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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Brilliant Quo memories everyone! I'm so glad I'm not alone. I'm sure I'll regret asking this but.. what's the cotton bud trick, Stu?
  2. Seeing some Status Quo related posts in the current 'Slade on the BBC' thread, has prompted me to start this. Surely it is about time that Quo-love was cool again. Headbanging to this at the Burway Rowing Club discos was one of the joys of my teenage years!; [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=IKe2OfXLxuc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=IKe2OfXLxuc[/url]
  3. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355157689' post='1894762'] Try illuminated fire exit signs. That's what I look at. I pretend they're people. I sometimes think you're more - rather than less - likely to go wrong if you pay too much attention to your own fretboard. I'd let your acting skills help you here - I'm certain you could take the role of a confident musician and I'm sure that if you did you would feel more like one. It's all a con trick really !! I bet you now I made more cock ups on Saturday night than you will at the event. I just let it go and crack on. Nobody ever knows. [/quote] Thanks Dave, you are quite right of course. I will definitley try looking up a bit more at next week's rehearsal. Also I think the acting skills will probably kick in automatically when I'm in front of an audience. I think I was extra nervous on Sat because it was the first time I'd met them all. But really they were all as nervous as me (apart from bouncy guitar boy)!
  4. I didn't go to this, but I agree with what you say about the type of crowd. I've been to a few punk events in Brum in recent years, and always found the atmosphere really friendly. I'm not a former punk and don't dress as one, but have never felt threatened or uneasy.
  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1355145436' post='1894545'] Don't you dare stand at the back with your head down.....I'll be watching !! [/quote] I intend to look moodily at the audience during Zombie, as that one's quiet easy. Also will look pensively at the audience during the Michael Buble song as also quite easy. But for the others I might have to stare fixedly at the the fretboard I'm afraid, because I'm so scared of going wrong. But one eye on the drummer, and the other eye on.. oh wait, I've run out of eyes!
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1355149876' post='1894619'] What?? You can't have the bass in the middle - it's against the law! [/quote] I ended up in the middle (but behind the singer) at the rehearsal of the 'scratch' band at the music academy on Sat. I stood there because that's where the bass amp was and I didn't feel I ought to move anything. it did feel a bit wierd tbh, and I wondered if it looked a bit strange as well. I'd prefer to be on one side or the other (don't mind which) so I can see what everyone else is doing. I didn't like to say anything at the time because I was a bit nervous and the musical director didn't say anything. But I think I might mention it at the next rehearsal. My cable would easily stretch over to a better position - as long as it's not a health and safety hazard!
  7. Saturday night I had a charity comedy gig. i mention it here, because also on the bill were a local band, The Dirty Old Folkers who are ace and deserve a big shout out. The venue was a local community centre. I shouldn't complain because they'd let us have it for free, [b]but [/b]it was a huge, cold echoy room. We had to put out the chairs ourselves - they were of the grotty plastic kind and were so grubby looking I went over them all with Detol wipes. Lighting was just strip overhead lighting, but it wasn't working at the end of the room where the rostrums were for the performance. Venue couldn't understand why we didn't want to perform in the dark while the audience was brightly lit! Anyway, we changed it all round so we could get a bit of light on us. Well, despite our misgivings about the venue, it went really well and the (small) crowd really loved it. We gave it our all and it must have come across. After we'd done our comedy improv stuff, I had the pleasure of being able to sit back and watch the band. They are such fun.. difficult to describe but it's comedy folk type stuff. They are musically tight and full of exuberance. Their folk version of 'Killing in the name' is a joy to behold! They also do some really rude stuff about w***ing etc. I imagine it to be the kind of stuff Dr Dave does only not so scary. Got talking to the bass player afterwards. Really nice bloke, (but he's not on basschat).
  8. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1355140738' post='1894466'] Glad to hear it's going well 'shell. The guitarist isn't as well prepared not because he's been notified late, it's because he's a guitarist. They're nearly all like that, trust me [/quote] Hmm.. I suspected as much, but I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
  9. Report from first rehearsal: Met the rest of the band. Two singers and drummer have, like me, been having private lessons at the Academy. Guitarist I think is a 'day student' who has been drafted in. Somewhat younger and bouncier than the rest of us and didn't know the songs so well. But that could be because he was notified later than us. The others all seemed a bit nervous, esp. the young drummer as he hasn't been having lessons that long. But he did fine - kept it simple, and kept the beat constant which was very helpful for me! The singers are both likeable and interesting people. The male used to sing in a metal band, but damaged his voice over the years so is taking lessons to learn how to do it properly without injury. Now he's singing Michael Buble numbers! The female is a young woman who just wanted to see if she could do it. Has been having lessons 18 months now and sounds beautiful. But has still never sung in public so quite nervous about it. The rehearsal was taken by the drum tutor who is acting as musical director. It was great to have someone in charge! My bass tutor stayed for the first half hour or so to make sure I was OK. I felt ridiculously nervous about it all. I know all the 5 songs inside out now, but even so played some duff notes out of sheer nerves. Stupid really. But lovely tutor sent me a text yesterday saying that I sounded fine and not to worry etc. We're having another rehearsal on Sat, which I am really looking forward to. I think I'll be far less nervous this time.
