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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1338064264' post='1669272'] Nige before he got told off for smoking... tut tut, naughty boy! [/quote] Yeh, it was so rock n roll! Smoking in an outdoor area! Nige really stuck it to The Man, lol :-)
  2. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1338056318' post='1669142'] Anyway, I'm back home trying not to nod off. All this mincing and drinking in the afternoon sun is hard work. [/quote] I've just had a little nap meself. Can't stand the pace any more..
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1338053000' post='1669083'] You aren't wearing BlueJay's make up or mincing around in a dress in the photos... [/quote] He did mince around in a hawaian shirt though!! :-)
  4. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1338051175' post='1669054'] The perfect afternoon, spent with fine company. [/quote] Agreed. :-) A small but select gathering.
  5. Just about to soak this up now.:-) Glass of wine in hand .
  6. Enjoy! Tell us about it tomorrow :-)
  7. Good, glad we're still on. Hope Sean's still in as well. Can't believe no-one's taken him up on the jah wobble ticket yet!
  8. Well it seriously looks like it might just be me and Sylvia the rate this is going. I'm still up for it as I'm down south now anyway and a day out in london would be nice. And all the better if I can meet one or two nice people for lunch. :-)
  9. We haven't heard from Brummie, BigJim or thunderbird13 for a while. Hope they are still in or it might just end up with 4 or 5 of us. (4 or 5 quality people I hasten to add!)
  10. Looking forward to it now, should be fun I reckon we should have a BC drinking game, based on whenever someone mentions the following: pre-amp = 1 sip truss rod = 2 sips clutterbuck = 3 sips impedance = 4 sips That's what I'll be doing anyway, if you all start going all 'techie' !!
  11. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1337831275' post='1666109'] I am on crutches, stairs are my enemy... [/quote] There's probably disabled access somewhere. Legal requirement, I would have thought. Maybe a lift from the bar or something?
  12. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1337692557' post='1664032'] Going back to the OP... if it's Bandmix, StarNow or similar, then they've just been asked to put themselves in a bracket form a limited set of choices. A nicer category might be "accomplished", meaning if you hire me for the job then I expect I'll be able to do what you want. But given the choice between "intermediate" and "expert", then IMO it's reasonable for an accomplished player to describe themselves as expert. [/quote] This is true, it can really depend on the context in which you have to describe yourself. Although only an amateur actor I have an acting CV that makes me sound like Dame Judi Dench. And under 'special skills' (the heading where luvvies tend to list fencing, horseriding etc) I have had the nerve to put 'Bass Guitar - Intermediate and Drums - Beginner. Meaning I know a couple of notes on bass and once looked at a drum kit!! But you do have to big yourself up a bit sometimes. The trick is to do it without looking like a pretentious tw*t. [size=2]Edited to tone down rude experession. I thought there was some auto editor that would do it for me! [/size]
  13. All sounds very nice! I might get there a bit early and have a mooch around before meeting you good people. Haven't been to the South Bank for many years, so I will be a bit of a tourist for a day
  14. Looks like the sun's gonna shine on our little gathering.
  15. That's a fascinating and surreal story, Brancini!
  16. Again, many many thanks for all the hugs, virtual beers, and encouragement! :-) @ johngh ... many thanks for that suggestion, that is so nice of you and I do appreciate it. I [b]really[/b] don't think I'm ready for depping to AC/DC yet though. But it would be great to come along and watch some time. Do let me know when something is coming up. @icastle.. likewise, it would be great to come along to one of the nights you run. Please let me know if anything comes up. @ basstractor .... good point! I hadn't really thought about what to do if Dik wants to continue as I just assume he won't! TBH I don't think he will really have time, because he already plays drums in another band and the new woman lives about 30 miles away, so I think most of his spare time will be taken up with all of that now. But if he does suggest it, I think I will need to politely decline. @ karlfer.. sadly I can't actually play along to any full IM track yet. Just learning a few bits and trying to get them up to speed. But it's all good fun, and refreshes the spirit! @ everyone ... huge thanks once again. Everything is looking better already now the sun is shining! hugs back (( )) shell x
  17. Thanks again for all this great input. Once again BC rallies round in time of need. I've just got to get my finger out now, haven't I? Jam nights would be a good idea and my teacher even suggested that to me. The thing is having the nerve to go in on your own. I think the answer might be to just go along to watch a few times first just to get the feel of it. So I'm trying to drag a friend along to one this week or next week just to see how the land lies. Then I'll have to think about putting something on joinmyband or gum tree. As BottomE says I'm probably best out of it now. It has been great to practice with Dik over the last year as it has given me such valuable experience as a beginner. But time to move on now in more ways than one. I don't want to turn into one of those females who has to call her Ex every time she needs a light bulb changing! I'm going to go home now and have a nice long practice on my own. I feel a bit of Iron Maiden coming on!
