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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes. I'm not massively fond of them TBH. But the rest of the band wanted to do it so I went ahead and learned it. Rehearsal tonight and it turns out only me and the drummer actually knew it. But by the end of the sesh, singer and guitard had copped on a bit and it was starting to sound quite good. I think its a good choice for us as it is fairly simple and so are we!! Lol :-)
  2. Ooh, glad I caught the good one then!:-) Not that I saw much of him as I was right at the back -despite your advice to get there early! The friends I was with just couldn't get their arses in gear! :-0
  3. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1346084360' post='1785032'] He's a she and she already knows she did a bad thing. But she's too soft hearted to burst his bubble. We'll probably need him to dep in the future as well, as our usual drummer is away on tour for six weeks from mid October. The thing is he's a great drummer but doesn't play for the song, he plays for himself. It's like a guitarist who is supposed to be playing rhythm but solos all through the song. It's sad because he has the ability to be a great drummer but will always be 'The drummer of last resort' as far as I'm concerned. [/quote] BTW, Basschatters I was lucky enough to catch gjones band at the Edinburgh fringe and they are really great. I dont know which drummer was playing at the time but he sounded good to me! :-)
  4. Bloody Family Guy As if you couldnt see that any night of the week all year round.
  5. Bloody well done mate. I did my first gig with a full band last week. We only did three songs and I was completely drained! I dont think I even know 40 songs. As for smiling - my theory is that you should look mean and moody while playing , but flash a smile at the audience in between songs. Also smile at the drummer occasionally in a conspiritorial manner as if to imply 'aren't we a great rhythm section?'.
  6. Brill! Dave had his foot up on the monitor. That's the spirit! :-)
  7. I think they are lookin and sounding pretty good. :-)
  8. Yay! Good for you Barney, glad it went well. :-)
  9. Good luck John. Hope you find something more satisfying soon.
  10. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1345824538' post='1782101'] I'm giving up live music next year, so I can have my life back. After 32 years in bands, no holidays etc, losing girlfriends. Time for a break. [/quote] Oh no! I'd better make sure I get to see your band this year then! :-0
  11. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1345725903' post='1780893'] Anything Chic and Bernard Edwards is to be admired and played[/quote] I have to admit to my shame I knew nothing about him before learning 'Good Times'. So I've been doing a bit of googling to educate myself. What a talent! Although I have to admit I could never learn to love 'I'm Coming Out'. You have to draw the line somewhere, lol
  12. Most of the stuff I learn with my teacher is rock and blues based, as he knows that's my music of choice. However sometimes he forces me out of the comfort zone - I've done a bit of reggae and a bit of jazz with him and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I'm learning 'Good Times' by Chic. Not something I would ever have voluntarily listened to, but now I think it's great! What a fantastic bass line, I'm really loving learning it It's great having your horizons expanded.
  13. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Stingray5 - Musicman StingRay5 and Stingray fretless, Tune TWB-6, Trace Elliot BLX-80 combo, Boss GT-6B fx, Gramma Pad, (+ raffle bits & freebies).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4 OBBM - undecided on basses but Schroeder cab(s) and mini-rack Mk2 (+raffle bits)[/font][/color] [i]5. Charic (tentative) - ACG Finn 4 (Drop C tuning), Yamaha RBX6JM, Modded Fender MIM, TC RH450, 2 x TC RS210, Line6 DL4 (delay pedal), Behringer Chorus Pedal[/i] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. Happy Jack - Ampeg Baby Bass and (just for OBBM) at last I'll bring along a Hofner Verithin. If there's enough (any) interest, I could also bring along a Fishman Fusion pedal plus a rig to play through.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. Macdaddy - custom shuker or custom Iceni Zoot or Hamer Blitz + raffle bits [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8. Billyapple - Gibson Thunderbird, Un-Finished Wishbass Lobe, Matamp GT200 Head, Matamp 212 Cab, DHA VT1 Eq[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]9. Walman - ([i]assuming it'll all fit in the smaller car I got last year as I was cutting down on gear [/i][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]) Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid, 2 x G&L L2500 US, Tanglewater ClassicJ, Roland PK5 bass pedals w DSI MoPho synth, GenzBenz Streamliner 6, BF Super12T - alternatively a poll on which to bring may be required[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]10. OliverBlackman- going to bring the Tokai as it seems in a recent thread not many have experienced the 80's Jazz sounds.