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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1364998212' post='2033864'] Here's the first serious rock band I ever saw. This, for me, is real stage presence. But you had to be there. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeIUpD9Emo[/media] [/quote] I was there! (well not literally at that gig, but I did see them around the same time) And I agree.
  2. Now here's a good example of stage presence. The boy Rossi is superb here. He's not leaping about all over the place but the way he's looking at the girls in the audience will have them swooning. Very nicely done Mr R. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdlxaU6lhwE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdlxaU6lhwE[/url]
  3. I'm still gettting over the last one! Awesome though, as you say Mr F. I expect I'll be there again next year all being well. It will come round in no time. Time really does seem to fly at you get older.
  4. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1364153107' post='2022609'] Huge thanks to Kev for coming down all the way from Chester in the less-than-Springlike weather. His rewards were a cup of dreadful coffee, a quick stroke of my Guinea Pigs (not a euphemism...) and the loverlee Bassbaton. Shame on you Midlanders for not grabbing this before now, but it's in good hands. The legend continues. And speaking of legends, here's one for the laydeez.... [attachment=130982:IMAG0219.jpg] [/quote] I've been on me holidays, otherwise I would have been well up for this as it passed through the Black Country. Anyway, if it comes this way again on the way down I'll be in there. I always do a jam night in Tipton on the 2nd Tues of the month so hope it might co-incide with this one day.
  5. Right, I've checked my busy schedule (ahem) and decided that I can come along to this I shall combine it with a visit to my best friend who lives in Royston. It's a good job I have friends and rellies all over the country so I can always turn up like a bad penny at bass bashes out of my area I'm not going to bring much though. Just me old Fender P so I can have a bit of a jam with you guys. I haven't got any impressive gear to show off anyway. Nevertheless, I have added myself to the list below: [b]Who's bringing what list[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EBS HD350+ EBS cab -The Greek[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Roscoe Century 3005/ Overwater J4 - The Greek[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Markbass Mini CMD121P & NY121 cab - Lozz196[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some form of Precision - Lozz196 (very predictable there)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ebay double neck kit finished - irvined[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Alpher Custom Bass - StephenYork[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]70s Fenders, Status S2s - Fat Rich[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ibanez GSR-180 (modded), Line 6 combo, pedals and myself[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] - Bottle[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Heavily modified Fleabass (if ready by then!) - Aende[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Warwick Fortress Masterman - Aende[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]500W Ashdown + 2 x 210 Eminence loaded cabs.[/font][/color] MIM Fender Presicion - seashell
  6. And I tried to put my comment in the right place, but alas also!
  7. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1364938331' post='2033149'] I'm reminded of a classic YT video. It's probably done the rounds a thousand times, but it seems apt again in this thread. I won't embed it, but just in case there are one or two who haven't yet seen it... 'Mark Hoppus - Bassists Look Too Bored': [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF7vghzj6pk&feature[/media] BB Tee hee, I hadn't seen it Edit: I [i]tried[/i] not to embed it, but alas... [/quote]
  8. Regarding what you wear...I think if you're all dressed exactly alike it looks like a cheesy show band. However, if you go for a general theme or colour scheme that looks really good! Sadly, my main band does not really gel visually (or musically tbh but we'll draw a veil over that). We have singer in a suit cos he's come straight from work, guitar in combats and sweatshirt cos that's all he ever wears, drummer fairly presentable in nice t shirt and jeans and me got up like an ageing rock chick. We are an ill assorted little bunch. With side project at least me and (female) singer decide on a colour scheme and that pulls it all together.
  9. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1364926610' post='2032820'] [url="http://youtu.be/ThZZnS4Jvwc"]http://youtu.be/ThZZnS4Jvwc[/url] We take everything from these guys, from handshakes at beginning and end of gig to the clothes. [/quote] Handshakes! Now that's a bloody good idea. Hmmm, I might suggest it to one or both of the bands!
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1364923557' post='2032736'] I think that's probably more due to the fact you bear more than a passing resemblance to wee Jimi Krankee! [/quote] But he used to be Victoria Coren. I think he's a shape shifter. Anyway, back OT..
  11. My goal ATM is just an actual gig , rather than just jam nights I'm feeling quite optimistic about the 'side project band' tho, and I reckon we could get there eventually. Main band is a lost cause.
  12. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1364891923' post='2032153'] Didn't Ray Orbison record that? [/quote] Lol
  13. I think I'm developing some. When I first started playing I was too nervous to do much. Plus since I only do jam nights ATM there isn't much room for running about. But I always try to look at the audience during the easier bits, tho eyes are glued to fretboard when anything tricky comes up. I do try a few moves during rehearsals. I think that's a good opportunity for finding out whether it puts you off your playing or not. But it all depends what you're playing of course. A TM we're doing Cars by Gary Numan. For that I'm just staring straight ahead and looking a bit po faced. Singer is trying to do some Numanesque head jerks. A man less like Gary Numan in appearance it would be hard to find, so it could be quite amusing. But I digress...
