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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1344866491' post='1770300'] I'm guessing you don't like classical music then. Without Wolfie on keyboards, those Mozart piano concertos are crap. Rock/pop/whatever-it-is is a young genre, and it's only recently cottoned on to the idea that the "work" itself may have some lasting value. [/quote] I'm finding myself agreeing with you and Wolverinebass both at the same time. And now my head hurts. I'd better get back to Off Topic!
  2. No interest in learning guitar. But that's because I came to bass playing so late in life that I'm using all my spare time and still functioning brain cells just to get to grips with that! So no spare capacity to learn another instrument, I'm afraid. But if I did learn something else I think it would be mandolin, as I love the way it sounds mournful and cheerful all at the same time! Although I could never cope with all those thin little strings!
  3. 'f*** you, I wont do what you tell me.' RATM
  4. Always through headphones for me. Then when I've worked it out I 'll play along in the 'real world'. Unless the neighbours are in..then it's back to the headphones!:-)
  5. I'll have a Baileys, ta!
  6. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1344693018' post='1768071'] You See!? Where's Discreet when you need him? [/quote] Yeh, no point in me feeding the lines if no-one's going to bite! Lol :-)
  7. I think I will bring along the Ibanez SRX500 as well as the Fender P. With luck I will have managed to change the strings on the Ibanez by then. And then maybe someone can show me what all the knobs do! :-)
  8. Thanks Sylvia. You too, have fun at the London meet up and take pics! :-)
  9. Thanks krispn. I'll be there with some friends but our plans are quite fluid. We're not all doing the same things at the same time. I'll PM you. :-)
  10. ^ ^ Blimey. I'd better not mention my surname's Campbell then. :-0
  11. Big thanks to all the mods old and new. If I step out of line I'm looking forward to a firm spanking from icastle...
  12. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1339504587' post='1689388'] The band I play with will be doing our thing once again. [url="http://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/music/blues"]http://www.edfringe....-on/music/blues[/url] [/quote] Right, I've booked a ticket and I am coming to see your band on Sat 18th! Anyone else going to be in Edinburgh next week? Let me know if you want to meet up.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1344475120' post='1765263'] Yes, you do. I put it down to shock and awe. [/quote] Yes the sight if a big hairy one on Wimbledon Common must be quite shocking :-)
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1344462196' post='1765083'] You can't insult me now your a Moderator (WTF?? by the way?? ). It's the law. [/quote] Do I detect a little grammatical error Mr Pedanty Pedant? :-) :-)
  15. I'm still practising mine in front of a mirror:-)
  16. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1344380890' post='1763837'] Don't say 'just' like it's nothing. 'Just' 3 songs at a jam night is how Doc B started in 1999. You're starting the adventure - I wish I could have that feeling again. [/quote] Aw, thanks Doc! Yes I am quite excited about it really. 3 songs and 2 of them are orginals. Although not my original bass lines - I've learned them off the previous bass player.
  17. Since I started 18 months ago.. 3 gigs with Dik Guru (just the 2 of us). Next week is the first outing with the new band! Just doing 3 songs at a jam night.
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1344166043' post='1760560'] What a pity, Shelley - you're going to miss out on the sex and curry... [/quote] Yeh I could have done with a good ..curry. Never mind - hope to see you at the SE bass bash !
  19. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1344168505' post='1760610'] What is sex? [/quote] I've forgotten, and it looks like I 'm going to miss out now. :-(
  20. What a riveting story! Really enjoyed reading this. You're an inspiration!
  21. Great news. It's wonderful how a good teacher can inspire you. :-)
  22. When I first started a friend of mine advised me to pick up the bass once a day and play it for at least 15 mins. So if you dont think you've got the time or energy to do any more you can tell tyourself 'well its only 15 mins, then I'll have a rest/do something else'. I find that 15 mins nearly always turns into an hour before I realise it.
  23. Its amazing how brilliant you feel after a good lesson isnt it? I usually come home from mine absolutely flying. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one:-)'
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