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]11. Shockwave - Gibson RD and Gibson Grabber or Fender P-J Antigua. [/font][/color] [i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]12. dc2009 (tentative) - Warwick Corvette $$ 5 Special Edition, Lakland Skyline 55-01. Sansamp, SYB-5, Q-tron+, BSY600. Anything more will need a lift![/font][/color][/i] [i]13. Eude (tentative) - ACG Finn SC Classic BO 5 string 33" Scale, ACG Finn SC Classic BO 6 String 33" Scale, Ibanez Promethean 5110C & EAD Foundation 112 3-way Prototype.[/i] [i]14.Bloodaxe (tentative) - Aria SB-1000 Frankenfretless, Ibanez Promethean 5110C [might add the SB-900 & Bloody ZZB Custom to this if anyone's driving from E or SE postcodes & I can blag a lift][/i] [i]15. 51m0n - the usual guff (Roscoe, Berg, MB blah blah, if in doubt check my sig) + a very tentative PluxTheDuck & related kit[/i] [i]16. Urb - Sei bass plus laptop (maybe) and my fingers [/i] 17. Seashell - Fender Precision (MIM) and Ibanez SRX500. No rig!
  14. I know exactly how you feel. I am just the same. Its bloody marvelous :-)
  15. Yes do that Sylvia! I have seen some fantastic music, dance and drama this week. I am healding home tomorrow but really hope to come againext year!
  16. Yes I was there in spirit if not in body! Glad you had a good time :-)
  17. Yay! Just saw gareths band. Excellent stuff. Will post more tomorrow when am sober :-)
  18. Good tip. Unfortunately my mates are not known for their punctuality, but I will try to hurry them up a bit. :-)
  19. Just to report...having a great time here. Atmosphere is lovely and everyone friendly. Looking forward to seeing gjones band tomorrow night. Will be bringing a couple of mates. Havent had time to hook up with krispn yet as in addition to the friends I am here with i have also bumped into some luvvie mates from Brum and it has all gone a bit manic. Am in my own today tho. Just felt like going off and doing my own thang.
  20. I reckon I could do this if I put in a lot of practice. I used to tap dance and sing at the same time so I think it would use similar brain parts. However our singer isnt showing any signs of wanting any back up. One of the covers we do is 20th Century Boy by T Rex. IMO that could really do with some female backing vocals, but I think its a bit early to suggest it just yet!:-)
  21. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1345011911' post='1772224'] Oh Seashell, I am so proud of you As we started our band journey around the same time, it makes me feel really happy to know you are getting on so well :De [/quote] Thanks Spacechick! It's such a fun journey isn't it? And I can't quite believe I'm doing it!
  22. Jam night at the Barge and Barrel, Tipton. And my first time playing with a band! I was dead excited. It is a lovely pub with a great atmosphere, so the perfect place for a debut! We were on next to last as singer couldnt get there till late as he was in a poetry competition. When he arrived he was all grumpy about having had to leave the poetry early. I was determined not to let that get me down tho and went on full of enthusiasm. It went pretty well! We're not the best band in the world but we played to the best if our ability with no cock ups. I didn't let nerves get the better if me and managed to throw in a few moves! Funnily enough the guitarist tends to just stand there doing nothing much, so I thought I would adopt some rock n roll postures and toss me hair about a bit. Great fun! A couple of punters said they enjoyed it afterwards and I got a big hug from Drummers Mum (who is probably about same age as me tbh!). So all in all I'm feeling rather pleased with myself :-)
  23. At home I have the Fender on a stand in the living room for easy access. I keep the gig bag in the hall as I have found it handy for blocking entry to the neighbours cat when it tries to dart in the front door . Another use for a gig bag...cat menacing!
  24. I'm in my first band too - have been with them just over a month. Interesting point you make there about not really liking the songs you wrote anymore. We do a couple of original songs that were written by the previous bass player. He's a much better bassist than me and the bass lines are rather good. But overall I think the songs sound a bit tuneless and dull. I think this because the guitar and vocals are following the bass line too closely - IMO it would sound better with something more melodic over the top. But I dont say anything because I am the new girl and I certainly couldnt come up with anyhing better!
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