  10. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1355125492' post='1894265'] Slade were at their very best live but sadly there seems very little proper live gig footage available of the many many gigs they did unless someone on here can amazingly ( and very gratefully ) prove me wrong. [/quote] If anyone can tell you, Big Stu can. He'll be along in a minute!
  11. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1355080102' post='1893821'] Started on Flute (grade 7), moved to classical guitar (still playing and learning), bass is my love, have done vocals, and also now playing drums. As someone said earlier in the thread, i'd find it difficult to play just one instrument, but I'm drawn to bass for some reason I can't quite put my finger on. I have no doubt that I could play lead guitar ok (after all, my classical 6 string is not too bad!) but I don't want to. Bass also requires a degree of theory (either explicit, or just 'felt') that lead guitar doesn't - it takes a certain kind of musical mind to play it well... or so I like to tell myself. Also, my rather good looking Drum teacher (Emily) assures me that bass players always look sexy 'something about bass that makes the player hot!' - who are we to disagree with such a knowledgeable person? [/quote] Your drum teacher sounds like a woman who knows her stuff!
  12. I tell everyone I know that I play bass. I am so proud of the fact I have become a massive bass bore.!
  13. [quote name='Chive' timestamp='1354742742' post='1889996'] Dik Guru's Christmas gig at The Old Mo, Pete's night should be good. [/quote] Hiya Chive. Do I know you IRL I wonder? (This is Shell, Dik's Ex. Probably not going to the Old Mo gig this time though).
  14. I think I might expand my band to include a string section. How about Darryl Way on electric violin and Julian Lloyd Webber on cello? Although if the cello frequencies interfere with my bass he might have to go and make the tea instead. Oh, and maybe Ian Anderson on flute?
  15. [quote name='MandShef' timestamp='1354622882' post='1888162'] Some new sheet music/tab for bass? [/quote] +1 to that!
  16. Reminds me of a conversation with our old Geography teacher Mr Beck. Me and my mate Gwyneth Allen were trying to impress him with our sophisticated taste in music (he was what was known in those days as 'dishy'). We said we liked progressive music and he said 'Progressive what? progressive jazz?'. Then when we said progressive rock he proceeded to quiz us about exactly what was progressive about it. Made us think I suppose Mr Beck went on to marry one of the sixth formers.... wouldn't be allowed nowadays!
  17. My bass tutor has taught me all of the above apart from the 'knocking', so AFAIC they are all legitimate bass playing techniques. Not that I use them much because I'm still finding them all a bit tricky!
  18. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1354560125' post='1887392'] Pity it was just so uncool to buy it, or to admit to liking it at the time. 'cool people' only bought albums back then, and some people sort of wore albums, carrying them around under their afgan coated arm like a sort of statement about who they were. You wouldnt be seen dead carrying a Sweet album or a Slade album. they were for schoolgirls. [/quote] He he that's true. I would never put an album in a bag cos I wanted everyone to see what impeccible taste I had. (Even when a schoolgirl, ahem) I expect all the commuters on the 203 bus to Staines were dead impressed. And of course the reason we had to carry them around in the first place was because we were all lending them to each other cos you couldn't get stuff off tinernet in those days, oh no.
  19. Vocals : James Hetfield Guitar: Jimmy Page Drums: Charlie Watts I don't think I need keys in my band, but I'll let Rick Wakeman join in if he wants to. I'll play bass as long as they don't all bully me, and are happy to let me just play roots, 3rds and 5ths
  20. The pics are great charic Looks like a great time had by all. Alas I am too old for death metal gigs now. I know everyone on here says you're never too old for anything, but honestly I really think there is a time limit for attending death metal gigs and I am well past it! (I still like metal though, and I bet your band is awesome)
  21. I am your woman! If only you were nearer to Brum :-)
  22. Welcome kybo. I'd say you wouldn't need to rush into it. Ive been playing for just under 2 years and still only have a practise amp. I am with a band, but at present we only play jam nights at a pub where all the gear is provided. And rehearse at a studio that has everything there. I'm thinking of trying to find a better band in the New Year though and will be looking to buy some sort of rig in readiness. I'll need something small and light so will be searching through threads on here for suggestions. This is a great place to get advice on that sort of thing. :-)
  23. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1354356172' post='1885061'] is the house number 664, the neighbour of the beast? I'll get my coat. [/quote] Brilliant! I thank you sir
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