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Everything posted by seashell

  1. A sign it is, young shiznit. Soon a precision you will be buying... Feel the Force :-D
  2. I love the way everyone assumes it's his missus who likea all the flowery stuff. Maybe he's just got a thing for chintz
  3. Brilliant story. :-) But was Kevin Bacon involved at all?
  4. Bass only for me. Just love how it sounds and looks. In my (very limited) performing experience I have never been 'bunged at the back'. I move around a lot more than our guitartist who is a static sort of chap. No I'm working on gradually stealing the limelight from the singer.
  5. Oh yes mentalextra, I know the kind of shop you mean! And I am definitely not the 'right' sort of customer for that kind of establishment. In fact i think I turn invisible as soon as I walk in. They must think I've got lost on the way to a Women's Institute meeting or something. But the 2 guys that run the Stirchley Music Exchange are mature chaps and very helpful. Also keen to chat about music and stuff in general in a non pretentious manner. But like I said, the only draw back is the limited amount of stock, so they wouldn't meet all your GAS needs
  6. Some of you don't seem to understand that Jimmy Page is God. Or was that Eric Clapton?
  7. The one I'm having most trouble with at the moment is Warwick Avenue tbh. I got a tab off tinternet, but I'm sure there's a lot more bass going on on the tab than there is on the record. I don't want to over play it. But on the other hand there is also a full string section on the record, so since we won't be having that (!) maybe I should play a bit more bass to beef it up a bit. I think what I will do is learn it as per the tab and then if the general consensus at the rehearsal is that it's too much, I'll pare it down a bit. I think it will be easier to do it that way than have to put in extra bits at the last minute.
  8. Thanks guys:-) I'll let you know how it goes. I've been practising all evening - my fingers need a rest now.
  9. My first port of call is always the Stirchley Music Exchange in Brum because they are a local retailer and the chaps that run it are ace. i got my Fender P from there, and the Ibanez from the drum shop down the road (which they recommended to me). But since they are a small second hand shop, you just take pot luck with what they have in at the time. So if I needed something they didn't have/couldn't get I would happily go anywhere. Even Tescos!
  10. seashell


    Love Curved Air, but alas Skegness is a bit too far for me. Nice to see you here at BC though, muso.
  11. Well folks I am disproportionately over-excited about this, so I thought I would share my glee with the good people of Basschat. I have my bass lessons at a local music academy that does private lessons at weekends. This year they are doing an end of term concert and I am going to be in it!! They are putting together a 'scratch' band consisting of some of the other adults who are having private lessons. Apparently the line up will be me, a drummer and male and female vocalists (one of each) who are all students plus the guitar tutor on guitar. We are all working on our individual parts with our own tutors, then getting together 8 December for a mega rehearsal to put it all together. Then the concert is 16 Dec. The songs we are doing have all been chosen by the singers, and they will be Run to You, Bryan Adams I Want to Go Home, Michael Buble Warwick Avenue, Duffy Time after Time, Cindi Lauper Zombie, Cranberries None of the above are songs I was hugely fond of TBH, but now I am feverishly practising them they are growing on me. Especially 'Run to You' - the bass line on that is great and enough of a challenge to be interesting but achievable! I'm really looking forward to meeting the other students. Plus the facilities at the Academy are great - they've got a proper little theatre so it should sound and look good.
  12. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1353919395' post='1879599'] How does a lack of bass shopping translate to a 'Hurrah!' ?? You clearly didnt read that section of the BC rulebook, check the index under G. [/quote] Lol, you are right! I think I'm in trouble with the Admins now !
  13. Oh god yes, all these sub genres do my head in. Especially all the different types of metal. I have no idea what most of them are. If it sounds heavy, it's just Metal AFAIC. But yes, it is probably an age thing.
  14. Never mind 2 or 3 per gig, I'm probably making 2 or 3 per song! I do have a good poker face though, developed through years of not corpsing on stage when things go wrong in my theatre and comedy performances!
