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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1341321439' post='1716958'] It is really good news you have found a band and you are happy with it. One slight note of caution, I have always found it best for me musically when I join a band and every member is miles better than me. Yes it is daunting and you feel uncomfortable but ultimately you will pull you socks up harder, practice for longer and make the journey to their level much quicker. I guess it depends on your ambition and goals. [/quote] Aah you're right. But that will be the next step (I hope!).
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341310279' post='1716637'] Let us know when your first gig is! I'll start collecting the vegetables... [/quote] It's all right, they are already in the band, lol, Many thanks everyone for your encouragement. I'm madly busy at work today so can't reply individually, but you are all really great for helping me celebrate this!!! BC'ers rock!!
  3. Forgive me for indulging myself with a separate thread about this, but I am dead chuffed and wanted to share the details. I have finally got meself in a band How it happened was this: A friend and work colleague played bass with this band, but left them on good terms to go onto something a bit more musically challenging. So they were looking for a bass player and he put in a good word for me. I went to have a bit of a jam with them last night and all went well. They are, shall I say, 'enthusuastic amateurs' and perhaps somewhat 'under-rehearsed'. But this was a massive boost for my confidence, as I quickly realised that I would be able to hold my own with them fairly easily. So for the very first time, I was not paralysed with fear at playing in front of other people and managed to relax and really give it some welly. Consequently played a lot better than usual. We played a few rock and blues standards for an hour, at the end of which they asked me if I had enjoyed it. I said yes and 'well,, what's next guys, are you going to let me know?'. The singer laughed and said ' I think it's realy sweet that you even asked that, of course you're in if you want to be'!! So the next step in my musical career has been taken. Onwards and upwards!!
  4. OK , I am really pissed and there are 2 threads :-) lol
  5. Am I really pissed, or have some posts disappeard from this thread?
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1341007519' post='1712905'] actually 'knowing where the notes are' [/quote] that's not my strong point either.....
  7. Reading this thread with interest. Muting is not my strong point ....
  8. Sounds like a good idea. Wish I lived nearer. Hope you get some takers :-)
  9. Born Under a Bad Sign - Albert King ...for a nice bit of Duck Dunn :-)
  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1340620277' post='1706977'] YAY!! Jealous. Seashell!!! Where are you? We need another meetup-cum-adventure and make this a long-running thread of awesomeness *goes off to check out the websites of West London venues for cool gigs* [/quote] I'm here! Been too busy to get on BC much this week, but yes we must meet up soon. Sounds like deb and spacechick had a great time. I'm jealous!
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1340307249' post='1702755'] Funilly enough I've always been paid quite well for playing for AmDram musicals. [/quote] Interesting point. Yes in my experience the musos often get paid for am dram musicals. But usually the musical director doesn't.
  12. This is a very interesting thread. It has made me think of many similarities with how people react to you as an actor or dancer. As an (amateur) chorus line dancer I used to get the 'well done, you looked as if you were enjoying it' comment the whole time. Of course that is the impression we want to create. But once in a while you'd like to get 'well done, that American timestep looked really difficult how did you do it so effortlessly'. As an actor the classic comment is ' how did you manage to learn all those lines?'. It's never 'how did you manage to transform yourself from a Brummie office administrator into an Oklahoma mother of 6 who has just seen her home bulldozed into a dust bowl?' The comments about whether or not you should play for free are interesting. You don't tend to get that kind of debate over amateur vs professional theatre. The amateur theatre scene has a long history and professionals just seem to accept that it exists in parallel. I wish I had time to comment more about why this should be but I'm in a bit of a rush. If I get time to return to this thread I might give you a more considered opinion!
  13. One by One - Foo Fighters. Because I'm trying to learn 'Times Like These' to play with my guitar playing chum. I thought it would be easy, but the 7/4 time sig is doing my head in a bit!!
  14. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1340294343' post='1702471'] Stuff with bongs in it. Thanks to Seashell! [/quote] Brilliant!! I should point out he means bongs as in sound effects.... I think!
  15. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1340273202' post='1701960'] I'm going to see Flight of the Conchords on the 26th of June. Not expecting to see many BCer's... [/quote] Ooh I wish I could come. I coud do with something to cheer me up right now. Unfortunately I have an Exam Board meeting the next day, otherwise I would just jump on a plane, obviously.
  16. I uesd to belong to PsychicChat, but all of a sudden they banned me. i didn't see that coming.......
  17. I was going to join Origamichat, but I hear it's folded..
  18. My b/f went out to buy a newspaper 2 years ago. He's still not back yet .. :-)
  19. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1339960473' post='1696892'] mmmm Mr Big........bass solo...run for the hills!!! [/quote] Fan bloody tastic IMO. And it's got one of the best drum intros ever. Listening to it right now and feeling a bit fuzzy That could be the vodka tho ...
  20. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1339955884' post='1696773'] I almost didn't click on the article, because I knew exactly what to expect and knew that I'd end up getting annoyed. Needless to say, after reading the article, I'm annoyed. But NME don't have a clue, and never will! [/quote] +1. 'twas ever thus. Favourire bass line tho'.... Now that's a poser. At the moment Andy Fraser on Creepin'. But that's just cos I 'm going thru a bit of a Free phase.
  21. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1339866165' post='1695646'] [i]One day I'll be one of the small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a plectrum[/i]. Tee hee hee. Nice one [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote]
  22. Anyway, I can't stop to chat . Gotta few guys I need to 'work my way around'. Busy, busy....
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