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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1348766099' post='1817965'] I've been a fan for a long time, and IMO, Pilgrimage is still the best album. [/quote] Pilgrimage was the first album I ever bought!:-)
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1348764926' post='1817923'] No thats moving but anchored - floating is where the thumb never hits an anchor point but remains lightly (very lightly) resting on the strings:- [[/quote] Aaah.. maybe that's what I'm doing then. i.e moving but anchored. Anyway it seems to work for me.
  3. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1348764200' post='1817906'] it won't be the same without you young man [/quote] Definitely won't be the same without Nige Perhaps we could kidnap him and force him to attend..
  4. OMG I can't believe this has come round so quickly!! I'm aiming to go again .. probably for both the days. But I'll decide that a bit later on. I don't even know what I'm doing for Christmas yet, never mind next year!!
  5. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1348751812' post='1817730'] What? like ....... "House Of The Rosin Sun"? or Ritchie Blackmore's "Rainbow Rosin"? [/quote] Get your coat! Get it NOW!!
  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1348733876' post='1817384'] My left hand is allergic to staying on the neck when I play open strings so moves off and waves about - holds mic stands - throws even more ridiculous posy shapes etc etc. [/quote] Added to which you need it free for making rude gestures at the audience!
  7. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1348742621' post='1817550'] There's got to be facilities for a pub lunch close by? All of us going at once might cause some issues though [/quote] Someone has to stay behind to mind the gear! I still feel like death warmed up, BTW, but live in hope of a recovery by Saturday
  8. Floating thumb. I first tried it as a result of Stuart Clayton's 'Crash Course' book. Now I do it without thinking. In fact my teacher remarked on it at my last lesson - said I was doing it quite naturally. I find the floating thumb does help with the muting as I'm a bit sh*t at left hand muting.
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1348692570' post='1817101'] Guitar players never have beards [/quote] Or hats. Except Slash.
  10. I am definitely the most intelligent one in our band! Ha ha. Also I am usually a massive show off. But much less so when bass playing as I am so new to it I am still rather inhibited. But give it another year or so and I'll come out in my true colours! :-)
  11. I have a stinkin rotten cold at the moment. Hoping I can shake it off before Saturday :-(
  12. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1348494929' post='1814287'] If you are unable to play naked in public without being arrested for indecent exposure then your strap is at the wrong height. (I do have gorilla arms btw) [/quote] Maybe I'd have to play bass and washboard at the same time?
  13. IMHO and all that...... I think the lower the strap height the cooler you look. Right down to the point when it is actually [b]below [/b]you crotch and then you suddenly tip over from 'cool' to 'completely naff'. (Just in fun guys. This is from someone who could never play my bass at crotch level as I need to have my eyes glued to the fretboard at all times, lol )
  14. Loving this month's cover pic!! Evidence that the mature gentleman can look SO COOL!!!
  15. I'll have a P please, Bob. Also, since I don't want to take a significant other, can I take my bass teacher instead?
  16. Every day that I'm home. There are usually one or two nights a week that I have to go to a comedy gig or rehearsal straight from work and don't get in till late. So about 5 days a week on average, usually about sn hour at a time.
  17. [quote name='SpanishBass' timestamp='1348003422' post='1808098'] Thanks for posting F.U.B.B. Seashell! [/quote] It's always been one of my faves :-)
  18. Ooh, and while we're having a bit of a Wishbone Ash bass line love fest, how about this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYHCgjwXbB4[/media] Edited to say: Sorry for 3 posts in a row, but any WA thread is bound to send me into a bit of a frenzy!
  19. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1347958682' post='1807040'] Are there any decent music books for WA with good bass transcriptions? I don't recall seeing one and though I've tried to work out a few bits of some of their songs it would be nice to have something more definitive. [/quote] I'd like to know this too. I'm always on the look out for good music books. Dot or tabs, but preferably both! I wouldn't hold out much hope for WA transcriptions though. I did loads of on line searching to try to find some Free* transcriptions, and couldn't find anything apart from Alright Now. So I don't think we'd be in luck for WA as they are that bit less mainstream. *As in the band - not as in free of charge!
  20. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1347958011' post='1807027'] In my first band, we covered Vas Dis [/quote] Oh brill, what a cool thing to play!
  21. This: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0kypyGSKsE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0kypyGSKsE[/url] My luvly teecha taught me the bass line at my last lesson. I'd never heard it before. Now I love it so much I can't stop playing it. Trouble is I should really be practising some other stuff for the band...
  22. Me too, I'm going to do grade 3 at some point during this academic year! Lovely teecha has given me a test paper to work on. It's doing my head in a bit, but I'm hoping all will become clear at the next lesson.
  23. Skinny jeans and some sort of glamorous top. Must have sleeves though at my age. So a black lace shrug with long tight sleeves is good to go over anything. Lots of bling but it has to be chosen carefully. No long dangly necklaces that would clash against the bass. Likewise no bangles that would rattle together. Sparkly cuff style bracelets are good. Also boots or wedge heeled shoes. Comfy but not as boring as trainers. Careful make up and dim lighting is also a big help!
  24. Another jam night at the dog an bollok. We played 4 songs and we were all really good on 3 of them. Unfortunately we each stuffed up on a different songs! Nevertheless the small crowd were aporeciative and were all gathered together at the front, so made for a good atmos. Some of the other bands were good - one in particular was excellent. I said to the bass player afterwards 'Great bass playing, I really enjoyed it'. He looked pleased and was kind enough to say 'You too', but I think he was just being polite ! :-)
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