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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  2. Thanks for sorting everything out you guys. It would all go back to normal eventually
  3. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1353266733' post='1873066'] Oops, sorry! [size=2]But nonetheless, one day, you will hear Mustang Sally calling you, urging you to leap up on the dancefloor like a salmon leaps upstream and try as you might you won't be able to resist. Call of the wild, innit. Nature in action[/size] [/quote] Ha ha, that may be true at that! :-) But I won't be waving me handbag. Or trying to get the mic off the singer and join in. :-)
  4. Will people please stop going on about women of a certain age? I am of an interesting age and I have never knowingly waved a handbag. Lol :-)
  5. Just watched it on youtube out of curiosity. I did think it looked a bit silly at first .. but soon forgot about that because I thought he was brill. As was the whole band. Much better than a lot of the stuff you get on Jools. I'm not much of a soul fan so hitherto knew nothing about LG .. so thanks for posting Kev!!
  6. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1352979863' post='1870011'] That would be "in the wrong key" and "not knowing the changes" for me then......it was a long time ago and I hadnt been playing long....honest [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Floyd' timestamp='1352977607' post='1869969'] Skynyrd did some great stuff and Freebird is one of the best. I've been playing "Don't Ask Me No Questions", this morning. Love it all. [/quote] Definitely! Another one I'd like to do is 'Needle and the Spoon'. I play along to that at home sometimes Anyway, back On Topic folks.....
  8. I can see how it would get tiresome for all of you who have played it time and time again. But speaking as a beginner who has never played it, I wouldn't mind having a crack at it. Especially if it got the place rocking out. But, speaking of musical cliches, what I would [b]really[/b] like to have a crack at is 'Freebird'. Speaking as a desperate 50 something single woman, listening to the clock of doom ticking off the inevitable descent into senile dementia, 'Freebird' is [b]definitely [/b]on my bucket list.
  9. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1352875108' post='1868611'] I am also feeling increasingly optimistic about my band... Following a few changes, we now have a great new singer. She and I are getting on like a house on fire. We had a band meet up last night, then the singer and I came back to mine as we needed to work out a few key changes for some of our set (having previously had a male singer). Working together, we very quickly worked out the new keys, and even better for me as a newbie bassist, I was able to transpose the basslines instantly for us to work them through, which has boosted my confidence no end . Ok they weren't basslines that were going to set the world alight but "Need your love so bad" by Fleetwood Mac is a busy bassline. [/quote] Sound brill! I love 'Need your love so bad' - would really like to have a crack at it
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1352910096' post='1869287'] I really need to sneak into 'shells next jam night and watch all this stuff unfolding from a safe distance. [s]Almost as[/s] [b]more [/b]entertaining [s]as[/s] than the music itself [/quote] Fixed for you!
  11. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1352888961' post='1868775'] I could be wrong, but it occurs to me (from this and other posts) that your guitarist maybe has a bit of a problem playing in a band with a girl! [/quote] Hmm .. I hadn't thought of this. I think I'm so used to rehearsing drama and comedy with people of both sexes it didn't really occur to me that the dynamic in the band is somewhat different. I don't think [b]he [/b]thinks he has a problem with it, but maybe there's something subconscious going on? And/or maybe I'm being a bit too tentative ... you know acting too much like a beginner?. He's always telling me to turn the bass [b]up [/b]for example (opposite problem from what a lot of you get, lol). I might be acting like I'm scared to be heard (again subconsciouly). There's also a bit of tension between him and Vox, but I think that's down to the fact that 1) Guitar can be a bit slow on the uptake and 2) Vox can be a cantankerous bugger at times. Drums just watches it all unfold and smiles to himself!! He's probably got the right idea [size=2]Edited to remove erroneous smiley[/size]
  12. [quote name='Steve G' timestamp='1352881392' post='1868657'] Really good. Another awesome lesson and a load more stuff to work on! [/quote] it's brilliant how a lesson lifts you and gives you more impetus to go on, isn't it? The other day our guitarist experessed suprise that I was still going fo lessons after more than 18 months. He said 'I would have thought you'd need to go out and do stuff on your own now'. To which I replied 'Well I am, I'm in this band aren't I? But that doesn't mean that there isn't more to learn'. He just didn't get it though. The fact is the more I more I learn, the more I realise I don't know! I intend to keep going for lessons for as long as I can still lift a bass. Or until my teacher takes out a restraining order - whichever is the soonest
  13. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1352650839' post='1865581'] [b]Staggering and humbling. I left college 36 years ago. Last night at The Bath in Morecambe, 8 of my school/college friends walked in . Not seen any of them for over 30 years. They had got together to come over from Darlington, Leeds, Garstang and Birmingham.[/b] Thank you Facebook, but more so, thank you my friends. Speechless for a while as I had no idea. Not a thank you to one of them in particular, who still looked 18 . [/quote] What a brilliant story!
