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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Hope its going well! :-) One of thr best pub gigs I've seen was a 3 piece where drummer and bass playet were both deps! Let us know how it went. :-)
  2. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1365613262' post='2041845'] Keep meaning to get down to one of your jams but after a full day's work it's a bit of a drive... If you want to branch out to other jams you would always be welcome at The Greyhound in Beeston on a Sunday afternoon; [url="http://www.greyhoundbeeston.co.uk/Greyhound/Welcome.html"]http://www.greyhound...nd/Welcome.html[/url] [/quote] Yeh, Tuesday nights are not the best for post work socialising! But I'll let you know if there's anything in the pipeline that might actually be worth a bit of a drive. Many thanks for the offer of the Beeston jam - will definitely bear that in mind if the new band continues to develop well!
  3. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1365583548' post='2041249'] Shell, reading that has made me grin Fab that you are having such an amazing time with your bands! I reckon the song appearing on radio 2 as you got in the car is an omen too 8) [/quote] Thanks, Chickie I've been walking round with a big smile on my face today too.
  4. Bostin' jam night last night! It was the first outing for the new (side project) band and we got a really good reception. My first time ever on BVs as well! Great atmosphere afterwards. I had loads of really positive comments about my playing, appearance and general on stage attitude until I started to believe I was bloody Kim Deal. Drummer and I also went up with our main band. I felt really good about that, as hopefully we are giving the impression that we are versatile musicians who people want to play with. Main band also went down well, but tbh this was partially because we were last on and most people had left except our close friends! I have to say I feel so bloody proud of myself today it's not true. Not just because my performances are improving, but because it was me who got the side project together in the first place. I still can't quite believe I did all that. Next goal will be to branch out from the comfort zone of our usual (very friendly) venue and maybe do some other jam nights in the area. We kicked off with 'Bohemian LIke You' and that was the one that got the best reception all night*. It seemed to work really well with 2 girlies singing it. When I got in the car to go home, I switched on Radio 2 and 'Bohemian Like You' was playing! I took that as a really good omen. It's a sign I tells yer! Edit *I mean to say the best reception we got with either of the bands. Not that it was the best song of the entire evening! That honour goes to another local band called Buzzard who did some great stuff including a storming cover of Ace of Spades.
  5. Well, I'm definitely off the hook as far as playing 16th notes is concerned!
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1365419636' post='2039164'] Badges are good for most people's fantasies. [/quote] That's a good point. I do tend to live in a world of fantasy! It's probably the more down to earth people who really don't give a stuff about badges.
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1365418151' post='2039146'] Further thoughts on the matter: I've seen people coax fantastic playing out of Squiers and bottom of the range Yamahas and they don't sound like they're feeling inferior. In fact, these are the players I respect (and fear) the most. They're not interested in the minutiae of bass gear and just want to play. They're comfortable with what they have and they know how to make it work, y'know because they're good players. Are they going to sound significantly better because they've "traded up" to a Fender or a top of the line Yamaha? I highly doubt it. They sound good because of themselves, not their gear and are not interested in the security blanket of acceptance/validation because, basically they don't need or want it, don't play with people who make a big deal of it and let their fingers/picks do the talking. Also, I took a big risk and gigged my G&L Tribute L-2000 at the weekend. How odd - it sounded great and it didn't break down or spontaneously crumble into dust because it wasn't made in the USA. Yes, I know that was bitchy. But like I said, it grinds my gears. [/quote] Everything you say is true, and I really like your attitude to this. And yet... I do rather like having the Fender logo on my bass. However I'm really not bothered that it was made in Mexico. There's no logic to it at all really. The psychology of brand loyalty seems to be rather complex.
  8. [quote name='Starless' timestamp='1365371854' post='2038792'] You Tube? Bass teachers? (shakes head in despair). Does no-one have the desire or self-confidence to teach themselves? Has bass playing opisomehow turned into rocket science all of a sudden? Instant gratification is the obviously the way it is these days. I can't do this, here's some money, make me good. [/quote] Er..no have neither the desire nor the self confidence to teach myself. Instant gratification, yes in the sense that from lesson one I knew this was going to be an interesing, challenging and joyful experience.
