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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I have had fantastic, bass filled weekend. Starting with Colin's (barneyg42) gig on Friday night and ending with a brief chat with Peter Hook and getting his autograph this afternoon. How fan-bloody-tastic is that. Awesome weekend. I am going to have to lie down in a darkened room to recover.
  2. Brilliant day. Managed to largley avoid the annoying slappers by hanging out on the BC stand and going to masterclasses and performances. Where else could you see David Ellefson, Jah Wobble, Guy Pratt and Nate Watts in one day? And have the benefit of hearing tips and anecdotes from the horses mouth so to speak. Can't wait for tomorrow, esp. Peter Hook.
  3. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1362256092' post='1997733'] PS I didn't hear much slap. I've got the secret. I only spent about half hour in the shop area all day :-) [/quote] Yep, that's the way to do it! :-)
  4. Brilliant day today. Masterclasses and performances were awesome. My fave of the day has got to be Jah Wobble. Clever, witty, funny, musical, brilliant.
  5. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1362251335' post='1997639'] PS: it was lovely to meet you Bluejay and Seashell. CB [/quote] You too CB. xx
  6. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1362188681' post='1997075'] Just got in from a cracking gig at the Fox and Hounds in Walton on the Hill, nr Tadworth. Usual bunch of slightly inebriated punters, we were a bit rusty having had a few weeks off but it went well. Best bit of the night was a visit from our very own Seashell who's down for the Bass show and messaged me on the off chance I was gigging. Here she is in her full glory tackling my Status 5! I've threatened her that next time she's coming up for a song [/quote] I will have to perfect my bass face. That cheesy grin just aint rock n roll ! Great gig, Colin.
  7. [quote name='Johnnyc' timestamp='1362145605' post='1996404'] Had no idea the LBGS was so close, if I can find someone to drag along, I, too shall be attending on Sunday =O [/quote] You don't need to drag anyone along..you can hang out with your BC chums!
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362091457' post='1995815'] Lol, did you just presume that i was single? You're right, but even still. WOW! lol. [/quote] No I was just using the word 'us' to embrace all the singles here in general. But I do believe you to be single 'cos you have shared many details of your life with us! (by single I mean not living with a partner. I'm not assuming you live the life of a monk!)
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1362086361' post='1995688'] Who are we to judge how couples act? [/quote] Very understanding of you milty. But us sad single bastards have to have a few advantages to cling on to, and being able to fill our living spaces with whatever shizz we want is one of them!
  10. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1362069262' post='1995312'] We're doing the Flapper on March 24th, one of those Emma Scott Presents....things; also probably going to do the Asylum 2 on April 12th? If you want to PM me your email address I'll put you on the mailing list How's things with you, anyways? [/quote] OK will do. Things is great with me thanks . I'm in 2 bands now (sort of) - but that's not as impressive as it sounds
  11. Voted. Don't forget to put any forthcoming Brum gigs in the Gigs forum, and/or send me a PM! cheers Shell
  12. Final update!!! Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman and guitarist son Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 Cloudburst Fat Rich Raggy jonunders and son Barefootbassplayer Rainbass OliverBlackman Cosmo Valdemar BISCUITANDBASS (Hartke demo) nash andyonbass DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 Platypus Spoombug dudewheresmybass and pupils Bass_Punk Higgie and old man wesfinn (Guitarguitar) [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell hen barn Cloudburst bluejay OliverBlackman Jellyfish Cosmo Valdemar MarshallBTB mushers and family DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 merton and friend JonnyM graham1945 wesfinn (Guitarguitar) Well folks this is my final update, as tomorrow I will be travelling down to see the aged parent so won't have access to a PC. I'll be keeping in touch on my phone though - just can't do the copying and pasting from the phone. So I look forward to seeing [b]everyone[/b] there, whether or not you are on 'the list' [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1HwKA0J-gU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1HwKA0J-gU[/url]
  13. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1362044687' post='1994805'] Surely all of this should be thrashed out in rehearsals? By the time you get on stage you should be prepared to play everything on the set list. I once refused to play a song , the chorus went "I'm not gonna cry , I'm not gonna say goodbye" I was out of the band within the week. [/quote] I feel your pain. One of ours goes 'Rock me up baby. rock me up baby, rock me all night long'. At least I don't have to sing it.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361976492' post='1993907'] It's my new band! [/quote] Oh brill, I might google it then! Was afraid to before in case it was NSFW. Anyway, back to the topic in hand. Are you coming to the LGBS or are you just being nosey?
  15. [i][quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361965946' post='1993659'] Tsk! They were dogs! [size=4] OK then, I'll change my avatar again today - just for you.[/size] [/quote][/i] Thank you, that's better. I think. Although it's probably so filthy I don't understand it.
  16. Update: Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman and guitarist son Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 Cloudburst Fat Rich Raggy jonunders and son Barefootbassplayer Rainbass OliverBlackman Cosmo Valdemar BISCUITANDBASS (Hartke demo) nash andyonbass DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 Platypus Spoombug dudewheresmybass and pupils Bass_Punk [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell hen barn Cloudburst bluejay OliverBlackman Jellyfish Cosmo Valdemar MarshallBTB mushers and family DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 merton and friend JonnyM graham1945
  17. [quote name='graham1945' timestamp='1361959967' post='1993538'] Looks like a Sunday visit for me - look out for an old geezer! [/quote] There'll be plenty of those, don't worry!
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361912513' post='1993064'] Sorry - if you're not on the list you can't go! [/quote] Your avatar is even worse today! Frankly, I preferred the shagging cats
  19. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1361912307' post='1993062'] I've been taken off the Saturday list for some reason but I am going! [/quote] Oopos sorry, don't know how that happened Hope I haven't done it to anyone else. i'll rectify later.
  20. Many thanks for that Sylvia. It will mean we will definitely meet people this time!
  21. This sounds good, but I am heading down to that Lunnon for the LGBS. Visiting the aged parent in Surrey the day before hence not in Brum. Hope it all goes well and you enjoy it.
  22. The bloke on the far right looks pretty grumpy about it all. I bet he's the bass player! Edited to add: If they came across a group of real Teddy Boys they would probably get a sound thrashing!
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361814658' post='1991338'] [/quote] Bloody 'ell what's going on in your avatar now, dis? On second thoughts, don't answer that !
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