  14. Another jam night - my fourth one with this band. Following a storming rehearsal on Monday night we were really up for it this time. I even went so far as to invite a couple of friends along.. the first time I have been brave enough to ask anyone to see us in play in public! We all felt it was the best we have played together as a band. We weren't quite as good as we were in rehearsal of course. I think the nerves kicked in for me and Guitar and we both played a few bum notes here and there. On the other hand, I think Drums and Vox were lifted by the occasion and both really went for it. Drums in particular was on fire! And he was wearing a new T shirt with glitter on it. I like to think that perhaps I am injecting some glamour into the band, and they are starting to follow my example of dressing up a bit for the occasion! (Ahem!) These regular jam nights are a real education for me. The first one I did, I was totally in awe of all the other bands and convinced we they were all much better than us. Now I am noticing that they aren't all perfect. They all make mistakes here and there, its just the good bands cover them up better, lol Also I am noticing how some of the real virtuosos don't really connect with the audience. In fact last night I think our singer was the one who had the most personality (even if not the best voice .. or the best memory for the words for that matter! ) Anyway, all good stuff. I'm really looking forward to the next one as we're all supposed to be doing at least one Christmas song. Should be a laugh!
  15. And, back on topic.... I am becoming somewhat more delighted with my band We had a great rehearsal last night, and for the first time I felt we were really gelling. I was much more relaxed which meant that I could actually listen properly to what the others were doing, rather than just frantically concentrating on keeping in time and not making any mistakes. We all felt it was coming together rather well - in fact Vox got a bit over-excited and terms such as 'Nailed it!' were bandied about. Guitar was a bit more cautious - said he still felt a bit nervous and that we weren't quite all in time in some parts. Ah, the voice of reason. He's right of course. None of us are brilliant musicians, and at the regular jam night at the Dog and Bollock tonight we are bound to be worse than some (most?)of the other bands. But I'm feeling please because I think we will be significanlty better than we were last time. We [b]are [/b]improving and that is making me feel very positive and , well, delighted!
  16. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1352801824' post='1867481'] EP launch is a week on Saturday at the Asylum 2 Shell got Riff X and Anger Rising supporting, should be pretty killer... [/quote] Bum, I'm going to a party that night. My life is such a social whirl ! But PM me as and when you do any more.
  17. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1352714215' post='1866327'] We're doing alright four pro-minded guys, significant others who're REALLY supportive, CDs/merch/van/all the other 'stumbling blocks' all sorted, already had some pretty high-profile gigs and reviews and (apparently) have label interest. Not bad for a band that's only been in existance for six months or so [/quote] Sounds great Ian. Let us know when you're doing a gig. :-)
  18. Aw, dont give MrF a hard time guys. Its a bit bewildering being in a band for the first time, as I am finding out!! I just wish our guitarist could tell me what key he is playing in at all :-) But I am finding that having to work it out for myself is really improving my 'ear' which can't be bad:-)
  19. They will have to prise my vinyl collection from my cold dead hands.....
  20. Had a lesson today. Brill as usual. I have my lessons at a local music college where u can get private lessons. So today they told me they are doing an end of term Xmas concert and do I want to be in it? Yay ! They are putting together a 'grown ups' band of private students. Don't know what we'll be pkaying yet - they are going to txt me a list of songs. I think this is a great idea. I am really looking forward to working with the other students. :-)
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1352512912' post='1864202'] Damn you! That was the short version! [/quote] Alas, the long version would take us way too far OT :-)
  22. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1352415593' post='1862911'] Love the idea of a 50 year old lady taking up the bass. I know, sexist, ageist and all that but it's pretty unusual! What was the motive, needed bass for a play? [/quote] Long story but I dont mind telling it again. The Ex was a muso and when he moved out he left a bass behind. So I thought 'I'm not going to sit round moping I 'm going to pick up that thing and bloody well learn to play it'. So I booked myself some lessons and was hooked from day one!
  23. Excellent news. Don't try to be cool, just revel in it! :-)
  24. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1352449836' post='1863092'] never wanted to learn to read music until recently, my daughter is sight reading after 5 or 6 months of lessons on piano and jeez does she pick up songs quick that way while im arrt the pc with tab that is probably wrong [/quote] Yes this is true, but at least you can get the tab off the PC. I'm finding it quite difficult to get the sheet music for the things I want to play, although I am willing and able to pay for it.
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