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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1339663112' post='1692058'] +1 for "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones! Great choir intro!e [/quote] Ooh yes this would sound great :-)
  2. When you find yourself talking to your instrument. Lately I've noticed myself saying 'in you go!' or 'out you come!' to the Fender when putting it in and taking it out of the gig bag. Though I'm not sure if that's the sign of being a real musician or a really mad old spinster
  3. [quote name='El Bajo' timestamp='1339589011' post='1690965'] When he ask me to play somthing, should I make HIM play something to hehe Thanks [/quote] Oh, and another thing! I think the above is a really good question. In my experience, you don't want your teacher to be playing too much in your valuable lesson time. My teacher really stretches me by making me do most of the playing on my own. If he sees I'm struggling he'll say 'Would you like me to play it with you?' which is a real help in the appropriate place. Only very occasionally have I seen him really 'take flight' and demonstrate something quite jaw dropping! But mostly he makes me do all the work!
  4. [quote name='Bass-Thing' timestamp='1339596379' post='1691156'] [b]I honestly believe having a good teacher is as essential as having a good bass and a good amp [/b](and possibly a regular gig). [b]You will know after one lesson if it's going to work or not[/b]. You know if you have hit the jackpot if the lesson seems to go quickly and you can't wait until the next one. In the same way you will know if it's not working if you are bored and can't wait for it to end. It is not worth persevering with a bad teacher so if it doesn't go well you should move on straight away. It's only happened to me a couple of times. If it's awkward not to book another lesson at the time, you can always call or text and cancel the next day. Bad teachers can be very good players but being able to teach is something special. I've been very lucky with teachers. If this one doesn't work out (fingers crossed he does), [b]I recommend asking your nearest music college if any of their bass faculty teach privately. I[/b] asked BIMM Brighton about this and I got referred to their head of bass who has been my teacher now for the last 3 years and become a good friend too. Very best of luck with this [/quote] I agree with all of this, especially the bits I've put in bold. I was so lucky I 'clicked' with my teacher straight away. I found him through a local college that does private lessons on the premesis, which is even better as you get to use the studio for your lesson. I can't foresee ever stopping lessons unless I fall on hard times financially. There is always something new to learn and I'm never going to 'catch up' with my teacher! I also agree with what BottomE says about location. I'm lucky I live in a big city where there is a lot going on. I hope you find a good teacher, as with the right person lessons are a real joy and not a slog.
  5. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1339606845' post='1691421'] Or you may get a bassist as a groupie... [/quote] Ha ha, I like that!
  6. Thanks gj .. that's good advice. I recently went to an open mic just to watch and meet the guy who runs it. It seemed quite civilised and friendly. It was quite small and there were several duos up so I think me and my friend might fit in OK. I think he'd let us do a slot if we asked him. (We have a few mutual aquaintances so I think he'd trust me not to be total rubbish) As for just turning up and jamming with other people.. I'd love to do that but it sounds very scary. I have been practising some blues and rock n roll at home though. I'll have to keep at it.
  7. Predictably, mine are going to be mostly 70's Rock Gods! Andy Fraser John Paul Jones John Entwistle Geezer Butler Roger Glover Jack Bruce Greg Lake Lemmy Paul McCartney and to come bang up to date .. Tim Commerford OK, I'll get me Afghan...
  8. OK a little update. I've got together a couple of times with a friend of mine who is learning guitar. She runs a small studio theatre in Brum, so we have been able to have a couple of practice sessions at the theatre during the day. We put it through the theatre PA and we were thrilled to hear ourselves that loud! A new experience for both of us. She's a bit hesitant as she's even more of a beginner than me, but she has a beautiful voice. I reckon if we practised 3 songs really hard we could get them good enough to go to an open mic without embarassing ourselves. People might even enjoy it! I'm going to suggest that to her when we meet up again this Sat. Meanwhile, I'd still love to have a a go playing with a drummer. So I'm keeping my ears open for opportunities and may consider advertising after I've built up a bit more experience.
