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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1359206772' post='1951540'] Female Basschatters... Do you assign a gender or name to any of your musical instruments? [/quote] Not at present. I think sometimes things just seem to acquire a name or a gender of their own. I'm still waiting for that to happen with mine If you make too much effort to think of a name, that's when it can get a bit squirmy ...like "Say hello to Miss Fenella Fender" But if it just happens, that's coool.
  2. Sounds great, hope it continues to go well. :-)
  3. Two pages in, and no-one's had an ectoplasm about the apostrophes in the thread title! Things are looking up! Interesting thread BTW.
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1359040306' post='1948870'] Ian Gillan's [b]67[/b] years old. Cheers Shell, keep digging! [/quote] But was cool at any age. As are you, of course. xxx :-)
  5. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1359025875' post='1948561'] I can commiserate with the OP. Quirky originals bands can be more forgiving on the eye in terms of band members but not so easy with basic covers bands. I have a possible audition coming up for a covers band where all of the other members look around mid 20's judging by youtube clips. I'm pushing 50 and have the gut to prove it these days. With the best will in the world it is always going to look like one of the band members has drafted his dad in to make up the numbers. I've seen it in other bands from an audience point of view and it does look a bit weird. They don't play the sort of stuff that over the top stage outfits (like BRX's band) would be appropriate for either. I'll give it a go but i think this will be one of the factors in my deciding to take it on if offered the job (well that and they seem to like a lot of Coldplay ). [/quote] But you look like Ian Gillan! I am sure I have seen a picture on here somewhere that proves that, but haven't got time to find it. Unlike silddx, who obviously keeps discreet's photos close to hand!
  6. Suits always look good on the larger gentleman. And can be quite rock n roll. Especially if worn with sungl....er, shades.
  7. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1358977144' post='1948106'] There's part of your problem right there! They're not called sunglasses! [/quote] Oh all right, shades then. Is that what young people in their 40s are calling them these days? :Dt BTW I am actually older than our drummer's mother, but do I care? No I rather like it.
  8. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1358977035' post='1948105'] I've tried the hat and sunglasses. Made me feel a pratt ............. [/quote] It'll just have to be the beard then!
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1358976594' post='1948100'] Sorry, but over 50's men are fundamentally uncool. I speak through bitter experience. [/quote] Keith Richards Steve Harris Bill Nighy Antonio Banderas Sean Connery I could go on! Hurrah for cool over 50's men
  10. Wear one or more of the following: a hat a skull ring sunglasses a ZZ Top beard : D
  11. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1358725515' post='1944250'] I think it was Bill Withers who said that " if piracy continues, a lot of musicians would have to find a different way of making a living, and you wouldnt want Ozzy Ozborne to call rouns and fix your plumbing, now would you"? [/quote] Arthur Brown (as in Crazy World of..) and Jimmy Carl Black (as in Frank Zappa drummer) once had a painting an decorating business together. Imagine opening the door to that !
  12. Thanks for the update. Glad you and drums are sticking together. I think you are handling it sensitively. Don't worry about the keys man. He probably wouldn't want you to be better than him on bass or you might show him up, lol :-)
  13. Some of the stories in this thread are priceless However, much as I love a few vinos, I would never have one before performing. Had it drummed into me from an early age by my Mum (dancer and choreographer) who thought it was highly unprofessional and always adversley affects your performance. When I was learning the songs for our recent Christmas concert I stopped drinking at home as well. I found that even one would make me less dexterous and more forgetful so I stopped drinking for a couple of weeks (very unusual for me!). So bass playing is good for your health after all!
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358713747' post='1943972'] [size=4][/size] [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/courses.html"]http://www.shukergui...uk/courses.html[/url] [/quote] Cheers Mark. I know you're thinking 'why didn't they just google it?' :-) My excuse is I'm posting from my phone and its a bit fiddly. And I've had a couple of vinos. As usual.
  15. [quote name='Voodoosnake' timestamp='1358711236' post='1943888'] Does Jon advertise these courses?? Any links with prices, local digs etc? Cheers F Col [/quote] +1 to this. I'm completely hopeless at any of this stuff and would love to learn more.
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1358704658' post='1943690'] Because I don't know what the knobs do..... [/quote] In my band they play guitar and sing ( Coat already got)
  17. I have a sound. It's the sound of a nervous amateur fumbling around on second rate gear
  18. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1358643717' post='1942861'] Only ever did it once. Here's the story: [url="http://bigplansforeverybody.blogspot.co.uk/p/part-six-worst-gig-ever-1-bolton.html"]http://bigplansforeverybody.blogspot.co.uk/p/part-six-worst-gig-ever-1-bolton.html[/url] [/quote] Hee hee, that's a really good read
  19. Are they some sort of popular music combination, m'lud? They should be made to do National Service!!
  20. [quote name='jalapeno' timestamp='1358601817' post='1941977'] Ought create a Just Giving site for it. Have any checked this relay out ? http://forum.musicradar.com/showthread.php?116458-The-Tickled-Pink-Ribbon-Relay-a-Jooky-Forum-Fundraiser [/quote] Definitely agree with the Just Giving site idea. Makes donating really easy and you dont have to use Paypal. If the bass comes to Tipton I'd love to participate btw. Definitely gonna look out for it passing thru the West Mids and try to get along to a gig or two.
  21. Thanks for popping in Joel I'm sticking with BGM despite the mistakes and howlers. Really enjoyed the Yolanda interview this month and last month's Glen Hughes/Andy Fraser double interview was a treat. I like having a proper hard copy mag. I loved th Steve Harris cover photo on the Oct issue and have it pinned to my fridge. You can't do that with an on line mag, lol :-)
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1358426080' post='1938861'] Isnt that Silddx on bass?? [/quote] Yes, but he's forgotten his gloves!
  23. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1358263943' post='1935894'] I have to agree with the well put OP. I laugh all the time on here, mostly out loud (even at times when people are not trying to be funny) but then again I find comedy in people all the time. Great place made great by fantastic people [/quote] +1 to all of this :-) "
  24. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1358257385' post='1935674'] True, dat. Tracks that used to make me drive like a lunatic include: Hocus Pocus Speed King Space Truckin' [/quote] Speed King is the ultimate driving song! And I dont even like driving much. :-)
  25. Very interesting clip. I shall look out for the programme. I rather like Glen Campbell - and Jim Webb. And Carol Kaye, naturally!
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