  15. If we come up with anything original in rehearsal , I record it on a little dictaphone. The quality is crap, but it's good enough to jog my memory as to how the song goes.
  16. I don't suffer from GAS and I don't do loads of gigs, but I still feel happier with 2 basses. I just like the peace of mind of having a back up. I don't think 2 is excessive, even if you're a bit hard up.
  17. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1353588151' post='1876298'] I'd wind him up a bit to see if he has an early breaking point. You don't want to find that out during an important gig. You can delegate the drummer to yank his chain. They're usually up for that sort of caper. [/quote] Tee hee, don't tempt me!
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1353585636' post='1876262'] Generally it's lack of proper communication. So the drummer obviously doesn't understand why the guy is telling you to stop playing, and the guy doesn't understand that you don't need 5 minutes to clear the room. So the solution is to explain to your drummer why the guy knocks on the door and to tell the guy that you only need to be reminded if you are still playing 5mins before the end of time. With all these flakey problems it boils down to communication, assumptions and people not being aware of how their actions and lack of communication is affecting others. A lot of people in today's world have no idea of what is going on around them. [/quote] Yes this is all true. But I'd better clarify it [b]isn't [/b]drummer who's the problem here! I was just trying to be a bit amusing in my earlier post and not identify anyone as such, . But it's the singer who's got the problem with this. And what worries me in particular is that he seems to get [b]so [/b]burned up about it that I wonder if he has anger management issues in general. So I tend to treat him with a bit of caution now.
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1353581812' post='1876226'] Yes some bands don't understand that if they book the studio for 4 hours, that includes set up and pack down time. You need to clarify this with the studio. It's no good playing right up to the end of your time if it then takes you 30mins to clear the room [/quote] Yes, this is the point. We have the studio by hour so we need to get out at the end of the hour. If packing up takes a few mins we should just bear that in mind (it doesn't take us long as none of us have huge amounts of gear!). Studio guy isn't fussed if we over-run when there isn't a band waiting, and lilkewise if there's no band in before us he will let us go in a bit early. Or if there is a band in before us he will remind [b]them [/b]if they look like they're over-running. So it's all give and take I think. Personally I think if you can't cope with a harmless little guy sticking his head round a door and silently holding up five fingers, then you're never going to cope with dunken punters throwing things at the Dog and Duck. And it's not as if he's interupting us in the middle of recording the White Album or something! Anyway, rant over now. I think next week I might have a quiet word with studio guy and tell him I will try to get us all out by the allotted time so could he not come in and upset our sensitive prima donna. I suppose someone needs to be the 'responsible' one, and since I am the bass player [b]and [/b]the only girl it had better be me, lol
  20. I'm beginning to think that one of our band members has a rather unpleasant streak. He seems to have taken an unreasonable dislike to the chap who runs the studio where we rehearse. This bloke has always come across as quite friendly and helpful to me. But he does have the temerity to stick his head round the studio door and let us know if there is another band waiting when we are coming to the end of our time. This always sends this particular band member into a total paddy. He calls the studio guy all sorts of stuff behind his back. Then won't let it lie - keeps on pestering the rest of us to agree with him. Got to the stage where I actually apologised to the studio guy last week. I don't think it will do the band any godd at all if we get the reputation for being awkward so and so's. It's a small world - we bump into various other local musos all the time down there. If I'm looking to progress to a better band one day, I don't want to become known as 'one of those awkward buggers in that dreadful band'. Anyway, I'm not using names here in order to protect the guilty. But I will say that this awkward chump isn't the drummer. Or the guitarist.
  21. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1353500910' post='1875206'] My fave: The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARq6uYSsUq0[/media] nifty bit of bass as well [/quote] If I ever prefect the art of singing and playing bass at the same time, I would love to do this one day. Maybe I'll set it as a goal for Xmas 2013!
  22. We are attempting to do Run Run Rudolph by Chuck Berry and Merry Christmas I Dont Want to Fight by the Ramones. That is if Vox and Guitar can actually learn them!!
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