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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman and guitarist son Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 Cloudburst Fat Rich Raggy jonunders and son Barefootbassplayer Rainbass OliverBlackman Cosmo Valdemar BISCUITANDBASS (Hartke demo) nash andyonbass DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 Platypus [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell hen barn Cloudburst bluejay OliverBlackman Jellyfish Cosmo Valdemar MarshallBTB mushers and family DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 merton and friend JonnyM
  2. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1361817151' post='1991411'] Make that Walman & guitarist son unless he changes his mind again & bales on me. Must sort out the train tickets [/quote] Yes, will do. And we will actually speak to each other this year, lol
  3. Well, last night we told the rest of the main band about our little side project. They seemed OK about it, which was a relief. I think it helps that the two line ups will be quite different, especially as there is a male singer in one and female singer in the other. And with the main band, we actually tried to create a new song last night! So things might be looking up there as well.
  4. Waistcoats look OK when worn with a proper shirt. They don't really work with T shirts. Anyway, who is this mystery man
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361801093' post='1991044'] But it's Inti, so you can't criticise. [/quote] You are a very bad boy. Take 100 lines..... no wait, stop I didn't mean [b]that [/b]
  6. A few more additions: [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 Cloudburst Fat Rich Raggy jonunders and son Barefootbassplayer Rainbass OliverBlackman Cosmo Valdemar BISCUITANDBASS (Hartke demo) nash andyonbass DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell hen barn Cloudburst bluejay OliverBlackman Jellyfish Cosmo Valdemar MarshallBTB mushers and family DogHammer and guitarist jamie_k11 merton and friend Not long now, peeps!
  7. Bugger! I shall be in Tenerife that week. Keep us posted with any other gigs, Steve. Shelley x
  8. Oh wow that picture of the auditorium gave me goosebumps. I've always dreamed of standing in a massive stage and looking out to a packed house like that. :-)
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1361619677' post='1988326'] Oh, good to know, thanks for that! [/quote] Yes good to know this in advance. I envisage long queues at the BGM stand then.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361614206' post='1988201'] Oh God - now I've got a mental image of you rogering a room full of people in evening dress while wearing a womble suit. Thanks. [/quote] ROFL!
  11. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1361543362' post='1987273'] If your main band singer doesn't like it, just tell them to go practise House of the Rising Sun! [/quote] Tee hee. Or I could tell him to stick it where the Rising Sun don't shine .. (only joking )
  12. Thanks for all the encouragement and good examples, guys :-)
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361460153' post='1986019'] His flares were inside [/quote] I'm lovin your Afghan Not so sure about the white polo neck though...
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361458427' post='1985980'] [/quote]
  15. I'm guessing the poor bloke was co-erced into striking that pose by the photographer. Then when he saw it he wasn't too happy and asked for his name not to be printed in the mag. I bet we've all committed fashion crimes in the past! You should see my curly perm and huge white-framed spectacles combination!
  16. Today's update: [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 Cloudburst Fat Rich Raggy jonunders and son Barefootbassplayer Rainbass OliverBlackman Cosmo Valdemar BISCUITANDBASS (Hartke demo) [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell hen barn Cloudburst bluejay OliverBlackman Jellyfish Cosmo Valdemar
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1361400846' post='1985572'] [url="http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/story/2013-02-18/life-of-sir-bobby-celebrated/"]Here's a video report[/url], with a teeny bit of footage from the gig - including a fleeting glimpse of yours truly about 50 seconds in... [/quote] Fantastic. Love the pics you've posted as well
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1361439137' post='1985854'] Always get something out of playing with other musicians, different perspectives and all that. Hope the next jam goes well, you can get up with 2 different set ups and get more playing time in. Result! [/quote] Thanks, yes I was thinking along those lines. Also, I forgot to mention that with the new lot I'm going to be attempting some [b]backing vocals! [/b]Can't quite believe that either, but I tried some 'woo hoos' during Bohemian Like You last night, and the general consensus was that it sounded quite good so we're going to keep them in.
  19. For some time now I've been feeling a bit frustrated with my main band. Bored with playing House of the Rising Sun ad infinitum and irritated by the singer's cantankerous nature. So I've been making plans for a little side project. I met a singer at the Academy where I have my bass lessons. We were in an end of term concert together and we got on well. So I got in touch with her and asked her if she'd be interested in getting together and trying out a few covers, just for fun. She said yes, and offered to drag along her fiance to play guitar. I sensed that the drummer from my band was also getting a bit frustrated at times. So I tentatively texted him to ask if he'd be interested getting together with us. He replied that he wouldn't mind having a bit of a jam, but he wasn't interested in joining another band due to other commitments. I met with singer again and we decided on a few things we'd like to try. Then booked rehearsal studio for a bit a practice last night. In the meantime, drummer texted me to ask if we could have a go at 'Come Together' by the Beatles as it was something he's always wanted to try but hadn't been able to with our current band. I thought that was a rather good sign that he was getting quite interested in our new venture! So, we had a rehearsal last night and it went pretty well. I can't claim it was a perfect meeting of minds, talents and aspirations but we all enjoyed it and there were no unreasonable strops. At the beginning when I introduced everyone to each other, I made sure I thanked drummer for coming along and made it clear to the others that he was just there to help us try our a few things, but wasn't looking to form a new band or anything. [b]However [/b]at the end of the evening, it was [b]drummer [/b]who said ' You know, I reckon if we had another couple of practices and concentrated on just two of those songs, we would be able to do them at the next jam night at Dog n Duck'. I was so delighted! Also felt a bit giggly and naughty, as we now have to confess to the rest of our main band that we will be appearing with another combo at our next regular jam night. (As well as with the main band of course, we aren't going to leave them in the lurch) We think our guitarist will be fine with this. It is a jam night after all, and plenty of the regulars down there are with more than one band. All sorts of swapping around goes on. It's just that singer is such a funny bugger you never know which way he's going to jump. We have booked our next rehearsal to follow on in the same studio after our rehearsal with the main band! For practical reasons really, so me and drummer won't have to turn out on two different nights. But it will force the issue of having to tell the others! Sorry for long post, but I'm feeling a bit thrilled about this. I know this is very small beer compared to what most of you are involved in, but to me it feels like I've just stepped into someone else's life. I can't quite believe I've arranged all this and it's coming together so nicely.
  20. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1361310067' post='1984482'] Yes ! If he ever gets that violin bow out , the roadie should run on stage and stick it up his arse [/quote] Much as I love Led Zep, this really made me laugh
  21. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1361285480' post='1983898'] I would say Bon Jovi are better purely on the strength of the fact that they did the soundtrack to Young Guns 2 . [/quote] Me too, for this reason. :-)
  22. What are you moaning about? I posted a lovely dolphin song for you all to enjoy. :-)
  23. Hee hee that made me smile But actually I admire anyone who can play with a pick. I wish I could occasionally, but I'm too fumble fisted.
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