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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Respect! Ita great when our idols turn out to be decent human beans isn't it ?
  2. There is some brilliant advice in this thread and I'm going to try to take it all on board. In particular to pratice slowly so the mistakes dont become 'learned' and to practice in various distracting conditions. As an actor, I have known fellow actors get really arsey at rehearsals if for eg a stage tech is fiddling with the lighting or building the set around you. But I always think 'if I can keep going through this I'll easily cope with some old biddy rustling a packet of werthers originals, or some tosser receiving texts in the front row' So discreets advice about practising with distractions and not hearing properly makes a lot of sense to me.
  3. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1341508680' post='1720301'] Even if it comes to nothing, it is a damn sight easier moving from band to band than it is moving from 'nothing' to a band - so a 'win' whichever way you look at it. [/quote] Cheers for those kind words ian, especially the above. I was thinking exactly along those lines. Also huge thanks for the invite to your plug and play nights, but I really dont think we're ready to get out of the Black Country yet!
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1341505089' post='1720215'] It's great to put it in once you've mastered it but you'd be amazed how many covers bands don't bother and just stick to the root in that section! [/quote] I think I may have to resort to this actually. At least initially. Interesting to know I wouldnt be the only who dies this little cheat. That makes me feel a bit less stressed about it, ta.
  5. [quote name='Stingray5' timestamp='1341504405' post='1720199'] Sorry to hear that, you guys. Hopefully the one after... 'Shell... happy to continue where we left off in the jam room, if you so wish... [/quote] Ooh yes, definitely that would be ace! :-)
  6. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1341503553' post='1720184'] I always find the best way to approach songs you're finding tricky is to have a hissy fit, a bit of a strop and rant in front of the other band members, then, and only then refuse to play it...for artistic reasons of course [/quote] Hmmm yes, I like your thinking .. this idea has potential Better not play this card too soon though, or I will be out before I'm in! So to speak.
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1341500880' post='1720120'] Very sadly, I won't be able to make this due to gig commitments I'd love to be there, and to anyone who's not been, and is a bit nervous about going for whatever reason, don't be. It's the friendliest musical gathering I've ever been to, great fun, GAS inducing, knowledge increasing, and you have total freedom to geek-watch or geek out Superbly organised too. Hope you all have a great one. [/quote] Noooo!! It won't be the same without you! Last time, you tempted me into the jam room like a frightened rabbit. I was so looking forward to showing you my increased repetoire! I can play at least 4 notes now, lol I would definitely second what you say about going along if even if you are a bit nervous or feeling awkward for any reason. Everyone there will be lovely
  8. There are some nice ocatves in 'Paranoid' that I am struggling to get up to speed. The band I've just joined does a cover of this so I'm gonna have to get my finger out. Literally!! (Did I mention I was in a band? I think I may have alluded to it in passing, lol )
  9. Righto, I have done this. I answered yes I do use FB for promoting stuff, but then had to go on to say that it wasn't all that effective. But this is not to suggest that FB is no good for promoting things. It's just I don't use it very effectively. I just create an event and send out invites to people I know. This is usually for shows I'm in that are already being promoted in other ways (that may or may not inlude on line stuff) by a marketing person. If I was seriously using FB to promote things I would think about it more carefully. I'm sure you'll be taking all that sort of stuff into consideration when you write up your dissertation. But I just thought I'd mention it as I didn't want my response to skew your results.
  10. And I didn't even get paid for looking like this! (I would like to point out that I have a cushion stuffed up the front of my dress because I was supposed to be pregnant. All part of the plot, Micheal!)
  11. Thanks again everyone. You're right Monckyman, I'll have to put earplugs on my shopping list now. And I'm going to treat myself to a skull ring (that's a skull-shaped ring for your finger, discreet, before you start getting any ideas!! ) No seriously, I really am. I've always wanted one and I think it is 'de rigour' for an actual band member. And less extreme than getting a tattoo!
