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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1357945895' post='1931067'] The only effect I use is to sit on my hand till it goes numb. Then it feels like someone else is doing it [/quote] Top answer
  2. Eye of the Tiger. I ' ve never liked it, it's horribly cheesy. The bass line is boring and dificcult at the same time (a bit too fast for me). Singer sounds like Vic Reeves doing his pub singer impersonation. We 're only doing it cos drummer likes the cymbal thrashing.
  3. Great idea for a thread Nigel. When I first joined BC I was a complete beginner. Now I'm in a band. OK it's a somewhat ropey band but it's a start. If this thread is still going on Monday when I have access to a PC I'll make a more fullsome reply. (Right now I'm on my phone which is a bit fiddly). But I will say that one of the most helpful things was you personally encouraging me to attend the SE bass bash in 2011.!
  4. As I may have intimated in another thread, I can't cope with more than 2 knobs on me bass, never mind dancing on pedals as well! So no FX for me....yet.
  5. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1357825035' post='1928986'] Legendary rant in the f/s section, all in block capitals and loads of typo's including calling the forum A WASTE OF TIM. You really had to be there [/quote] Perhaps 'offended clowns!' should be the new catch phrase.... (runs for cover...)
  6. I was introduced to my band by the previous bass player (a work colleague) who had left on good terms. But he wasn't there for the 'audition' - I think I might have found that a bit nerve wracking even though he is a lovely guy. He did show me all the bass lines to their original songs tho which was a huge bonus. :-)
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357816676' post='1928774'] 1) Other band members' problems aren't your problems. Harsh, but you want to play bass, not be a carer. 2) If you haven't gigged after six months, it's unlikely you ever will. I know this from experience! 3) If you procrastinate your initial enthusiasm for being in a band and playing the bass will be compromised. 4) If a band is interested in YOU then you really should at least give them a chance to see what you're about. 5) Playing original material is a lot more fun and is more challenging and rewarding than playing covers (IMHO). 6) Playing in a band you think are way ahead of you skill-wise is excellent - you will play up to their level and improve quickly. 7) A band is prepared to be supportive and allow you to develop your own basslines? [color=#ffffff]7)[/color] If this is indeed the case, then go for it, quick! [/quote] I think our friend has summed it up perfectly here. As Mark says, point number 5 is a matter of opinion. But from what you've said it seems to chime in with your own opinion too. So I think you should go for the originals band. I really do understand your moral dilemma. I want to move on from my band this year and if that happens I know I will find it difficult to tell them. And they are all perfectly healthy!! But keep looking at discreet's points 1 and 2. He is right you know. (BTW, if and when I move on I would also love it if our drummer could come with me. But that is all for another thread as and when the time comes! ) Oh and another thing... I don't suppose there will be any bands beating a path to my door . You must have built up a really good reputation... well done girl!
  8. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1357822062' post='1928901'] Body is on me captain winky but the neck pulled up. I've always played my bass like an upright if that makes any sence [/quote] Are you Bill Wyman?
  9. Just my opinion and all that, but Chest... impossible with my figure and also doesn't 'look' right. And wouldn't feel right, especially as I don't slap. Stomach.. this is about where I have mine Crotch... optimum place to get 'the look' I think. Unfortunately it doesn't feel right for me. Probably because I'm still watching the fretboard too much when I'm playing and I can't see it properly when it's this low. Maybe one day... Knees..hmmm. I think this is going a bit beyond cool, so that it almost looks naff. if you see what I mean. Apologies to anyone who plays like this though, I'm sure it's the best thing for you and your audience.
  10. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1357751421' post='1927845'] \ I had this with a SR505 - changed the strings to Status Hotwire ground wound and it transformed it. [/quote] That's really interesting to know, thanks Count. I think I will definitely try this at some point. I'll need to find a time when I've got half a day to spare though, as that is how long it will probably take me to change them, lol
  11. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357742808' post='1927618'] Indeed Jack. Here is my bandleader Sheema rocking her SGC Nanyo, she loves that bass. [/quote] Oooh, lovely dress as well!
  12. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1357735655' post='1927408'] The theory of it is you adjust your strap whilst sitting - then when you stand up the bass is in the same place so it won't ever make a difference whether you're sitting or standing. Like most folk I know I find that leaves the bass too high when I'm standing - and I only ever stand to play. [/quote] Yes I'd heard this, but like you said it can then leave the bass too high when standing. So I practice sitting down and standing up. I usually work on things in the evenings during the week, sittting down with the headphones plugged in. Then have a longer session at weekends to see if I can do the same thing standing up. When I was first learning it would take me ages to get something standing if I had been practicising sitting. But now I find it relatively easy to make the transition.
  13. Sorry Mel. On a serious note then - I don't really see why women would have a different agenda to chosing basses than men would. Other than on the whole women tend to be smaller than men and therefore may prefer a smaller lighter instrument. Although there are bound to be exceptions to that. And in all seriousness you can't wear a bass high with a bosom like mine. But then I wouldn't want to anyway.
  14. seashell

    BC Awards 2012

    I could think of a coupl of nominees. it sounds like fun to me. If you would consider extending the deadline I'll send you a PM, ped. Like some others, I missed this thread as I don't check site news that often. If you are going to run with this idea maybe you could publicise it via a link on mods' signatures or something?
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1357684597' post='1926873'] I think she's more concerned with tits than knobs [/quote] Ah well in that case I can only suggest - don't wear it too high!
  16. Well I haven't got much experience of playing different basses, but so far it's got to be the Fender P. I also have an Ibanez SRX500. I was quite thrilled with it when I got it, but I keep going back to the Fender now. The Ibanez just sounds too twangy. That could be the strings of course. I really should try changing them, but I keep putting it off as I'm really kack handed with that sort of thing. Also I cant seem to get the balance right on the Ibanez. I like the fact that the Fender only has two knobs...nice and simple! :-) The Fender P just feels right.
  17. You should keep a digital recorder with you at all times and record your posts before you forget them. Don't forget to keep it by your bed in case you dream a post during the night!
  18. Yep I'm in. Cheers drum buddies :-)
  19. Very interesting article. Applicable to many aspects of life too.
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1357070336' post='1917174'] The women are taking over! [/quote] Mwaahaaahaa! (eevil cackling) Hi from another one of the monstrous regiment. Hope you like it here.
  21. How about Good Times by Chic.? I really enjoyed learning that even though I am usually more into rock. Also - have a look at the 'Whats the last bassline you learned?' thread. You might get some inspiration from that.
  22. I think Jerry was just trying to give us an indication skill level so we could suggest approprate songs. Talking of Led Zep, I' ve been trying to learn I Cant Quit You off of Led Zep 1. Really struggling to wirk out what's going on in the second half of the guitar solo. Just can't seen to get the timing right. Anyway, moving away from Led Zep, how about some Free?
  23. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1356725093' post='1913017'] Great idea...I put a couple of biographies (Eric Clapton/ Ronnie Wood) in the Raffle draw at the SE Bass Bash knowing that, since I'd found them useful and enjoyed them, somebody else would too.. [/quote] I won the Ronnie Wood book, thanks Greek. Interesting read, and contains some nice illustrations by Ronnie himself. I'd be happy to pass it on if anyone's interested.
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