  9. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1339503953' post='1689372'] Well, Mr Guru is hardly shy and retiring with a winsome voice, so it says something that they actually managed to hear you [/quote] Ha ha - maybe they couldn't hear me, and that's why they imagined I was good
  10. I love compliments! I had a few after my little gigs with Dik. I think they were more along the lines of 'well done you for standing up and giving it a go even though you clearly can only play 2 notes'. Nevertheless I lapped them up. I always try to give compliments after gigs, plays etc that I have really enjoyed. I know it takes a lot of hard work and bottle to get up and give a good performance of any kind.
  11. Is anyone going to, or performing at the Edinburgh festival this summer? I'm going to be there 15-19 August. I haven't been before and am really looking forward to it. If anyone else is going along and fancies meeting up, let me know. And if anyone is performing, defintely let me know and I'll try and catch your act.! seashell x
  12. I agree with flyfisher re: the mods It's a shame the love seems to have diminished from BC a bit lately. I'm sure this is just a temporary state of affairs. The weather doesn't help. Every aspect of my life seems to include grumpiness and misery at the moment so I really hope this doesn't spread to BC!
  13. [quote name='simonc61' timestamp='1339067520' post='1683106'] Andy Fraser and Tobi being interviewed here [url="http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk/"]http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk/[/url] sometime after 7pm tonight. [/quote] Ooh, thanks for this link simon
  14. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1338894165' post='1680586'] That's not true. I went out looking for an idiot on the corner at the end of my street. There was none there. Two and a half hours I waited on that corner for an idiot to arrive, and non came. I gave it 20 more minutes and then came home. [/quote] LOL!! :-)
  15. I have a brilliant teacher in Brum. He teaches weekends. I'll send you a p.m
  16. Great to see Andy looking so well. :-)
  17. Survey done. Wishing you successwith your course.
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1338556563' post='1676314'] If you can hear them laughing you're not playing loud enough [/quote] He he, well said :-)
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1338397362' post='1673963'] Cracking bit of female stereotype/cliche reinforcement going on there. [/quote] I didnt say it was cos I was female. It's just the way I am. Anyway, back on topic...who's up for GW's BBQ then? Sounds like a great idea to me.
  20. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1338391602' post='1673822'] One on Sat, three on Sun, one on Mon, one on Tue. Some are Jubilees but not quite sure which ones. They're gigs. [/quote] Glad to hear you're back gigging. Is your arm OK now?
  21. Thing is, Cental London is only 20 - 30 mins away from Walton on Thames (where Dad is) by train. A meeting involving bringing my bass would involve driving, and I'm a nervous driver, no good at following directions and hopeless at parking. Apart from that I'm fine! And of course I'm starting the journey in Birmingham. With the London and SE things I'm just a bit of a gate crasher really. Just tagging along if things are in the vicinity of Dad. I'm sure there will be plenty of 'proper' London bass players to make a meeting in Greenwich go with a swing.
  22. @ JakeBrownBass - thanks for posting that 'pie chart' suggestion. I've printed it off and I'm going to try it out. I try to fit in about an hour a day. My teacher has recently given me a new hand out with a long practice routine on it. Divided into scales, theory, finger exercises etc and then all the songs we're working on. Trouble is it takes me about an hour to wade throught the exercises and then I don't have time for the songs. So I have been trying to mix it up a bit, but the trouble is sometimes I find I haven't done a certain thing for days and then I've half forgotten it. So now I'm going to try putting it all on a circle chart thingy like you suggest and this will help me be a bit more systematic and not miss anything out. One thing I have found that works for me though is this - at the end of a practice session I always reward myself by just having a blast for a few minutes playing something I really love and know fairly well. At the moment it's Jumpin Jack Flash Or sometimes when it's really hard to get off the sofa and start practising I will say to myself 'OK, I'll just play the 'reward' song a coupla times for fun'. Then before I know it, I'm doing my proper practising!
  23. A BBQ at GW's sounds lovely, but I'm afraid it's a bit far East for me I just really link up with you Lunnoners if there is something going on within easy reach of Dad's when I am paying him one of my regular visits. But Greenwich would be a bit difficult to get to. Anyway, I'll keep an eye out for other meet ups which might be a bit easier. The SE Bass Bash for instance - if that's in Addlestone again I'll be up for it.
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