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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Interesting post andyj. I'm now thinking about whether or not I could call myself an actor. I've been acting since the age of 6 but never as a professional. So I do think of myself in as an actor in one way, but would not introduce myself as an Actor. Although I don't particularly identify myself with my day job either. It's OK, but it's not 'who I am'. Its something I do to earn enough money to pursue my theatrical and musical interests. I do remember when I first met my Ex at a party full of actors and musos. He (muso) said to me 'Are you an actor then?' and I replied without hesitation 'Yes'. I remember thinking at the time 'should I qualify this by saying I'm just an amateur?' and then thought 'no - I am a bloody actor, so there is no need to elaborate at this point!'.
  2. Me too, I definitely go for the masterclasses and performances. And to meet other BC'ers. I'm not that fussed about the stands TBH once I've been round for a quick look. I'm still pondering as to whether to go on the Sunday as well as the Saturday..
  3. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1350218071' post='1835843'] Midnight Hour played its first gig last night. Was at The Ten Bells (my local). Many of the regulars were there who may not have been normal Saturday night drinkers but they turned up to see what we were like. 3 households in my street were represented. Large numbers of family & friends of other band members were present. Everybody had a good time, I could see that from where I was standing (or perched on my tall stool which I do to save my back). Lots of huge grins, expressions of being hghly impressed, and offers of drinks followed afterwards. One regular wanted our contact details so he could recommend us to a venue he knows in a nearby small towm, and another who runs the local private car hire and spends a lot of his time ferrying corporate bigwigs between airports and their homes or business premises wanted a pile of business cards so he could recommend us for corporate functions. Not everything was played the way I thought it should, but we still enjoyed ourselves, and I would like to think we will soon be ready for the weddings & functions market that we're aiming at. Edit: I'm pleased that Shell had a good gig. She's been a bit doubtful about her own abilities but seems to be getting with it. Our cats wouldn't get on (Roobi doesn't get on with [i]anyone[/i]) but it's always nice to have the same colour scheme in common [/quote] Aaw Phil I somehow missed this when you posted it ! Thanks:-) Am posting this from my phone with a purring cat on me chest which is making texting a bit tricky. :-)
  4. Edited to remove content, 'cos I accidentally posted twice (below).
  5. I was musing upon this while driving to work the other day. It suddenly occured to me that I now feel like a person who can play a musical instrument, rather than someone who is learning to play an instrument. (Bass being my only instrument). I think one of the things that brought it home to me was that at band rehearsal last week we were trying to come up with a new song, and although we had some chords and a bass line no one could come up with a melody as such. So I just started doing something very simple based on arpeggios and the rest of the band liked it. I surprised myself that I was able to just think of it and play it then and there!
  6. Great isn't it? My 'first time' was only in July so I'm still finding it quite exciting. I was so thrilled the first time I felt the bass vibrations actually coming up through my feet!
  7. That's an interesting point of view, and although I am somewhat new to bass playing I think I can understand where Bilbo is coming from. On the other hand, I do enjoy being part of a creative team. As most of you know I have done a fair bit of acting in the past and it is so frustrating when the other perfomers aren't up to scratch, or one dunce completely ruins the whole play. But on the other hand when you get a good team and it all comes together, nothing can beat it. And I love the rehearsals because you are out there putting something together with other human beings. I'm enjoying that side of being in a band as well. I like the interaction with the other musicians both at rehearsals and performances. But we do have our differences and I can't see us really going places as they all have limitations on their time and commitment (which I don't since I don't have a life!! ). So far I've liked most of the stuff we play, but Guitar did mention the other week that he'd like to do 'Eye of the Tiger'. I think if he tries to do that I will have to shoot him. And one more thing...I know sometimes we might envy singer/songwriters who can just pitch up with a guitar and sit there and do their own thing. But really, from the point of view of the punters are they that enjoyable? Most of the time I find solo guitar/singers deathly boring and would rather see a flawed band than a competent but dull solo performer. The exceptions are quite rare I find. IMHO and all that.
  8. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349826445' post='1831158'] I would advise checking attendance very closely before organising something, because there are always some participants who have to cancel at the last minute. What saves the SE Bash is that there are a lot of us in London and its western suburbs, and numbers never seem to dwindle too critically. [/quote] I agree with this. Another thing is that the SE Bash has gained a bit of a reputation so some people travel a fair way to get there (eg from the Midlands or the South Coast). I decided to travel down from Brum to attend last year becuase my Dad lives near the venue. But now I think I'd make the trip from Brum anyway, even if Dad didn't live in Surrey. As it happend this year it took me less time to get there than some people coming from Croydon!
