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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1356694069' post='1912427'] I'm astonished that no one has mentioned [i][b]Crash Course - Bass[/b][/i] by Basschat's very own Stuart Clayton: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crash-Course-Bass-Warner-Brothers/dp/1844920151 This is the book that I learned with (during my happy and carefree pre-Basschat days ) and I am VERY happy to recommend it. [/quote] +1 to that. My bass teacher also recommended it and would refer to it in lessons.
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1356434213' post='1910164'] Kind-of bass related, my boss (who buys everyone a small gift) got me a set of ice-cube moulds, in the shape of guitars, one of which is a Precision bass. [/quote] That's a really *cool* present! I'll get me coat and Santa hat ...
  3. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1356434730' post='1910174'] waitrose shopping bag [/quote] Capital idea!
  4. Ooohing the ocarina solo...hmmm might pinch this idea. In fact my band might sound better if we oohed the whole thing!
  5. Two cables and small phillips screwdriver all fit in my gig bag no prob. That's all I've got really.
  6. Believe it or not, our guitarist doesn't even have a mobile phone!
  7. I'm spending New Year with friends in Scarborough. They are all really into good music. Any BCers doing any New Year gigs there?
  8. Admiring what your bandmates do is a good thing isn't it? Why is the OP getting stick for that?
  9. I've never bought anything off BC before, but in the New Year I might be looking for a decent amp. This whole thread is making me rather terrified of the prospect. :-0
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1355872282' post='1904005'] No 'shell. No, it isn't. The tenth / tenth involves drummers in ladies underwear. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Even better!
  11. He he, thanks Skank. What's the other tenth then? Is that where I get to do the sex and drugs thing?lol
  12. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1355851514' post='1903687'] In terms of learning i've just started 'In my Time of Dying' by Led Zep. I had a quick read through the dots last night. Gonna commit it to memory tonight. I 'm learning it just for the hell of it as i love the tune. [/quote] Great choice, My Lord. This is what I want played at my funeral. :-)
  13. Thanks for all the great comments, guys. :-) I really do appreciate your advice and encouragement.
  14. Bassintheface - you're perfectly entitled to have a bit of a rant. AFIAC this is one of the useful functions of BC. Get it off yer chest, mate.!:-) And you don't come across as deluded to me.
  15. Well, I've done it folks and it was great. I was lovely to work with people who although inexperienced (like me!) were willng to learn and put in some hard work. Also to have the benefit of the drum tutor as MD was wonderful. There was a bit of a shaky moment at the Sat rehearsal the day before the event, when a text came through from male singer saying he was in bed with flu and would have to pull out! But female singer stepped up to the plate and said she was willing to have bash at doing 'Run to You'. So she learned it in 24 hours and it sounded great! Way to go Michelle. Although it was only a little concert I was still quite nervous and managed to go wrong on the intro to Warwick Avenue. God knows what I was playing, but at least it was all in the right key.Anyway, managed to recover and the rest of it all went pretty well. Finished with a storming version of Zombie by the Cranberries. I love that cos the bass line is so easy even I couldn't go wrong, but it sounds really wicked. In fact I've never heard my bass sounding so good. Of course we had the benefit of all the college facilities, so the sound was bang on. We all felt brilliant afterwards and all said we would love to get the chance to work together again. I've swapped contact details with the singer, so if the college doesn't give us another opportunity I'm going to contact her and see if we can get something off the ground together. A friend of mine came and took some pics and a little vid, so as soon as she sends them to me I will post them. Unless the vid includes the start of Warwick Avenue, in which case I might chicken out
  16. At the moment it's 20th Century Boy by T Rex. It's the only one on that everyone in my band can get right!
  17. A good 'un that doesn't often get mentioned is 2000 miles by The Pretenders.
  18. Barneyg - let us know if you're playing the Barley Mow again. Quite near my Dad's and I could combine it with a visit to the old duffer. Can't come down next Sat though as am going to a party in Brum.
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1355568738' post='1899980'] If a one off, then ok.... but otherwise, deal with it to make it work. [/quote] The drummer made him a helpful suggestion! :-)
  20. Quote from our singer after our last jam night: 'I bloody hate the lights on that stage -I cant read the words off me bit of paper.' Sez it all really.
  21. Three pages of love for the Quo! I really didn't think it would go on this long...I'm dead impressed!
  22. No, I think Bluejay's the organiser round here , lol But I'll put a list together at some point of Sat and Sunday attendees. Not today though, I'm a bit busy. I still haven't decided which day(s) to attend myself. I think I'll probably do both, but don't want to commit myself just yet in case anything else crops up.
  23. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1355219225' post='1895401'] Shell, the cotton bud trick. Francis totally destroyed his septum through drug abuse, and will has been known to poke a cotton bud up on nostril and remove it from the other...to groans from onlookers usually lol [/quote] I knew I shouldn't have asked!
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