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1337603121' post='1662515'] I don't think it would be advisable for me to post a pic of my second favourite pastime... [/quote] Why not? What's wrong with a picture of you sitting at your keyboard posting on Basschat
  19. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1337527405' post='1661408'] My first lesson was AWESOME!!! Had soooo much fun, and am now playing 12 bar blues [/quote] Really glad you got that AWESOME feeling If you get the right teacher, you really can't beat it.
  20. Oh I see Dave, I thought you meant you couldn't get there till late. But you were talking about the recce with bluejay. I'll shut up now as I'm just confusing the issue!
  21. I'm happy to hang on until later as long as some others are up for it. Who have we got coming now? Looking back at this thread it seems we are expecting: Brummie ras52 BigJim Billyapple Plus us 2 girls and hopefully Dave in the early evening. Also there is a rumour that discreet might put in an appearance! Doesn't seem a huge amount so far... any other takers out there??
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1337590797' post='1662262'] Feeling like this: - is really pants [/quote] Well at least it's better than this: ! Many thanks for all the input and encouragement guys. I guess I've just gotta grit my teeth and get out there. @ Graham56 - It would be great if I could find some sort of ensemble class. You'd think there would be something like that going on in Brum but I haven't come across anything. I used to work in a college that ran evening classes for various instruments, but they had to close due to changes in funding. Basically the colleges can no longer get funding for anything that doesn't lead to a qualfiication so all the 'leisure' type courses ended up folding. I personally wouldn't mind paying full cost fees but there aren't enough people around who are willing or able to do so and hence the shortage of classes. Nevertheless, I will do a bit of googling again to see if I can find anything. @gefoffbyrne - the above answers your question I'm in Birmingham
  23. Many thanks for doing all that footwork, bluejay It sounds to me as if RFH would be the best bet from what you and Dave are saying. Plus its really close to Waterloo, which is where my train from Walton on Thames will arrive. So couldn't be handier for me, ha ha! It's really miserable to sit in outside venue when it isn't actually raining but is cold, damp and gloomy. Which it now seems to be permanently in this country. Not that I'm being pessimistic or anything I'm still hoping for a change in the weather and we have a good plan either way. Thanks again bluejay. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
  24. Well I feel a bit sorry for myself at the moment as I have reached a bit of a setback in my fledgling music career. As you may know, I have been learning bass for just over a year. In that time I have been lucky enough to do 3 little gigs with Dik the comic songster. But more importantly I have been pracitising with him roughly weekly. At the moment it is my only opportunity to get together to play with another musician. It has been fun and challenging because he plays mostly by ear and I think it really compliments the more theoretical stuff I get in my lessons. Plus I really enjoy showing Dik what I have learned in the lessons - he is the only person I know who would be genuinely interested. But here comes the personal complication. Dik is also my Ex. Which has been working out fine over the last 18 months or so. We both have been happier single and both have moved on and done exciting new things. And have managed to remain friends as we split up quite amicably with no-one else invlovled. Well of course now the inevitable has happened and yesterday he announced he is seeing someone else. Which made me feel a bit weird. Sort of like this: Anyway. although he says he wants to remain friends etc etc, I do think this is the end of our music collaboration now. I have no idea what the new woman thinks about him coming round my place to practice or if she even knows. But I don't think it's really appropriate now. It would be different if we were in a band with other people, or even if we went somewhere neutral to rehearse. But it just being the 2 of us rehearsing round my place somehow feels wrong now. It's really hard to seperate the music from the personal in all this and it's doing my head in a bit today. But anyway, what I now need is a plan to move on. I need to find some other people to play with! I don't think I'm really ready to join a proper band yet. I've been having a look at various ads on joinmyband. I'm too old for most and too inexperienced for many. I don't think I'm ready to start my own band yet either. I was wondering about maybe putting up an ad along the lines of 'bass player seeks musicians to practice with'.? Just to see if there may be other people out there who would fancy a regular get together to try out a few things without actually thinking of trying to form a band and get gigs etc. What do you think folks? Feel free to offer hugs, comiserations, suggestions. But don't tell me to pull myself together, I'm not a pair of curtains.
  25. Hey Ian, thanks for the invite. Your mates from Music Radar are a great bunch of lads. Never thought I'd end up on drums with a room full of people I'd only just met. Life is surreal sometimes! ..:-)
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