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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I dont do drugs, but I'll bring some goose sandwiches! :-)
  2. Many thanks for organising this, Bluejay. As usual I'll be combining this with a trip down to Surrey to visit my ancient old Dad. It will make a refreshing change. When I get fed up with all the demented rambling, repetitions of old stories and spilling of dinner onto trousers.... I'll go and visit Dad!!! Just joking, BCers... looking forward to seeing you all on 26th.
  3. Beat me, Daddio, eight to the bar. .. or don't people tend to say that any more?
  4. Sorry folks, didnt mean to quote bluejays entire post there. Posting from my phone and havnt quite got the hang of it yet. I just meant to say i agree with bluejays suggestion!
  5. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1334169032' post='1612015'] OK quick recap of suggestions so far. Possible dates: Sat 26/Sun 27 May Sun 10 June Sat 16/Sun 17 June Places: Hammersmith Riverside South Bank More London Riverside - Tower Bridge The Montague Pike on the Charing Cross Road/St James's Park Picnic in a reasonably central green space (including the above) if weather allows I'd be perfectly happy with any of the above, but let's say that I suggest either Sat 26 or Sun 27 May at More London Riverside, as I've actually never been there - what's shown on the website looks nice. Meeting up around 12 or 1pm? I imagine the place would also be suitable for a picnic if we decided to try our luck? Let me know what you all think! [/quote]
  6. What a lovely idea, bluejay. I think I could do any of those dates
  7. Same with a ballerina's feet. Good luck tonight Nigel. I can't believe you ever make mistakes ! :-)
  8. Welcome. You'll like it here :-)
  9. Glad you asked, Pete. I didn't know what it was either. I even googled it but couldn't find it!
  10. This is a brilliant thread. There are some fantastic stories on here. I am lost in admiration. And slightly scared.
  11. I was wondering that. My best friend, bless her, got me a subscription for xmas.
  12. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1333549668' post='1603385'] In terms of tempo I'm always fighting on the drummer's side, but the singer can do anything: sing two verses, add a chorus, be late into a verse, go round again... and if I miss it, that's my fault. Gotta be on that sh*t in a nanosecond. But as for the singer, if there's a good song that he wants done a certain way or else he probably won't do it, then I guess I have to go along with it. I[/quote] I haven't even played with a drummer yet! Just with a singer/songwriter who does all of the above to his own songs. Especially going round again and again. Cos they're comedy songs he does it to build up to the 'punch line' but it all depends on the audience reaction how many times he goes round! It's not easy for a beginner to follow all this I can tell you. Plus he's now accusing me of making the bass lines too twiddly which apparently puts him off. I can barely play 2 notes anyway, and now I've just about increased my repetoire to 4 notes he thinks that's too complex!!
  13. Aw, you must have been really close to getting it. Don't know if that makes it better or worse! Bloody well done for getting that close though.
  14. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1333543715' post='1603235'] **thinks some more: the singer is always right, the singer is always right, the singer is always right, the singer is always right...* Me. Oh, okay. Weak, I am. Weak. [/quote] I feel your pain. I am new to this bass playing lark, and I am beginning to realise I have a LOT of things to learn. The above being one of them.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333536206' post='1602984'] I'd be tempted to train his ear, like this: 'GET OUT!!' [/quote] Yes this episode did lead to a little altercation. My first rock n roll argument! But now I am actually wondering if he will ask me to play with him again, which would be a shame as no other bugger would want me.
  16. Him: I sing in a different key when I'm warming up my voice to when I'm performing so you'll just have to learn everything in 2 different keys. Self: OK, which 2 keys for this song then? Him: (Fitting capo) If you're a proper musician you don't need to bother about all the boring theory, figure it out for yourself. Oh well, I guess it's one way to train my ear.
  17. Calm down chaps, you've over stepped the mark there. I mean Duran Duran, I ask you
  18. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1333473703' post='1602302'] ..... And best of luck for Linus27 [/quote] Yes, the suspense is killing me, so I don't know what it must be doing for him! [b]Massive [/b]respect to all of you though for getting that far!
  19. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1333472436' post='1602274'] Ooh, Harsh! Anyway, anyone who took the time to apply and those who got a bigger stab at this, is a big boy in my book. Remember, it's not the size of your instrument, but how you twang it! [/quote] Get yerself over to the 'double entendres' thread!
  20. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1333471356' post='1602245'] Brum is the birthplace of heavy metal. Nothing can take that away. RESPECT. Nuff said. [/quote] Yes indeed!!
  21. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1333470947' post='1602236'] On second thoughts, for Discreet's sake, better not! [/quote] Good grief no, he's having an episode right now!! Edit: I was going to say 'having a stroke' or 'having a seizure' but either of those phrases would just have made it worse!
  22. Well I'm not a Brummie by birth, but I actually [b]chose [/b]to live here, which deserves a few brownie points I reckon! Been here 16 years now, so maybe am some sort of honorary Brummie?
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333457893' post='1601943'] Phil, you should steal Seashell's avatar pic - just to make the confusion complete. [/quote] The way to tell the difference is: if the post is about actually being able to play a bass properly and being in a band and stuff - it's Phil. If the post is some infantile nonsense in Off Topic - it's me!!
  24. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1333457215' post='1601929'] He'd probably been instructed to do it as an important part of the composition by the Captain. [/quote] He he, that could be true
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