  9. I'm not in the 'love' or 'hate' camp. Most of the music I usually listen to is slap free, but as many have pointed out above in the right context it can sound really brilliant. However, I never thought I would ever need to learn the slappin and poppin techniques. Being new to bass I thought this would just be something else in the huge range of things I can't do, and I'd be best off avoiding it. [b]But[/b] now the band are thinking of doing a cover of Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz. Which contains a bit of slappery-poppery in the middle. So I thought I'd better give it a bash and asked my tutor for a lesson on it. Came away having had tremendous fun and can't wait to show the rest of the band what I can now (just about) do!! Fly Away is a great one to start with as it's not too extreme so I'm managing to get to grips with it.
  10. October Jam Night at the Dog an Bollock. Our singer was on holiday, but Drums and Guitar decided we should go ahead anyway and do instrumental versions of a couple of our original songs. I had inner misgivings about this as we aren't the most accomplished of musicians and I wondered if this would cruelly expose our flaws. But then I thought 'in for penny...' and went along with enthusiasm. Well I needn't have worried - we went down rather well. Now, although I am a rubbish bass player I am a massive show off and luvvie. So when Guitar said to me 'do you want to announce us then, Shell? ' I was on the mic in a flash! I had noticed while at the bar earlier there were some Welsh lads in who were on a narrowboat holiday and had moored up near the pub. One of our songs is called 'Rourke's Drift' so I announced it along the lines of ' We haven't got a singer tonight so we could do with some help from some Boys from the Valleys. This one's called Rourke's Drift and you'll just have to imagine the brave Welsh soldiers seeing off the enemy with their singing... ' That got them on side straight away! Afterwards a gentleman of a certain age shook me warmly by the hand and kissed me on the cheek. But whether or nto that had anything to do with my bass playing, I shall never know...
  11. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1349167949' post='1822527'] Nice - that bloke explaining the Space/Time Continuum stuff - don't trsut him, he looks dead shifty.... [/quote] I was going to go to that talk... but I was afraid I would get sucked into a vortex and spat out in a parallel univers
  12. OMG he's got a flip chart! But I would have expected a Powerpoint presentation TBH!
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349094161' post='1821618'] Oh, and this is one of Shell stealing Paul's job [/quote] Thanks Sylvia! Nice pic, but I'm just too smiley to be Rock n Roll
  14. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349093349' post='1821593'] And by the way, we missed you, Nige, and Clarky, and Jack and all the others who couldn't make it, and we [b]demand[/b] you all make sure you'll be at the next one [/quote] Yes, definitely. Me and Sylv are gonna gang up on you to make sure you're there next time
  15. Nice pic Sylvia! I didn't look so scared this year!:-)
  16. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1349004347' post='1820497'] Lots of fun in the jam room, and thanks to Seashell for putting up with myself and billyapple ABing Les Paul's! Many thanks to all involved, here's to the next [/quote] It was like Les Paul was in the room! Lol :-)
  17. Another great bash, many thanks Colin and Nick. Lovely to meet old friends and new. What a shame about everyone who got stuck in the bloody traffic!
  18. Oh Steve what a nightmare! I've still got a bit of a cold myself, but I've had it since Tuesday so am a bit better now. It is proving to be difficult to fully shake off though. I hope you wake up this morning feeling better!
  19. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1348820432' post='1818604'] I hope no one thinks that I'm saying that there [b]has[/b] to be a pub lunch I don't know anyone, so I'll be hiding at the back and keeping out of the way, except for 5im0n's compressor workshop where I may be a guinea pig I'm not bringing any amps or cabs cos all I have is a practice amp that won't interest anybody. [/quote] This was me exactly last year. Hiding at the back and trying to pluck up the courage to go into the Jam room. Which I eventually did about half an hour before the end. Didn't have a proper amp then and still don't. However - everyone was really nice and welcoming so I am coming back for more this year! I'll look out for you skulking somewhere and say hello I'll be easy to spot BTW - I'll be the speccy blonde woman with a red shiny nose!! Still trying to shake off this bloomin' cold !
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