  12. [quote name='MysticGuitar' timestamp='1341472884' post='1719427'] I don't like long fingernails either, but that's probably because I've played guitar since I was a teenager and they interfere in the playing (for me). I never understood taking so much time to make fingernails long and painted or painting toenails. But then, I was raised with only brothers. I tend to be feminine in other ways and would rather spend my time pleasing my partner, making sure he's well taken care of, etc... Don't mind dressing up, but I'm not one to have a ton of clothes, shoes, nor matching handbag. I'm practical. Maybe that's why my guy married me..... haha... didn't even want a diamond ring.... [/quote] Yes, we can all celebrate our femininity in different ways. The thing is to be confident ourselves and our own 'look'. A bit offf topic, but on the subject of nail varnish - I don't usually bother on fingernails. It chips too easily. But on toenails, always! I had a dear friend (now sadly passed away) who was a beautiful glamour model and 'Starbird' (steady now, discreet!). One day she caught sight of my bare feet and exaclaimed 'Shelley! How [b]can [/b]you go around with those ghastly naked toe nails, get some nail polish on immediately'. She had the knack of making everything in to a joke so we had a good laugh about it. But I have worn nail varnish on my toes ever since!
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1341432652' post='1719059'] I strongly suspect that you've just posted that to the wrong forum... ...meanwhile lickmylatex.com is floundering while they try to work out what the hell a P Bass is... [/quote] Tee hee :-) I meant putting the bins out and changing light bulbs, obviously !! :-)
  14. Come to think of it, I have never seen a copy in WH Smith. I assume it only goes to certain branches. But I dont recall ever seeing one in Birmingham city centre even.
  15. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1341425617' post='1718868'] I suspect that it wasn't a woman that crafted that ad somehow seashell. Let's face it though, having chosen the bass as an instrument I doubt us females on here are girly girls [/quote] I dont feel particularly girly inside. But my genes have provided me with a curvaceous figure and a thin warbly singing voice. Maybe I'm playing bass to compensate!! Lol :-)
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341425970' post='1718877'] I thought you were doing it for yourselves. [/quote] Yes, I have been having to do it for myself lately...
  17. This has sent me into a complete feminist frenzy, and I'm having to breathe into a paper bag right now!! Have we achieved nothing, sisters??
  18. [i]O[/i] I forgot to mention - I would [b]love [/b]to see whole songs transcribed, with or without tab. I understand though that it must be really expensive. Maybe it's something you could consider once in a while? Like in a bumper Christmas issue or something??
  19. I have BGM on a gift subscription and I think I'll renew when it runs out. I don't think I'm your typical reader, in that I just skim through the reviews and glance at the pretty pictures. What I like are the interviews/articles about players and the 'lessons' at the back. I think these are all pretty good. It's great to read about bass players you know and love (eg the Entwistle and Duck Dunn features in the last couple of issues). But I also like reading about musicians who aren't so well known to me. If it grabs my itnerest it will inspire me to find out more. Don't listen to jaydentaku about the naked women! (I know he was just joking ). I like the fact that your mag is totally non sexist. I have nothing against seeing pictures of scantily clad people of either sex with basses - as long as they look as though they can play the bloody thing.
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1341392679' post='1718059'] OK keep it for now as long as I'm invited to one of your early gigs... [/quote] OK you're on! But we may not get a gig for ages and then you'll have to keep your long hair for ever, mwaa haa haa haa!!
  21. Thanks once again for all your great comments and encouragement. I'll keep you posted with any major developments Next rehearsal is Monday ....
  22. Thanks guys. It's mostly covers, although they have written a couple of originals.
  23. Bilbo will be along in a minute to convince you to try playing some jazz....
  24. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1341321938' post='1716975'] Sadly - there's a far greater chance of your band falling out and wanting to kill each other in a few months than there is of long lasting harmonious joy and pleasure for all but don't worry about that. This is the start of a new journey , and if it doesn't last there's no need to regard that as the end. And don't you dare stand at the back. [/quote] I'm used to showbiz fallings out, don't worry. You wouldn't believe what's going on with my so-called comedy group at the moment. All sorts of tantrums and flaming e-mails going round!! I'm not going to let them make me stand at the back 'cos I'm much prettier than the rest of them, lol
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