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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1343682671' post='1753740'] Read this with nervous anticipation ... If it doesn't go well you good " faint" in a dramatic fashion mid song and get carted off stage. Just a suggestion. [/quote] .. or like Des O'Connor at the Glasgow Empire True story.. apparently.
  2. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1343562443' post='1752055'] Depends how many musicians are in the audience. [/quote] Well I was assuming all other things being equal , and the band on stage aren't musically incompetent.
  3. So if we look at this logically, captain... It would seem that in an audience there will be some people who dont care how you look, and some people who like to see some groovy clothes and moves. Ergo, if you dress up a bit and throw a few shapes you will please the majority of the audience. That's my theory anyway. :-)
  4. I can only agree with the above. If you are lucky enough to find a great teacher you will be inspired. My teacher is awesome and I intend to keep taking lessons for ever. Or until I turn him into a gibbering wreck, whichever is the sooner.
  5. So glad it's all going well SC. I'm having fun too, but I don't think we'll be doing a CD anytime soon!
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1342456458' post='1735425'] Seriously, another big loss. I was unaware of a lot of these people other than Jameson until documentaries over the last few years put more of a spotlight on the unsung heroes, Babbit came across as very likeable and genuine. [/quote] Yes me too. TG for BBC 4. And sad news indeed.
  7. Oh dear, is that definite? Just did a quick google and couldn't find anything.
  8. Steve and Bob at The Music Exchange, Stirchley (Birmingham) are top blokes and really helpful. However it is just a small second hand music shop so you just have to take pot luck with whatever they might have in at the time. Got my Fender P there about a year ago (it was the only Fender they had in at the time). And, as I have mentioned in my other thread today, they tipped me off about the Ibanez that the guy in the drum shop was selling. That's International Drums, also in Stirchley, also small and friendly. He has one or 2 guitars and basses in.. I think he just gets them in as PX's sometimes. It's great that there are 2 music shops so close together and so near to me!
  9. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1342454587' post='1735361'] Are we going to see pics of your new bass Shell? [/quote] Yes at some point - it'll probably have to be some time next week now. I'm not in tonight or tomorrow night and working late the rest of the week so may not have time to get the camera out and arrange the bass in a suitable pose!
  10. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1342451940' post='1735276'] I misread that as talking to fumps.... works just as well. [/quote] I think it must have been the goat association that tricked your mind.
  11. [quote name='stef030' timestamp='1342448282' post='1735165'] sorry young lady,did not mean to offend oh and if you say its alright stef,you didnt offend then thats cool, cheers stef [/quote] That's all right you definitely did not offend! I've been called worse things than 'sir' in my time! It's not as if my avatar gives you a clue, what with it being a cat and all
  12. [quote name='lucatus' timestamp='1342442624' post='1734938'] It certainly sounds Wyman-esque to me... And I love the video! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVJkfXeTs9Q[/media] [/quote] Yeh, great vid. I was once in a play (Jenkins Ear) which is a political thriller set in South America in the 1980s. I persuaded the director to use this as the incidental music. It set the atmosphere perfectly.
  13. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1342438265' post='1734792'] Er, maybe we shouldn't have hijacked Shelley's thread like this? [/quote] I wouldn't dare complain! I am a terrible culprit for getting threads off topic!
  14. Tee hee, Stef, but I'm a girl At least I'm not wasting money on shoes
  15. Yes I will post some pictures at some point. I was going to wait until I'd changed the strings, so it would look all lovely. But I guess the manky strings wouldn't really show up in a photo (well not the kind of photos I take anyway!)
  16. The old Fender P had been giving out a bit of fretbuzz recently. So on the way home from my bass lesson on Saturday I thought I would call in to see the fine gentlemen at Stirchley Music Exchange to see if they would tweak me truss rod (ooh er etc etc) They kindly loosened it a bit and adjusted the action. I then spent a pleasant few minutes playing 'Sunshine of Your Love' with them in true music shop poser style. Then started to think it might be an idea to have a back up bass of some sort and so had a browse round what they had in. There was nothing there that took my fancy though. Then they told me that the bloke in the drum shop down the road had a 'nice Ibanez' in. So I went down there to have a little look. Turned out to be an Ibanez SRX 500. Felt really nice and looked in pretty good nick, apart from badly in need of a change of strings. A quick trip to the cash point and I was walking out of there with a new bass! So went to my bass lesson with one bass and came back with two! Is this how the madness begins??
  17. Much prefer dots or tabs if I can get them. For me its quicker and likely to be more accurate. I struggle with doing it by ear - probably due to lack of experience. But I have worked out a couple of things by ear. Notably 20th Century Boy by T Rex which I managed to get in an afternoon because I had to play it for the band 'audition' the next day. :-)
  18. Cool as far as I'm concerned. It aint quite the Stones without Bill.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342030033' post='1728465'] Shell, I'm shocked! (Did you see what I did there?) [/quote] Actually my nickname used to be Shellshock Shell back in the day. Sorry to go OT again.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342030033' post='1728465'] Shell, I'm shocked! (Did you see what I did there?) ...I would certainly never post anything so salacious. Mods! Mods!! HELP!! HELP!! There's a naughty old woman on the forum!! [/quote] Guilty as charged, and I do apologise for lowering the tone. :-) Now, back to BGM...
  21. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1342028834' post='1728450'] I think the mag needs more boobs and scantily clad women. (i've already got my coat) [/quote] No, leave your coat where it is and get yer nob out!!! Tee hee :-)
  22. Thanks again guys. I don't know if I should reveal the band name and location yet... There is a gig pencilled in for mid August. At a pub the Black Country but I don't think I'll be publicising it. I fear we are going to be a bit amateurish. @ Sarah - I wish they [b]would[/b] listen to me! In fact I wish they would all listen to each other. Some of it sounds like an audible mexican wave at the moment!! Nevertheless I am still hugely enjoying it. Feeling a lot more confident about everything now. If I can cope with this lot, I can cope with anything.
  23. That's fantastic news! And it sounds as though your band are actually [b]good. [/b] Whereas mine... well, best not say too much on an open forum
  24. 18 months. It's all too new to have any reflections yet, but rest assured I shall be treating BC to news of any developments! :-)
  25. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1341614554' post='1721999'] Totally cool! Remind me where Flea lives Devizes? [/quote] No, I think he lives in Nantuket. Over to you, discreet...
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