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1365333577' post='2038076'] Anyone left-handed at this bash? If I'm the only one, I won't bother taking a bass, and instead concentrate on listening, socialising, taking photos and writing Basschat blogs [/quote] Bring a bass and play it! :-)
  10. Had to try drop D tuning for the first time today as the rest of number 2 band wanted to try 'Heart Shaped Box'. Way out of my comfort zone, it got me all flustered and panicky. And grumpy. But hey ho, all part of the learning curve I guess. I suppose I'll get to grips with it eventually. They'll be asking me to learn to use a pick next....
  11. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1365347676' post='2038299'] I pay £25 for a really top-notch teacher, I think £40 is too much and would certainly put me off. Mind you, if the teacher was banging on about who they've played with, etc, it would probably put me off anyway...... they're usually the types that are just out to rip people off and massage their ego. [/quote] +1 to all this. I've been going to the same teacher for 2 years and he's turned into a friend really. It's only in the last year or so I've found out about some of the 'names' he's played with and that's just thru general chit chat after the lesson. I was quite surprised that the price hasn't gone up in 2 years tbh. But I think that's a sign of the times. People don't have the disposable income for 'luxuries' like music lessons and this tends to keep the prices down. So I wouldn't have thought that anyone charging £ 40/hr would get that many students.
  12. Ooh, I feel your pain. I was away on me hols the week before last, so didn't play for a whole week. First day back had a 2 hr rehearsal. Was trying out some new stuff and got a bit over excited. Result - sore blistered fingers. I had to resort to putting plasters over them in the end.
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1365266363' post='2037442'] People assume I must be introverted and moody because of my "image" (and looking at the pic in my avatar I can`t blame them) and are usually pleasantly surprised to find ouet I`m actually quite chatty, cheerful & daft. The physio I was seeing last year enquired why I have so many "doom & gloom/evil" tattoos when I`m so cheerful and pleasant, and she suggested I get a tattoo of a fluffy kitten to balance things out! Nah. [/quote] Some of the nicest people I know have tatts with death heads, daggers, snakes etc. The ones you want to watch out for are the ones that say 'Mum'.
  14. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1365241828' post='2037056'] You Shook Me All Night Long is our second set opener, our girly sings it good!! We have a mixture of male/female songs and don't worry about it too much, a few keys have been fiddled with but nothing drastic, Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, Bryan Addams, Springsteen, all right across the board. What's Up by 4 non Blondes is our usual encore singalong! [/quote] Your girly singer is great, she's got balls! So to speak.
  15. Luckily we don't have this problem. Everyone seems to play at a fairly sensible level. I certainly don't have ringing ears after rehearsals. But guitarists in both bands are always telling me to turn it up a bit! It's a confidence thing. I'm still afraid that if I play too loud, people might actually HEAR me!
  16. I would love to do Mother's Little Helper by the Stones and Stay with Me by Rod and the Faces. Mainly because of the words (and the fact they are cracking songs of course!) Stay with Me has such mysoginistic lyrics, I reckon a female singer could really turn it on its head in an interesting way (note my BC member description!)
  17. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1365109419' post='2035601'] also we would like a dancer or 2 like hawkwind! [/quote] Just as long as you don't get a Mime like Howard Jones ...
  18. Sometimes I forget to breathe too! :-D It happens in my lessons as well if I'm concentrating hard. My teacher has to remind me to breathe!
  19. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1365077553' post='2034901'] It couldn't be a real one unfortunately, it would be a potential fire hazard and produce carbon monoxide. [/quote] Could we have some BC flapjacks then instead?
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1365077743' post='2034909'] Is that an offer..? [/quote] Tee hee, I thought you'd be along..
  21. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1365076992' post='2034881'] I find that platform boots and a tall hat definitely help... [/quote] I wondered what Pope Benedict was going to do in his retirement. Glad to see you've got him on drums
  22. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1365077000' post='2034883'] If we start saving now, I'd hope we might be able to stretch to a stall somewhere quiet. In an ideal world it would be hilarious to show up with a Gippo caravan like we have on the Facebook page and have a fake campfire for people to sit around. [/quote] That would be really fun I know a few guys who might want to warm their hands over a brazier
  23. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1365028063' post='2034460'] I'm so going to be there Would be absolutely awesome if we could do the Basschat Meeting Corner all over again. I'm happy to (wo)man the corner again next year if we find a space. [/quote] +1 to all this
  24. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1365018408' post='2034274'] Not as easy these days with sprinkler systems installed though is it!? [/quote] Yeh, whatever would Arthur Brown do?
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364999115' post='2033882'] It really does - and I find I'm making more spelling mistakes, too. [/quote] Yeh but you no longer kare.
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