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Everything posted by seashell

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335617091' post='1633756'] I just don't know. Was pearl ever a standard Fender guard finish (apart from Custom Shop)? [/quote] I have no clue about that. I just like shiny things! :-)
  2. Clarky to HJ 'Turn yer bass upside down and let that woman with the camera have a go on it!'
  3. I think it looks great. I've got a white Fender P and I'm looking at it right now imagining that lovely pearly pickguard on it. I'd keep my black p/ups tho I think.
  4. Just stick in an exceptional circunstances form explaining how GAS is a recognised medical condition that affects you just during exam time. Make sure you back it with evidence - there's at least one doctor here on BC who might be willing to sign something resembling a dr's note!
  5. Radio 1. Largley sh*te when I was of the age group it's aimed at, and it hasn't improved as far as I can see. TG for 2, 4, 4 extra and 6 music !! I always have a radio on when I'm at home. Well done though for getting on it Dave!!
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1335269774' post='1628314'] You really would think this is obvious, wouldn't you? Yet some people don't bother, and think they can learn material through osmosis, or divine intervention, or telepathy, or some such! [/quote] The Vulcan Mind Meld! I've often wished I could learn that way!
  7. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1335176993' post='1626620'] I thought I was overdoing it with a Peavey TKO80. I saw Heaven and Hell at the Albert Hall a couple of years back and, unbelieveably, they were drowned out on the volume front by the support band Lamb of God who are the loudest thing I have ever experienced. Thank God for ear plugs. [/quote] To (mis)quote Homer Simpson...'I've been to plenty of rock concerts and it hasn't affected my hearing. Why doesn't someone answer that telephone?'
  8. The Band Had an old friend round for dinner and we put this on in memory of Levon Helm. And raised a glass or several.
  9. I'm getting the feeling from all this that I really should try to take the plunge! I mentioned it to my bass teacher yeasterday and he said he thought I was definitely ready to join a band right now. I was dead chuffed. He said he'd keep an ear out for me. Then I went had a bit of a jam with a friend of mine who's learning guitar. So I felt like I'd been playing bass pretty well all day! Nice
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334878764' post='1623018'] That means nothing. Young master discreet (9) is currently in love with Led Zeppelin. [/quote] Ah yes but there was the Monkees cluette as well. Well done to the young master for getting into Zep BTW!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334877605' post='1622984'] At your age? You can only be but a young strip of a lass. If not, you're certainly ageing very well! [/quote] Oh you flatter me, sir. Cheers for saying so though. :-) Although Im not admitting to my true age you can probably get a few clues from my taste in music! But back on topic...I have come to the conclusion that if i wait till i think im ready to join a band then I never will. So I'm going to try to take the plunge this year. I fear this is where the age thing might become a bit of a problem. Whos going to want a middle aged novice?
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334833606' post='1621986'] Tricky. I'm not ageist (just old) but I would say generally one learns things more quickly when young, no? Not that age should exclude anyone from doing anything of course, he added quickly. With the possible exception of base jumping. [/quote] True you learn quicker when young. But thats not to say you cant make progress when old. I have learned sh*t loads in the last year and a bit. And in some ways its all the more satisfying cos I never thought Id learn anything new at my age.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1334742648' post='1620449'] If there really [i]were [/i]BC condoms, I would wear one at every conceivable opportunity. I didn't really want to post this, as I'm [i]very [/i]hungover in this pic and have lost a fair bit of weight since (and gained a fair bit of hair, too) but anyway, as requested... [/quote] Hurrrr, Phworr, Fnarrr, Arrrr .... etc ....but that's a rather small instrument.. etc etc
  14. I'm sure I have seen a picture of mr discreet in a fetching BC polo shirt and ukulele combination. Where did that go?
  15. Today I am mostly learning Hotel California. I have a friend who is learning guitar and we are getting together next week have a go at playing a few things. This is one of the songs she knows so I'm trying to learn it too. I think I've pretty well got it now except for the outro.
  16. I'm going to bed now. Before skank completely destroys my world. :-0
  17. Well i was inspired to go out and get a lyndrd skynrd cd today. I've been playing it in the car and have been in twiddly widdly heaven :-)
  18. Thats a lovely pic, Bluejay! It's going to get discreet into a giddy spin!!
  19. Sorry its this phone again. Quoted daves post without saying why. When i told my bass teacher i had been to neil murray masterclass at LBGS he was dead impressed. He has had lessons off him himself and rates him as a top player.
  20. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1334328547' post='1614697'] Annoyed the hell out of me that did cause I'm a huge fan of Neil Murray. Jack Bruce and Neil were probably my biggest influences so i was really into covering that particular version and giving it my best as a matter of respect for the original bass line done by Neil. Check his live performance using a Kramer. Some of his runs are incredible. Hugely under-estimated bassist IMO. Dave [/quote]
  21. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1334328547' post='1614697'] Annoyed the hell out of me that did cause I'm a huge fan of Neil Murray. Jack Bruce and Neil were probably my biggest influences so i was really into covering that particular version and giving it my best as a matter of respect for the original bass line done by Neil. Check his live performance using a Kramer. Some of his runs are incredible. Hugely under-estimated bassist IMO. Dave [/quote]
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