  14. Keane at number 2? I am not aware of this popular music combination or it's oevre. Surprised to see Tommy by The Who. I would have thought Who's Next or Live at Leeds. I see Stars by Simply Red is still hanging in there. Back in the 90s I was dismayed to see it came top in a Radio 1 top 100 thingy. Very tediuos IMHO.
  15. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1364741011' post='2030212'] I need to find someone to play with then, anyone ? [/quote] I decided after 18 months of learning from absolute scratch that it wad time to join a band. Luckily, I had a few musical connections due to my theatrical experience and the fact that the Ex was a muso. So I sent out a group email to everone I knew who was vaguely musical, asking them to let me know if they heard of anyone looking for a bass player. Result was a work colleague put me ib touch with a band he had just left. So I joined them in July. We are not the best band in tw world, but the experience of playing with others has been invaluable. I've just managed to start up a side project with the drummer from our main band and another singer and guitarist. I've only just found out that drummer also has only been playing a couple of years. I'd assumed he'd been playing for ages. So I'd advise you to go for it now :-) Let us know how you get on:-)
  16. Led Zep were definitely known ad Heavy Metal in the early 70's. I think what has changed is the definition of Metal. It boggles my mind these days, there are so many different genres. It's all rock n roll to me.. But back OT I think there are plenty of superstars around today. Look at the excitement generated by the announcement today about the Stones playing Glastonbury. The trouble is, sometimes you don't achieve superstar status until you are past your best.
  17. Sometimes I get a bit frustrated that I'm a bit fumble fisted and somewhat lacking in the theory dept. But mostly I'm surprised and delighted that I learned to play an instrument at all at my time of life. Had consecutive rehearsals with 2 different bands on Mon night. At times I almost felt like I was having an out of body experience. I was almost looking at myself thinking 'I cannot believe this is me doing this!'. Especially as I'm doing BVs with the side project band. I felt like a total rock star singing and playing at the same time! I do live in a world of fantasy at times, but it's a happy place to be!
  18. Wow that is brilliant news! Juicy Lucy as in 'Who do you Love?' ? Awesome! :-)
  19. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1364212887' post='2023175'] That'll be Crazy Joe, then? [/quote] Another good'un thanks! :-D
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1364169347' post='2022839'] Extrapolation of the lyrics..? '[i]Hey, Joe, (you stoopid [b]C[/b]***...), where're yo' goin' with that gun in yo' hand[/i]' etc... Sorry; I'll get my fringed shirt... [/quote] Brilliant! I'll never forget it now
  21. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1364316444' post='2024772'] I'm bolloxed if people don't like it simple. [/quote] Tee hee, another one here too! :-) We were rehearsing last night and I found to my surprise and delight that I could actually play all the songs without making any mistakes! So I thought to myself - well now I'm going to try to make it actually sound nice (rather than the sound of a chimp with dyspraxia). But as soon as I thought that, I started making mistakes! It'll be a while yet before I can venture beyond the simple, lol
  22. I do respect the fact that true lefties need to play left handed. But I'm a lefty who plays right handed. I do find anything requiring speed with the right hand a challenge. And I don't think I could ever play with a pick - using any sort of tool with my RH is difficult. On the other hand (lol, pun intended) I'm getting pretty nifty with my LH on the fretboard. I think whichever way you play you just have to work on your weaker hand. One thing I can never understand though, is why do some people play drums left handed. I mean why should it be more important to use your good hand on the hi hat than on the snare? I had a few drum lessons a while back, and one of the students would always have to change the whole kit round before he played. I honestly couldn't see the point. To me,drumming was a bit like dancing. You're using all four of your limbs anyway, so it doesn't matter which hand or foot does what. (Dad'll be along in a minute to tell me I'm wrong, lol)
  23. I have to know what note I'm starting on. After that I just sort of remember it if I've practised enough. I have some silly ways of remembering where to start though. Like 'Fly Away' by Lenny Kravitz starts on A for 'Away'. 'Bohemian Like You' starts on B for 'Bohemian'. Still trying to think of a way to remember that Hey Joe starts on C though!
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364153616' post='2022618'] What a relief! I find this particularly interesting and poignant: [url="http://www.argos.co.uk/m/static/Product/partNumber/166006/Trail/searchtext%3EBASS.htm"]http://www.argos.co.uk/m/static/Product/partNumber/166006/Trail/searchtext%3EBASS.htm[/url] [/quote] And it seems to be standing on a snare drum! Something for everyone :-)
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