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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I started out looking at discreet's avatar when it was just a big yellow ball. It seemed so easy. Everyone was doing it, they said it would be fun. Then I was looking at pictures of black and white faces morphing into each other. I was doing it for hours at a time, but I didn't care. I knew I could stop any time I wanted to. Then this guy said I should be looking at these paradoxical glue guns while listening to Dr Who music. Or are they cream squirters? Oh the colours man, they're in my head....
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360067472' post='1964216'] Young master discreet (when he was five): 'Dad - why am I me and not someone else?' Me: 'Ah. Errm...?' [/quote] Do you know, I can remember pondering that very question when I was a little kid. When I asked my Mum she gave me the 'birds and bees' speech. But that's not what I meant. Why [b]am [/b]I me and not someone else? I'd still like to know.
  3. [quote name='Stompbox' timestamp='1360024379' post='1963858'] RIP Reg. One of those "characters" - he will be sadly missed. [/quote] Yes, definitely a 'character'. RIP Reg mate
  4. Latest additions: [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 throwoff bassist_lewis whynot [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) hernandoitwt irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell throwoff
  5. Updated unofficial attendance list! [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell rushbo StephenYork such Clarky72 MoJoke(MarkBass) Dmanlius Jellyfish toomey7 [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) hernandoitwt irvined such MoJoke (MarkBass) seashell If your post didn't mention whether you were coming Sat or Sun, I've just guessed at Sat! Feel free to amend if I've got that wrong.
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1359717344' post='1959173'] Check out this guy too... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/drummerbassist-wanted-t461119.html"]http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/drummerbassist-wanted-t461119.html[/url] [/quote] He needs to take a few more of those happy pills !
  7. Our guitarist doesn't even have a mobile phone! But Drummer (also the youngest in our band) is pretty good at instigating things and notifying me and Vox by text. Then someone has to ring Guitar and talk to him using the power of human speech.
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1359635761' post='1957933'] Has that restraining order expired then? [/quote] Yes, but I'm still not allowed to get within 6 feet of the stage
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359634236' post='1957883'] Crikey, what a rock chick [i]you[/i] turned out to be! [/quote] But alas I don't go to enough gigs. I should fix [b]that [/b]this year. !
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359582912' post='1957177'] I will be wearing a [s]white tuxedo [/s] leather waistcoat with [s]red carnation [/s] tattoos and will be standing [s]under the clock [/s] against the bar with a copy of [s]The Times[/s]BGM under my arm. [/quote] Fixed for you !
  11. Drums without a doubt! I love them . I did have lessons a few years ago, but couldn't really keep it up due to lack of anywhere to practice.
  12. Sorry to hear about your current bass player. Your band looks great and would be just the kind of thing I'd like to get involved with eventually. Probably a bit too soon for me now though as I'm still a bit of a newb (2 years exp.) Even so I would have been tempted to throw my hat in the ring, but my current band rehearses Mondays and I don't think I could explain away an unexplained absence. Anyway, good luck with the search and I'll look out for your band at a gig near me in future!
  13. Brilliant! I love Panto - a great British theatrical tradition ! 'Look behind you!' 'Oh no it isn't!' 'Almost midnight and still no sign of Dick!' .. and other well known panto sayings
  14. Well let's wish those egomaniacs every success in finding the frigthfully skilled players they are after. I am sure they will get exactly the musos they deserve Whereas you and your band of genuine talents will be going from strength to stregth, just you see! (Love mcnach's idea of nicking their keyboard player, BTW! )
  15. It's a shame that didn't work out. Let's hope they call you both back so that you can then tell them where to go In a dignified manner of course!
  16. I think I sort of know what you mean. Do you mean kind of 'relax into it' rather than flap around with flailing fingers (as I am prone to do!). I really have a problem with speed, esp. with my right hand. I've tried the starting slow and speeding up thing, with a metronome and all that, but I always seem to hit a wall that I just can't get past.
  17. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1359387496' post='1953950'] I really tried to keep it clean, I stay out of OT and everything now as well [/quote] We miss you in OT, and the goat's pining!
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1359383364' post='1953845'] [/quote] What are they like, eh?
  19. We've got another taker for the Sunday (added below). Sylvia - hoping we'll be adding you too to the Sunday attenders! [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) hernandoitwt seashell irvined
  20. I've just booked tickets for both days. So judging from this thread, I think this is who we have going so far: [b]Saturday[/b] Mr Fretbuzz Hobbayne Swanbrook jcater louisthebass molan (BassGear) bluejay Rumple ezbass Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) Lozz196 The Greek Walman Jimryan seashell [b]Sunday[/b] Swanbrook jcater Molan (BassGear) Acebassmusic Dood (Hartke) hernandoitwt seashell Forgive me and let me know if I've left anyone off. I'll add or remove people as this thread progresses. See you soon
  21. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1359297170' post='1952614'] Shemale basses... that would be disturbing. [/quote] Guitars and basses are actually double phallic symbols due to the curvaceous body but long neck worn at crotch level. That is why they are so sexy because there is something for everyone to enjoy! IMHO this is why a bass is sexier than a guitar...longer neck an all that.
  22. Yep, first band I ever saw and the only 'big name' band I've ever seen twice. :-)
  23. Well said, Admiral. Thanks for posting, I may look out for one if these.
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