guitarist (to replace our latest full-time guitarist who is currently having bolts and other hardware removed from his arm) played a blinder. The audience loved it. Mr Venom got lots of attention from some members of audience. Sold a good number of CDs and other merch. Stayed to watch the awesome Vince Ripper & The Rodent Show and consequently didn't get back to Nottingham until just after 4.00 in the morning. Tired but happy. There were lots of people taking photos so I'll hopefully have some good ones to post soon. Next weekend Newcastle... [/quote] f***, f*** how did I miss this? Did you post it in the gigs section ? I should check that more often. I could have bloody walked there. Again, f***.
  14. When I was in the Sudan (I love starting a post with that phrase, lol), I used to live next to a mosque with an amplification system for the call to prayer. On a Friday morning we would be awoken by the sound of a finger tapping and a bloke saying 'wahed, wahed' into the mic. 'Wahed' being the Arabic for 'one'. My Irish housemates and I would have a little chuckle at this, as an example of the universal language of sound checking. So on the rare occasions that I have to check a mic, I tend to find myself saying 'wahed, wahed'! :-)
  15. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1369405282' post='2088873'] Honest question, if turning everything up full on an amp will kill it, surely that's really rubbish design? Why have parameters you can't use? [/quote] It was a great question Dave, but unfortunately I did not understand the answer provided. I wish I could find somewhere to go for technical lessons. I need someone to teach me right from the absolute rock bottom basics. It's taken 2 years of lurking on here to even figure out the difference between an amp and a cab, never mind anything else. Ah well, that's the next challenge I guess. Meanwhile I'm just playing in rehearsal studios and in one pub with it's own gear. Never turn any knobs above the 12 o clock position and hope for the best.
  16. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1369343567' post='2088258'] I will defo make next year [/quote] That would be brill. It would be great to meet you :-)
  17. A big plus 1 to that Sylvia. It will definitely be an annual event for me now. My bass teacher was so jealous when I told him I'd met Peter Hook, who is one of his heroes. Where else could a an amateur like me get an experience like that?
  18. I really like it, and I thoroughly approve of the setting! I'm still waiting for a call to be in one of your vids! (Just kidding) ## 'Don't ring us, we'll let you know, luv' says Duarte ##
  19. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1369226165' post='2086524'] I remember hearing Ginger Baker appear on a Radio 4 chat show that featured a range of guests from different fields. Having interviewed Baker, the presenter moved on to talk to a distinguished scientist about cosmology. As soon as the big bang was mentioned, Ginger storms in ranting on about how he can't understand how anyone could be so stupid as to believe in such a ridiculous idea as the big bang..."I mean, where was this big bang...". The scientist remained polite and unphased and even attempted the impossible task of trying to explain the big bang to Ginger. I so wished he had instead replied to Baker's outburst with "yes, well that's why I'm a professor of astro-physics and you hit things with sticks for a living". [/quote] I heard that very programme! That's when I discovered my idol had feet of clay :-) In fact I had to switch it off because he was becoming embarassing. BTW it was aired in Nov 2010. I know that because I was listening to it on the car radio whilst driving to Gatwick for a memorable holiday in Cyprus
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1369091871' post='2084859'] I love this clip of him explaining some of the stuff behind Riders: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoRFAbdmKD4[/media] [/quote] Lovely clip, thanks for posting.
  21. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1369089131' post='2084813'] What a song, I hear that intro and get shivers, every time. RIP [/quote] Me too, it's definitely one to raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Sorry to hear that Ray has passed on. RIP.
  22. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1369077131' post='2084631'] This maybe a little off topic but any news on the group classes he does ? [/quote] I haven't heard anything. Last year he promoted them here on BC in the Bass Tutors section.
  23. On to moe exciting things now, Debs!:-)
  24. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1369029981' post='2083995'] Ahhh, but which is the best drummer for metal? [/quote] And which one would win in a fight?
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